
Git branch name validation tool(welcome to star this project). Git分支名校验工具(如果喜欢请点赞支持).

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Git branch name validator.


validate-branch-name can be used through command line directly. When using with Husky, you should make sure husky version >= v1.0.0.


# local install
$ npm i validate-branch-name -D

# global install
$ npm i validate-branch-name -g


Use through command line

npx validate-branch-name

# test target branch name
npx validate-branch-name -t test/branch/name

# define regexp to test branch name
npx validate-branch-name -r regexp -t test/branch/name

# use -h for more usage detail
npx validate-branch-name -h

Use with husky

First way:

Configure hooks and pattern using package.json.

// {app_root}/package.json
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "npx validate-branch-name"
  "validate-branch-name": {
    "pattern": "^(master|main|develop){1}$|^(feature|fix|hotfix|release)\/.+$",
    "errorMsg": "your own error message"

Second way:

Define pre-commit file under .husky direcotory.

. "$(dirname "$0")/_/husky.sh"

# validate branch name before commit

npx validate-branch-name 

We have set pattern and errorMsg by default, but you can still defined them as you like.

Default pattern: ^(master|main|develop){1}$|^(feature|fix|hotfix|release)/.+$

Example: feature/test/pattern-test would be passed.

Avaliable patterns:

  • ^(feature|fix|hotfix|release)/.+ - branch has to start with feature/, fix/, release/ or hotfix/
  • (feature|release|hotfix)/(JIRA-\d+) - it should look like feature/JIRA-1234
  • (feature|release|hotfix)/(JIRA-\d+/)?[a-z-]+ - it should look like feature/branch-name or include JIRA's code like feature/JIRA-1234/branch-name

  • custom patterns, visit regex.

You can also use .validate-branch-namerc, .validate-branch-namerc.json, .validate-branch-namerc.yaml, .validate-branch-namerc.yml, .validate-branch-namerc.js, .validate-branch-namerc.cjs, validate-branch-name.config.js or validate-branch-name.config.cjs file to define config.

Questions & Suggestions

Please open an issue here.
