
Create Dapp on Ethereum and deploy it to rinkeby

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build CryptoStar Dapp on Ethereum

This project involves creating a Dapp on Ethereum network. OpenZeppelin library is used to create the ERC721 token and put them on public Ethereum Networks.

Tools required

  • Truffle
  • Truffle Boxes
  • Metamask
  • Infura

Build your project

The boilerplate code is available at: https://github.com/udacity/boilerPlateDAPPproject

  • Make sure you have truffle installed and this project uses truffle box webpack boilerplate.

  • Connect to Metamask to connect to Rinkeby network.

  • Setup Infura and add the Rinkeby API to the truffle-config file.

How to Run

1.Clone/download the project repo.

2.In the command prompt, run: npm install

3.For starting the development console, run: 'truffle develop`

4.Compile and test the contract using compile and test

compile success

test case success

5.Once it successfully passes all the test migrate it to the rinkeby network using truffle migrate --reset --network rinkeby

6.For running the Front End of the DAPP, open another terminal from project directory, and run: npm run dev npm run dev

7.Project is running at http://localhost:8080/

Project screen

Create a Star

To create a star, ensure you are logged in to Metamask and enter the details to create a star. Once Metamask confirms the transaction, the owner of the star is displayed on the screen.

Create a Star

Metamask Confirmation

On successful creation, it displays the address of the star owner.

display star owner

Lookup a Star

To lookup a star, enter the token id of the star and it returns the name of the star.

lookup star

ERC-721 Token name - My Star Token

ERC-721 Token symbol - MST

token name

Token address - 0x9Bf81F64C7Eb91bea8bCeF489F94584Ac924Bede

token address