
invalid feature coordinates from long read 'collapsed' assembly

noncodo opened this issue · 3 comments

So I 'collapsed' some long read data into a gtf with :
/home/apps/stringtie2.1.4/stringtie ${BAMLIST} -p ${THREADS} -L -R -o hg38_merged.gtf
I then try to quantify each sample/bam against this cleaned and collapsed reference, but get several

Error: invalid feature coordinates (end<start!) at line:
chr1 StringTie exon 21220887 21220732 1000 - . gene_id "STRG.8348"; transcript_id "STRG.8348.1"; exon_number "1";

type messages.
What's up with that?
My bams are from minimap2.

Did you solve the problem?

Error: invalid feature coordinates (end<start!) at line:
chr12 transcriptome mRNA 1197998703 1.198e+09 . + . ID=PtQG36900.3;Parent=PtQG36900
I made such an error, and I tried to convert scientific notation.