
My effort during .NET Development Program by Up School 🆙 ⭐

UpSchool - Works

Includes my work that I did during my Up School - .NET Program process.


Personal Projects

In this folder, you can find the projects that I have individually developed.

Individual Projects

My personal projects where I implement the knowledge I have developed and acquired in order to apply what I have learned throughout the process.

  • JobFinder Project: A web application similar to Linkedin where users can register and create profiles, apply for job advertisements and also withdraw, message other users on the site, view company profile information and other user information, follow/unfollow users, create an online CV and download it as a PDF.
  • .NET Core Blog Project: A Medium-like blog project that hosts culture-art content. A dynamic, admin panel project that captures Turkey's popular music data, where the user can register to the system and perform login-exit and other identity operations.
  • Hotel API Project: Hotel reservation site providing CRUD operations developed with API on the backend and .NET Core application on the front end
  • Currency App: Aims to extract one-month dollar and euro exchange rates by consuming Exchange Rates Data API and convert the data of the highest 5 days in this data into pie charts and also prepare excel reports of 1-month data.
  • Observer Design Pattern: An individual design pattern research project given to each of us to and contribute to Up School's common repo.

Tutorial Projects

Before I start to develop my own personal projects, I followed some tutorials on our instructor's Youtube channel. Here you can find my work I developed while I was following these tutorials:

Lecture Projects

Includes the practices we performed during the trainings.

Design Patterns

  1. Observer
  2. CQRS
  3. Unit of Work
  4. Template
  5. Chain of Responsibility

MVC Projects


API Projects

