- 2
- 5
greenMail#stop() fails; should call super
#5 opened by ldeck - 1
greenmail bean is null
#6 opened by stokito - 2
greenmail.ports.smtp option is always ignored
#7 opened by stokito - 1
Greenmail should be disabled by default
#8 opened by stokito - 1
Enable all Greenmail services, not only SMTP
#9 opened by stokito - 1
Choose free port
#13 opened by aleksz - 1
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.SINGLETON from class org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
#15 opened by aberbenni - 1
- 4
Plugin not available on Bintray
#19 opened by zoran119 - 3
grails-4 / boot devtools incompatibility
#31 opened by zyro23 - 2
Gradle 7 support
#33 opened by verglor - 1
- 2
Update to Greenmail 1.4
#16 opened by stokito