
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

VolcaniQ: a mini-project for seismic attenuation inversion in volcanic data

Installation instructions

  • (with anaconda) create a virtual environment by running in a terminal window conda env create --file environment.yml
  • activate the new environment with conda activate volcaniQ.
  • as python dependencies are often updated between commits to the main branch, worth periodically to do a conda env update --file environment.yml --prune which updates the environment with the most current dependencies.


  1. Papageorgiou, Georgios, and Mark Chapman. "Wave-propagation in rocks saturated by two immiscible fluids." Geophysical Journal International 209.3 (2017): 1761-1767.
  2. Mavko, Gary, and Tapan Mukerji. "Seismic pore space compressibility and Gassmann’s relation." Geophysics 60.6 (1995): 1743-1749.