
Movie Recommender System for Machine Learning for Hackers #4

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This project trains 3 layer feedforward neural network over a dataset of MovieLens-based user ratings to generate movie recommendations. This the code for 'Build a Movie Recommender' on Youtube.


[Just run this on the preconfigured AWS image so you don't have to worry about this -- these dependencies aren't trivial]

Basic Usage

  1. Create a GPU instance in the US East N. Virginia region using the preconfigured AMI [Amazon Machine Image] called 'ami-d6f2e6bc'
  2. Download this repo, then upload it to the root directory of that instance via FileZilla
  3. SSH into that instance and compile this project via the following commands
cd amazon-dsstne/src/amazon/dsstne
#Add the mpiCC and nvcc compiler in the path
export PATH=/usr/local/openmpi/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH
export PATH=`pwd`/bin:$PATH
cd samples
g++ commands.cpp demo.cpp 

Demo.cpp is the code from the video tutorial. It'll generate a set of recommendations from the dataset in the recs file.


Credit for this library goes to the DSSTNE team at Amazon. I've merely created a C++ wrapper around all of the important functions to get people started.