Tiny (one file) JavaScript unit testing framework.
It was originally written for simple unit tests on Google Apps Script with the following goals in mind:
- Portability: The framework should be usable in any JavaScript environment after rewriting a single printing function.
- Size: Only one file, no dependencies.
- Ease of Use: It doesn't do everything more advanced frameworks do, but it's simple to learn and use.
Here's an example of how to use it:
// The function to test. Adds two numbers.
function addNums(x,y) {
return x+y;
// Makes a test category. Categories are good for organizing similar tests.
function sample_category() {
var cat = new TestCategory(); // Creates a new suite of tests.
// Params: function, list of inputs, expected return value
// You have to define a cleanup function even if you don't use it.
cat.cleanup = sample_category_cleanup;
return cat;
function sample_category_cleanup() {
// Put code for cleaning up the environment here (freeing handles,
// setting pages & things back to how they were before the test, etc).
function main() {
var suites = [sample_category];
The output you should get in the Google Apps Script log (or whichever output medium you program it to use) is:
Tests : 1/1 passed
This file was designed to scratch my own itch while trying to be more rigorous about a Google Apps Script automation project I was working on, but I would welcome any suggestions, bugfixes, or additional features as long as the system is still compact, one file, and mostly portable when implemented.