A user-friendly interface to Digi's XBee line of RF modules. This is made up of two parts:
- a library for parsing and building XBee frames, especially in association with Node streams, such as those provided by the serialport package.
- a high-level API for interacting with XBee modules, including a simple API for sending and receiving data.
Originally based on xbee-api, but has been extensively modified, especially as of v2.0.0.
Installation: npm install ts-xbee-api
import { XBee } from 'ts-xbee-api';
const xbee = await XBee.discover('/dev/ttyUSB0', [9600, 115200]);
const routerAddress = await xbee.address();
const remoteAddress = '0013A20040B3B3B3';
await xbee.transmit(Uint8Array.from([0x01, 0x02, 0x03]), remoteAddress);
This module supports the 802.15.4 and ZigBee (including ZNet) protocol stacks.
From the XBee family, Series 1 (802.15.4) and Series 2 (ZNet 2.5 and ZigBee) modules are supported, since they come with firmwares talking either one of these stacks.
These documents are used as reference: 90000976.pdf (for Series 2) and 90000982.pdf (for Series 1). Some frame types are 802.15.4, ZNet or ZigBee specific. Be sure to use the correct ones for your module (as described in the documents and the list below). Also check out this utility from Digi.
Modules must run in API mode. Both AP=1 (without escaping) and AP=2 (with escaping) modes are supported (set the api_mode parameter accordingly).
Since ZigBee is more robust and offers more features than ZNet (none of which are yet implemented here, though!), you might be interested in upgrading your Series 2 modules from ZNet 2.5 to ZigBee: upgradingfromznettozb.pdf.
The following frame types are implemented:
- 0x00: TX (Transmit) Request: 64-bit address (802.15.4)
- 0x01: TX (Transmit) Request: 16-bit address (802.15.4)
- 0x08: AT Command (802.15.4, ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0x09: AT Command Queue Parameter Value (802.15.4, ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0x17: Remote Command Request (802.15.4, ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0x21: Create Source Route (ZigBee)
- 0x80: RX (Receive) Packet: 64-bit Address (802.15.4)
- 0x81: RX (Receive) Packet: 16-bit Address (802.15.4)
- 0x82: RX (Receive) Packet: 64-bit Address IO (802.15.4)
- 0x83: RX (Receive) Packet: 16-bit Address IO (802.15.4)
- 0x88: AT Command Response (802.15.4, ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0x89: TX (Transmit) Status (802.15.4)
- 0x8A: Modem Status (802.15.4, ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0x97: Remote Command Response (802.15.4, ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0x10: ZigBee Transmit Request (ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0x11: Explicit Addressing ZigBee Command Frame (ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0x8B: ZigBee Transmit Status (ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0x90: ZigBee Receive Packet (AO=0) (ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0x91: ZigBee Explicit Rx Indicator (AO=1) (ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0x92: ZigBee IO Data Sample Rx Indicator (ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0x94: XBee Sensor Read Indicator (AO=0) (ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0x95: Node Identification Indicator (AO=0) (ZNet, ZigBee)
- 0xA1: Route Record Indicator (ZigBee)
These (more esoteric) frame types have not been implemented yet, Open a new issue if you need something in particular:
- 0x24: Register Joining Device (ZigBee)
- 0xA0: Over-the-Air Firmware Update Status (ZigBee)
- 0xA2: Device Authenticated Indicator (ZigBee)
- 0xA3: Many-to-One Route Request Indicator (ZigBee)
- 0xA4: Register Joining Device Status (ZigBee)
- 0xA5: Join Notification Status (ZigBee)
Run nx build new
to build the library.
Run nx test new
to execute the unit tests via Jest.