
An (experimental) educational RISC ISA

EduRISC Instruction Set Architecture (version alpha 0.1)

EduRISC is a RISC system intended for teaching computer theory. EduRISC is a 16-bit RISC system with a 16-bit address space of 16-bit words for 32,768 words (64 kiB) of total addressable space. Priority is given to ease of understanding while remaining sufficiently practical to give a sense of how real processors operate.


I/O is performed through memory-mapped I/O devices. The exact specification and memory location of these devices is beyond the scope of this document.


EduRISC provides 16 16-bit registers denoted r0 through rF and indexable by a single nibble. By convention, any read from r0 will always return 0, regardless of what writes may have been attempted. Additionally, rF is an alias for PC, the address in memory of the current instruction.

Data Buses

In abstract, an EduRISC procressor can be thought of as having four data buses: Instruction, Left Operand, Right Operand, and Output. The Instruction, Left, and Right buses contain all the processor-internal information that may be used to complete an instruction. The Output bus provides the only method for the instruction modifying the processor's internal state.


Typical operation of an EduRISC machine repeats the following steps:

  1. Load the current instruction from memory at the address stored in PC
  2. Increment PC
  3. Perform the effects of the instruction as detailed below
  • If the loaded instruction is a HALT the processor may halt

Instruction Set

Any data buses that are specified are specifed as left operand, right operand, and output.

0x0: ADD

  • 0x0XYZ: rX = rY + rZ

0x1: SUB

  • 0x1XYZ: rX = rY - rZ

0x2: AND

  • 0x2XYZ: rX = rY & rZ

0x3: OR

  • 0x3XYZ: rX = rY | rZ

0x4: NAND

  • 0x4XYZ: rX = ~(rY & rZ)
  • Provides NOT if given same operand twice

0x5: XOR

  • 0x5XYZ: rX = rY ^ rZ

0x6: SLL (Shift Left Logical)

  • 0x6XYZ: rX = rY << rZ

0x7: SRA (Shift Right Arithmetic)

  • 0x7XYZ: rX = rY >> rZ
  • Sign extends

0x8: MOVLI (Move Lower Immediate)

  • 0x8XYZ: rX = SEXT(0xYZ)
  • Data buses: 0xYZ, rX, rX
  • Sign extends to fill upper byte of rX

0x9: MOVUI (Move Upper Immediate)

  • 0x9XYZ: rX = 0xYZ00 | (rX & 0x00FF)
  • Data buses: 0xYZ, rX, rX
  • Leaves lower byte unchanged
  • In combination with MOVLI allows setting a register in two instructions

0xA: JRN (Jump Relative if Negative)

  • 0xAXYZ: If rX < 0 then PC = PC + SEXT(0xYZ)
  • Data buses: rX, PC, PC
  • In combination with JRZ and JRP can produce any condition

0xB: JRZ (Jump Relative if Zero)

  • 0xBXYZ: If rX == 0 then PC = PC + SEXT(0xYZ)
  • Data buses: rX, PC, PC
  • 0xD0FF effects a HALT, repeating this instruction indefinitely
  • In combination with JRN and JRP can produce any condition

0xC: JRP (Jump Relative if Positive)

  • 0xCXYZ: If rX > 0 then PC = PC + SEXT(0xYZ)
  • Data buses: rX, PC, PC
  • In combination with JRN and JRZ can produce any condition

0xD: Reserved

  • Reserved for future use

0xE: LOD (Memory Load)

  • 0xEXYZ: rz = mem[rY]
  • Data buses: rY, rZ, rZ

0xF: STR (Memory Store)

  • 0xFXYZ: mem[rY] = rZ
  • Data buses: rY, rZ, rZ