MyAAC é um Automatic Account Creator (AAC) gratuito e de código aberto escrito em PHP. É uma bifurcação do projeto Gesior. Ele suporta apenas bancos de dados MySQL.
Changed box shadow image to css
Changed buttons, removed image and added by css
Created new buttons based on colors (green and red)
Added page load, configurable in config.php
Added status bar with configurable social networks
Added slide and collapse status bar, configurable in config.php
Added swipe effect in menu
Created client download page, configurable link in config.php
Created event calendar, getting information directly from events.xml
Char Bazaar with configurable rates in config.php
Changed login by email
Verifique config.php para obter mais informações. Use config.local.php para suas alterações de configuração local.
Slawkens MyAAC