Robust Flamelet Solver: Mixture-Fraction based Flamelet solver with arc-length continuation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Counterflow diffusion flames are a canonical problem in combustion simulations

Solution to these system of equations are used to perform large-scale calculations in a faster manner

RFS (Robust Flamelet Solver) is a mixture-fraction space based flamelet solver with arc-length continuation capabilities

Solving in mixture-fraction space with logarithmic arc-length continuation allows for quick traversal of solution space

How to install and execute?

  • Download and install Spitfire and Pacopy 0.1.0

  • Install the other dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt

Just run

python flamelet.py

The following program illustrates a basic example

import pacopy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from flamelet_problem import FlameletProblem

LAMBDA_0 = -3.
NPTS = 30

# Define the problem
problem = FlameletProblem(LAMBDA_0, NPTS)

# Pacopy formulation
    problem, problem.u0, problem.lmbda0, 
    problem.callback, newton_tol=1.0e-3, 
    verbose=True, max_steps=3000,

plt.plot(problem.chi_list, problem.Tmax_list)

Whom to contact?

Please direct your queries to gpavanb1 for any questions.


This would not have been possible with the immense efforts of Spitfire and Pacopy

Sample Hydrogen mechanism is the same one used from Spitfire