
Why this project?

This project introduces you to the fundamentals of web APIs with Node.js frameworks. Using your own private blockchain to create a web API is a huge first step toward developing your own web applications that are consumable by a variety of web clients.

Build your Project

Select a Node.js framework

Before building the project, one has to choose their preferred Node.js framework from the following:

  • Hapi.js
  • Express.js
  • Sails.js

I have choosen Express.js for the implementation.

How to Run

The framework choosen will interface with the private blockchain( To run, clone/download the private blockchain repo.

Configure API service to the appropriate port

Added the server.js to configure the API service to the appropriate port.

Configure two endpoints - GET & POST

Added the BlockController.js to create two endpoints, which allow the application to accept user requests.

Install Dependencies

npm install express - Installs the Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.

npm install body-parser - Node.js body parsing middleware, which parses incoming request bodies in a middleware before your handlers, available under the req.body property.

To run the project type npm start in the command prompt and on successful launch, it displays the message below:

Listening for port

Testing the endpoints

Several tools are available on the internet to assist with API development and testing.

-Postman is a powerful tool used to test web services.

-CURL is a command-line tool used to deliver requests.

I have used Postman for testing.

GET Block Endpoint - Tested using Postman

Configure a GET request using URL path with a block height parameter.


URL: http://localhost:8000/block/0


GET block 0

URL: http://localhost:8000/block/100


Block does not exist!

GET block 100

POST Block Endpoint - Tested using Postman

Post a new block with data payload option to add data to the block body.

URL: http://localhost:8000/block

KEY:body VALUE:Data Added from Postman


POST block

URL: http://localhost:8000/block


Pass data to the block using data payload option!

POST without data

GET block which is added using POST

URL: http://localhost:8000/block/11

GET data after POST