

Primary LanguageShell


  1. Installer docker : http://docs.docker.com/installation/
  2. Cloner le repo git : "git clone https://github.com/marchal-julien/docker-agimusng docker-agimusng"
  3. cd docker-agimusng
  4. Build the container : "docker build -t agimus-ng ."
  5. Run container : "docker run -i -p ES_LOCAL_PORT:9200 -p KB_LOCAL_PORT:5601 -v PERSISTANT_PATH:/persistant -t agimus-ng /bin/bash"
  6. ES_LOCAL_PORT : port out of container (local) to use elasticsearch
  7. KB_LOCAL_PORT : port out of container (local) to use kibana
  8. PERSISTANT_PATH : path out of container (local) to store persistant data of container (must be a real path)
  9. Find container IP
  10. on linux : "/sbin/ifconfig docker0 | grep "inet adr" | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'" 2; on windows using boot2docker : boot2docker.exe ip
  11. Use your browser
  12. go to Elasticsearch : http://DOCKER_IP:9200
  13. go to KOPF (health dashboard): http://DOCKER_IP:9200/_plugin/kopf/
  14. go to Sense (request editor): http://DOCKER_IP:9200/_plugin/marvel/sense/
  15. go to Kibana : http://DOCKER_IP:5601

To stop this container "exit"