
This is an Online HealthCare Management Application developed using SpringBoot and Angular 12 with spring security & JWT token based authentications

Primary LanguageHTML

HealthCareManagement ❤️

For more such developments, visit my Portfolio

Features 💬

  • It is a HealthCare Management System which can facilitate you to check your hospital status, profile information, doctor information, check slots, book doctor appointments, review the appointments, generate and print your respective prescriptions and manage the entire application.
  • It has 3 modes of operation as 1) ADMIN 2) DOCTOR 3) USER

ADMIN Mode 🔭

This mode makes you as an admin and you can perform various activities like...

  • Adding a Doctor
  • Managing Users/patients
  • Managing Doctors
  • Check the available Doctor Slots
  • view Doctor List, Patient List, User List
  • Accept or Reject the Doctors when they register as a new Doctor for this application
  • Get various details on the admin dashboard as Total User, Total doctors, Total slots, Patients, Prescriptions given & Appointments booked.

DOCTOR Mode ❤️

This mode makes you as a doctor and you can perform various activities like...

  • Dcotor can register for a new account in-order to login to the portal
  • Check the available doctors List
  • check the his/her today's appointments
  • check his/her patient list
  • View & Edit doctor profile details
  • Add you available slot and check slot schedules
  • check your registration approval as a valid doctor by the ADMIN
  • Add new patient prescription
  • Get various details on the doctor dashboard as Total Prescriptions given, Total doctors, Total slots, Patients.

USER Mode 😄

This mode makes you as a user and you can perform various activities like...

  • User can register for a new account in-order to login to the portal
  • Check the available doctors List
  • check the available slots for booking
  • View & Edit user profile details
  • Book a New Appoinment
  • check your appointment approval by the doctor
  • view your doctors prescription and print it.
  • Get various details on the user dashboard as Total User, Total doctors, Total slots, Patients.

[Additional Feature: The user can even print their respective prescriptions]

About Project Development 🥅

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 12.0.3.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.

Build ⚡

Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Running unit tests 🚀

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via a platform of your choice. To use this command, you need to first add a package that implements end-to-end testing capabilities.

Further help 💬

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.


Front End 📫

Angular HTML5 CSS3 TypeScript jQuery Bootstrap JavaScript Font Awesome Material-UI Material Design Icons Google Fonts

Server Side ⚡

Spring Boot Java Spring Spring Boot Spring Boot Spring Boot Hibernate

Database 🥅


Development 🔭


Development Tools 📺

Postman Spring Visual Studio Code

UI overview ❤️

Landing Page

image image image

Login Page




Registration Page


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Admin Dashboard

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Adding Doctor

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Approve Doctors

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Doctor List

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User List


Patient List

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Doctor Dashboard

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Edit Doctor Profile

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Doctor's Approval Status

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Add Booking slots

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Doctor List

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Patients List

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Doctor's Today Appointments

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Add New Prescription

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User Dashboard

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Edit User Profile


Doctor List

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Check Available Slots

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Book New Appointment

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Check Appointment Approval Status

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View Appointment Approval Status

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Check Patient's Prescription

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View Patient's Prescription

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Print Prescription


For more queries, reach me through gowthamraj692@gmail.com or whatsapp @ 9698382306

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Project Developed & Maintained By


Connect with me 👋:

code-Jamm.in GowthamRaj | YouTube GowthamRaj GowthamRaj  | Twitter GowthamRaj  | LinkedIn GowthamRaj  | Instagram

Copyright-and-license 📌

Code and documentation Copyright 2021 : Gowthamraj K