
Installs Kohana with easy commands

Primary LanguagePHP

Kohana Installer

The ko cli script helps you automate (and thus eliminate) the redundant steps that you need to take in order to install Kohana successfully through either the console by means of a git repo or by going to the official website and downloading the zip file manually.



For global access by all users, move the ko file into /usr/bin.

 wget https://raw.github.com/goyote/kohana-installer/master/ko -O /usr/bin/ko
 chmod 0755 /usr/bin/ko

Now all users get access to ko, login and type ko on the command line to see the help screen or type ko install to see something happen.


Open a shell and specify a command to run:

install: Installs Kohana by downloading the latest zip file from the official website.

$ ko install                                  <- Downloads Kohana to "./kohana"
$ ko install --name=myapp                     <- Downloads Kohana to "./myapp"
$ ko install --path=my/other/dir              <- Downloads Kohana to "./my/other/dir/kohana"
$ ko install --path=my/other/dir --name=myapp <- Downloads Kohana to "./my/other/dir/myapp"
$ ko install --mode=755                       <- Uses mode "755" instead of "777" for new files/dirs

Note: When using --path, if a dir does not exist, it will be created.

Note: When using --path, the permissions on existing dirs will not get overridden (by design.)

git: Sets up a new git repo, adding the Kohana modules as git submodules.

$ ko git                               <- Sets up a new repo in "./kohana"
$ ko git --name=myapp                  <- Sets up a new repo in "./myapp"
$ ko git --path=other/dir              <- Sets up a new repo in "./other/dir/kohana"
$ ko git --path=other/dir --name=myapp <- Sets up a new repo in "./other/dir/myapp"
$ ko git --mode=755                    <- Uses mode "755" instead of "777" for new files/dirs
$ ko git --modules=orm,database        <- Installs only the orm and database modules (the default is all official ones)
$ ko git --tag=3.1                     <- index.php, bootstrap.php and .htaccess are fetched with this tag, submodules default to master branch

Installation based on the official guide: http://kohanaframework.org/3.2/guide/kohana/tutorials/git

skeleton: Builds a skeleton of dirs for sharing Kohana between multiple projects.

$ ko skeleton                              <- Creates the dirs "./{projects,kohana,modules}"
$ ko skeleton --name=apps                  <- Creates the dirs "./{apps,kohana,modules}"
$ ko skeleton --path=other/dir             <- Creates the dirs "./other/dir/{kohana,kohana,modules}"
$ ko skeleton --path=other/dir --name=apps <- Creates the dirs "./other/dir/{apps,kohana,modules}"
$ ko skeleton --mode=755                   <- Uses mode "755" instead of "777" for new files/dirs

More information @ http://kohanaframework.org/3.2/guide/kohana/tutorials/sharing-kohana

system: Downloads the "system" directory from GitHub (may be used in conjunction with skeleton.)

$ ko system              <- Clones github.com/kohana/core (master branch) into "./system"
$ ko system --tag=v3.1.0 <- Clones github.com/kohana/core and checks out tag "v3.1.0" into "./3.1.0"
$ ko system --mode=755   <- Uses mode "755" instead of "777" for new files/dirs

modules: Downloads all the official modules from GitHub (may be used in conjunction with skeleton.)

$ ko modules                        <- Clones all the official modules into "."
$ ko modules --path=modules         <- Clones all the official modules into "./modules"
$ ko modules --modules=orm,database <- Clones only the orm and database modules into "."
$ ko modules --mode=755             <- Uses mode "755" instead of "777" for new files/dirs

fix: Fixes some shitty defaults.

$ ko fix  <- Renames example.htaccess to .htaccess, removes install.php and makes cache/logs writable

Important: Make sure you cd into the dir that contains the index.php, or provide a --path to it.

config: Configures the server to run Kohana, mainly by installing the required packages

$ ko config --distro=centos6                 <- Installs required packages; restarts Apache if it's running
$ ko config --distro=centos6 --restart=false <- Installs required packages; does not restart Apache

CentOS6 installs: php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-gd php-pdo php-mysql php-process php-xml