
Repository store the supplementary material of : From co-occurrence patterns to agonistic interactions. A meta-analysis of carnivore mammals camera trap research

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From co-occurrence patterns to agonistic interactions. A meta-analysis of carnivore mammals camera trap research

Links to different parts of the page

  1. Description of the repository

  2. The root folder

  3. The data folder (./data)

  4. Files for statistical modeling

Description of the repository

This repository contains the data and code used in From co-occurrence patterns to agonistic interactions. A meta-analysis of carnivore mammals camera trap research. The data come from a literature review of peer-reviewed articles focused on the study of spatial or temporal co-occurrence of mammals of the order Carnivora with camera traps. All data used in the modeling process are located in the ./Data/ folder. Inside the ./Data/Literature folder you will find the information of the articles selected in the literature search. The ./Data/Model data folder contains the files with the information used to perform the statistical modeling. The code is available online in html form for each interaction and in Quarto script format in the root folder.

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The root folder

The root folder contains the following files: _quarto.yml, styles.css and .gitignore, which are configuration files for rendering Quarto files (\*.qmd) and GitHub configurations respectively. The Readme file (README.md) contains the same information of the index.qmd file, which is the description of the repository. The code is in Quarto format and contains statistical modeling procedures for competitive (C_modelling_2023.qmd) and predator-prey (P_modelling_2023.qmd) interactions. Finally the Carnivora_coocurrence.Rproj is used to open the project in Rstudio.

The scripts are in R language but require Quarto to be installed in Rstudio to run. However the corresponding .htmls files contain all the code information (including results) without the need to open R.

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The data folder (./Data)

This folder has 5 files and 2 sub-folders.

./Data/Literature/bib_database.csv: Database in csv format with the 314 fully scanned articles. The base columns have the following information

Column Description
label Identifier of each article
title Complete title
author List of authors
journal publication journal
abstract abstract of each article
year year of publication
doi digital object identifier
volume journal volume
language language of publication
issue journal issue
Selected Selected or not selected during the screening process

./Data/Model Data/ : This folder contains 4 files containing all the information extracted from the selected articles. spatC_db.csv and tempC_db.csv contain the information on the competitive interactions of carnivorous mammals in the spatial and temporal dimension respectively. While, spatP_db.csv and tempP_db.csv contain the information on predator-prey interactions in the spatial and temporal dimension respectively. The description of the variables of the four bases are described in the following table

Column Description Source Interaction
SIF Species interaction factor derived from multi-species occupancy models; SIF<1 species avoidance, SIF:1 random pattern, SIF>1 Aggregation pattern Each study or calculated Both
SIF_ic SIF 95% confidence intervals Each study Both
Ov_coeff Overlapping delta coefficient: 0 indicating no overlapping in species activity patterns, 1 indicating total overlapping Each study Both
Ov_ic Overlapping delta coefficient 95% confidence intervals Each study Both
D_competitor Scientific name of the bigger or dominant competitor Each study Competitive
S_competitor Scientific name of the subordinate or smaller competitor Each study Competitive
D_family Family of the dominant competitor Each study Competitive
S_family Family of the subordinate competitor Each study Competitive
D_genus Genus of the dominant competitor Each study Competitive
S_genus Genus of the subordinate competitor Each study Competitive
p_distance Pairwise mitochondrial DNA phylogenetic distances [@hassanin2021] Competitive
mass_ratio For competitive interactions=ln(Dominant competitor body mass (g)/ Subordinate competitor body mass (g)). For predator-prey interactions= ln(Predator body mass (g) / Prey body mass (g)) Calculated Both
D_mass Dominant competitor body mass (g) COMBINE data base [@soria2021] Competitive
S_mass Subordinate competitor body mass (g) COMBINE data base [@soria2021] Competitive
D_diet Dominant competitor diet category PHYLACINE trait database [@faurby2020] Competitive
S_diet Subordinate competitor diet category PHYLACINE trait database [@faurby2020] Competitive
diet_dist Dominant and subordinate competitor category diets: Same if pair of competitors shares de diet category, different if not calculated Competitive
Pred_sp Scientific name of the predator Each study Predator-prey
Prey_sp Scientific name of the prey Each study Predator-prey
Pred_family Family of the predator Each study Predator-prey
Prey_family Family of the prey Each study Predator-prey
Pred_genus Genus of the predator Each study Predator-prey
Prey_genus Genus of the prey Each study Predator-prey
Pred_mass Predator body mass (g) COMBINE data base [@soria2021] Predator-prey
P_hunt Predator hunting strategy: pursuit, ambush, group hunting [@hirt2020] and other sources Predator-prey
Prey_mass Prey body mass (g) COMBINE data base [@soria2021] Predator-prey
Label Article identifier Each study Both
Lon Longitude of the center of the locality or each study locality in decimal coordinates Each study Both
Lat Latitude of the center of the locality or each study locality in decimal coordinates Each study Both
Continent Continent in which the research is conducted Each study Both
Country Country in which the research is carried out Each study Both
Locality Location where the co-occurrence measurements were obtained. Each study Both
Samp_dur Sampling duration in months Each study Both
N_stations Number of sampling stations Each study Both
Effort Sampling effort calculated as number of sampling stations per number of camera days Each study Both
Avg_dist Average distance between sampling stations in km Each study Both
S_area Sampling area in km^2 Each study Both
Pred_evidence Direct evidence of predation Global Interaction data base [@poelen2014] Predator-prey
Hunt_source Bibliographic source of the hunting strategy Literature Predator-prey

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Files for statistical modeling

The qmd files contain the entire statistical modeling prthe respective results.

C_modelling_2023.qmd : This file contain the modeling process performed for the co-occurrence data of competing species of carnivorous mammals. It includes both the modeling of the spatial co-occurrence data and the temporal co-occurrence data. The script requires the following data files: Data/Model data/SpatC_db.csv and Data/Model data/tempC_db.csv. Can be viewed without opening R using the C_modelling_2023.html file and the online page.

P_modelling_2023.qmd : This file contain the modeling process performed for the co-occurrence data of Carnivora predators an their mammals preys. It includes both the modeling of the spatial co-occurrence data and the temporal co-occurrence data. The script requires the following data files: Data/Model data/PpatC_db.csv and Data/Model data/tempP_db.csv. Can be viewed without opening R using the P_modelling_2023.html file and the online page.

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Faurby, Søren, Rasmus Ø Pedersen, Matt Davis, Simon D. Schowanek, Scott Jarvie, Alexandre Antonelli, and Jens-Christian Svenning. 2020. MegaPast2Future/PHYLACINE_1.2: PHYLACINE Version 1.2.1. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3690867. Hassanin, Alexandre, Géraldine Veron, Anne Ropiquet, Bettine Jansen van Vuuren, Alexis Lécu, Steven M. Goodman, Jibran Haider, and Trung Thanh Nguyen. 2021. “Evolutionary History of Carnivora (Mammalia, Laurasiatheria) Inferred from Mitochondrial Genomes.” PLOS ONE 16 (2): e0240770. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240770. Hirt, Myriam R., Marlee Tucker, Thomas Müller, Benjamin Rosenbaum, and Ulrich Brose. 2020. “Rethinking Trophic Niches: Speed and Body Mass Colimit Prey Space of Mammalian Predators.” Ecology and Evolution 10 (14): 7094–7105. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.6411. Poelen, Jorrit H., James D. Simons, and Chris J. Mungall. 2014. “Global Biotic Interactions: An Open Infrastructure to Share and Analyze Species-Interaction Datasets.” Ecological Informatics 24 (November): 148–59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2014.08.005. Soria, Carmen D., Michela Pacifici, Moreno Di Marco, Sarah M. Stephen, and Carlo Rondinini. 2021. “COMBINE: A Coalesced Mammal Database of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Traits.” Ecology 102 (6): e03344. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3344.

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