
Function loop practice

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Function loop practice

After you complete each problem

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  • git commit -m "I completed problem blah"


  1. Write a for loop that will iterate from 0 to 10. For each iteration of the for loop, it will multiply the number by 9 and log the result (e.g. "2 * 9 = 18"). Bonus: Use a nested for loop to show the tables for every multiplier from 1 to 10 (100 results total).

  2. Write a function named assignGrade that: takes 1 argument, a number score(examle: 89 returns B). returns a grade for the score, either "A", "B", "C", "D", or "F". Call that function for a few different scores and log the result to make sure it works.

  3. Check the results of assignGrade function from the previous exercise for every value from 60 to 100 - so your log should show "For 89, you got a B. For 90, you got an A.", etc.

  4. Write a function named tellFortune that:

  • Takes 4 arguments: number of children, partner's name, geographic location, job title.
  • Tutputs your fortune to the screen like so: "You will be a X in Y, and married to Z with N kids."
  • Call that function 3 times with 3 different values for the arguments.
  1. Write a JavaScript function which will take an array of numbers stored and find the second lowest and second greatest numbers, respectively. Sample array : [1,2,3,4,5] Expected Output : 2,4

  2. Write a JavaScript function that accepts two arguments, a string and a letter and the function will count the number of occurrences of the specified letter within the string. Sample arguments : 'Listen to the river sing sweet songs, 'o' Expected output : 1

  3. Write a JavaScript function that accept a list of country names as input and returns the longest country name as output. Go to the editor Sample function : LongestCountryName(["Australia", "Germany", "United States of America"]) Expected output : "United States of America"

  4. Write a JavaScript function that reverse a number. Example x = 32243; Expected Output : 34223