
Build Your Own Private Blockchain

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Building Your Own Private Blockchain


Building your Private Blockchain utilizing Node.js with LevelDB.

Getting Started

  1. Download the project.
  2. Run npm install to install the project dependencies
  3. The project uses the following dependencies npm install level - Fast and Simple storage wrapper npm install crypto-js - JavaScript library of crypto standards

Project files & Purpose

  1. Block.js - Creates a new block

  2. Blockchain.js - Creates a new blockchain class which has the following methods

    generateGenesisBlock - Creates Genesis block when the BlockChain is created
    getBlockHeight - Method that returns the height of the BlockChain
    getBlock - Method to get the block data
    addBlock - Method to add block to the BlockChain
    validateBlock - Method that validates the blocks
    validateBlockLink - Method that validates the link(hash) between the blocks
    validateBlockChain - Method that validates the blockchain
    _modifyBlock - Utility method to modify block(for testing)
    clearDBData - Utility method to clear test data

  3. LevelSandbox.js - Implements the data interaction for your Private Blockchain. It is the Data Access Layer for the application

    addLevelDBData - Method that adds data to LevelDB.
    getLevelDBData - Method to fetch data from LevelDB.
    getBlocksCount - Method to get the count(key) from Level DB.
    delLevelDBData - Utility method to delete the test data.
    getAllBlocks - Utility method to fetch entire data.

  4. simpleChain.js - File which has all the methods to test the various functionalities to validate the BlockChain.

    In order to validate a BlockChain, the block is validated first and later the link(hash) between the blocks is validated. This ensures that the blocks are not tampered and broken. Once a block becomes Invalid, the entire blockchain becomes Invalid notifying all the blocks following the tampered block.

How to Run

Open command prompt and type node simpleChain.js (make sure the functionality to be tested is uncommented)

  1. Create Test blocks

Screenshot of the test blocks

  1. Get the height of the chain

Height of the chain

  1. Validate the blockchain

Validating the blockchain

  1. Tampering a block(data) and validating Tampered block

  2. Validating the Blockchain as there is a tampered block Invalid Blockchain

  3. Tampering a block by changing prevHash and validating Tampered Hash

  4. Validating the entire chain with tampered blocks/hash Invalid blockchain