css2inlinestyle README

css2inlinestyle is a simple extension to convert CSS code to React inline style.


  • Convert css to inline style.
  • Remove prefixes
  • If find duplicate rules, check their values. If the values are similar, just keep one of them. If their values are differents, keep the duplicate values and display a warning message.

Convert CSS to inline style

  1. Select your CSS code
  2. Execute the command "Convert CSS to inline style"
  3. Enjoy !

Convert inline style to CSS

  1. Select your inline style code
  2. Execute the command "Convert inline style to CSS"
  3. Enjoy !

Tip: To bind a keyboard shortcut to the command, open the keybinding preferences and look for "css2inlinestyle" and "inlinestyle2css"


Select the code you want to convert

Select the code you want to convert

Execute the command "Convert CSS to inline style"

Execute the command "Convert CSS to inline style"



Source code

You will find the code on my github repository. Do not hesitate to contribute !

Release Notes


Add gif in readme to be more explicit.


Can now convert inline style to CSS code.


Fix a bug: prefixes were not removed if the rule was not on the first line of the selection

1.1.1 --> 1.1.4

Enhance README.md


Initial release of css2inlinestyle