
The development of this project includes the implementation of a private school structure and breaks into two parts. This repository refers to Part B, the design of a database (MySQL), the connection to DB and the execution of sql queries.

Primary LanguageJava

Java Console Application School Data Management System - Part B

The development of this project includes the implementation of a private school structure.

The application needs to hold in a database multiple courses along with the enrolled students, the trainers that teach the subjects and the assignments that the students need to submit during the course duration.

The project breaks into two parts. This repository refers to Part B, implementing the following functionality:

  1. Make a draft design of a database that can keep data for the main entities of the assignment and name the tables as: Students, Trainers, Assignments, Courses

  2. Identify any other tables you need based on your implementation and construct them

  3. Design the ERD of your system and verify it through an online tool such as https://sqldbm.com/ (it requires a free account)

  4. Populate the tables of the database with enough data

  5. You need to produce sql queries that output the following: • A list of all the students • A list of all the trainers • A list of all the assignments • A list of all the courses • All the students per course • All the trainers per course • All the assignments per course • All the assignments per course per student • A list of students that belong to more than one courses

  6. You also need to produce a small project that

    a. makes a connection to the database and executes the above sql queries

    b. makes a connection to the database and inserts input data from the keyboard to the following tables, i. students ii. trainers iii. assignments iv. courses v. students per course vi. trainers per course vii. assignments per student per course