A powerful and complete scrapper for the very famous pornhub.com. This javascript module for node give you the possibility, through an API with many options, to scrap any information out of a page or the search page.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Powerful scraper for PornHub. Unlike others scrapers, it's working in 2020 August with their new website. It allows you to get any informations out of any page.

npm install @justalk/pornhub-api


  • Scraper: Parse any informations from a video page on PornHub : Related video. comments, view, vote up and so many others...

  • Download links: Get the download links in all the quality without registering

  • Search pagination: Possibility to scrap multiple page search

  • Search by different criteria: Possibility to scrap search by actor or title

  • Flexible: The results are always return in a very specific javascrypt type making it easy to integrate to your need.


Video page pornhub

Function available for a page
async page(url, options)
name type description
url String url of the page
keys Array List of the keys
Lists of keys available for a page
name of key return type description
title String Title
description String Description
views Number Number total of views
up_votes Number Number of up vote
down_votes Number Number of down vote
percent Number Percent of up vote
author String Name of the uploader
author_subscriber Number Number of subscriber of the uploader
pornstars Array Names of the pornstars
categories Array List of the names of the categories
tags Array List of the names of the tags
production String Type of production
duration Number Duration in second
number_of_comment Number Total number of comments
thumbnail String Url of the thumbnail
upload_date Date Date of upload
download_urls Object List of download link by quality
comments Object List of comments with additionnals informations

Search page pornhub

Function available for the search
async search(value)
name type description
value String value search in pornhub
keys Array or String if there is only one option List of the keys
options Array List of the optional options
Lists of options available for a search
name of options return type description
page Number Number of page to scraper
production String Type of production targeted : homemade or professional
search String Type of search targeted : video or pornstars
Lists of keys available for a search by title
name of keys return type description
link String Link of the videos
title String Title of the videos
duration Number Duration in seconds
views Number Number total of views
premium Boolean True if the video is premium, false if else
author String Author of the video
ratings Number Positive rating of the video in percentage
Lists of keys available for a porn actor search
name of keys return type description
actor String Name of the actor
video_number Number Number of video of the actor
view_number Number Number of view of the actor
rank Number Rank of the actor


Scraping the title of a video
const pornhub = require('@latsuj/pornhub-api');
const video = await pornhub.page(url, ['title']);
	"title": "Name of the video"
Scraping the title of a video and the description
const pornhub = require('@latsuj/pornhub-api');
const video = await pornhub.page(url, ['title','description']);
	"title": "Name of the video",
	"description": "Description of the video"
Scraping the name of the pornstars and the downloads links
const pornhub = require('@latsuj/pornhub-api');
const video = await pornhub.page(url, ['title','pornstars','download_urls']);
	"title": "Title of the video",
	"pornstars": ["Sophie A","Rocco B"],
	"download_urls": {
		"720" : "https://p.com/link1",
		"480" : "https://p.com/link2",
		"360" : "https://p.com/link3"
Scraping a search pornhub without options
const pornhub = require('@latsuj/pornhub-api');
const video = await pornhub.search("Aa",["title","link","premium","hd"]);
	"link": "https://p.com/link1",
	"title": "Title of the video",
	"hd": true,
	"premium": true
	"link": "https://p.com/link2",
	"title": "Title of the video",
	"hd": false,
	"premium": false
Scraping a search pornhub with options
const pornhub = require('@latsuj/pornhub-api');
const video = await pornhub.search("Aa",["actor","rank"],{production: 'homemade', search: 'pornstars'});
	"actor": "Herica Alue",
	"rank": 8005,
	"actor": "Robert Laach",
	"rank": 60
	"actor": "Aalix Lolo",
	"rank": 6500

How to test

For testing, install the node project and run the test command.

node install
npm test

Also, you can use the command under for running the test without the linter

npm run test-no


  • The version of ava is limited to 2.4.0 because the ESM is not yet compatible on ava 3. I am waiting to upgrade.
  • If pornhub is blocked in your country, the API will obviously not work. You will need a proxy.
  • Pornhub block the srapper from time to time, I have not found a solution yet.


MIT - Copyright © JUSTAL Kevin