
Proof of concept, docker development environment for MediaWiki.

Primary LanguageShell



By default the below steps will install MediaWiki at ~/src/mediawiki and start a server for http://default.web.mw.localhost:8080.

Many aspect of the container, including the port and MediaWiki path, can be customised by creating a local.env in the root directory of this project, in which to override one or more variables from default.env.

Semi-automatic Installation

There is a setup script that you can run with INSTALL_DIR=~/src ./setup.sh if you already have Docker installed and want to skip the manual steps 2-4. Note that INSTALL_DIR is the parent directory where MediaWiki core will be downloaded, so in the example above, you would end up with a codebase at ~/src/mediawiki.

After using the ./setup.sh script, continue from step 5.

Manual Installation

1) Install Docker & Docker Compose

Docker Compose Installation

Unix notes
  • Use the docker-ce package, not the docker package (read Docker Inc.'s installation instructions)
  • If you want to avoid logging in as root or sudo commands, you will have to add your user to the docker group: See How can I use Docker without sudo
    • This does not mean your containers will not run as root. These are different settings not really used currently by this dev setup.

2) Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/addshore/mediawiki-docker-dev.git

3) Clone MediaWiki core & the Vector skin

You can start without the skin but you will find that your MediaWiki install doesn't look very nice.

From Wikimedia Gerrit:

git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/core /srv/dev/git/gerrit/mediawiki
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/skins/Vector /srv/dev/git/gerrit/mediawiki/skins/Vector

(You can clone your code to somewhere other than /srv/dev/git/gerrit/mediawiki. For example, ~/src/mediawiki but you'll need to follow step 6 carefully.)

4) Run composer install for MediaWiki

Either on your host machine inside the /srv/dev/git/gerrit/mediawiki directory (you need composer locally):

composer install

or with Docker on Linux,

docker run -it --rm --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ~/.composer:/tmp -v $(pwd):/app docker.io/composer install

or with Docker on Windows with bash,

docker run -it --rm -v /$HOME/.composer:/tmp -v /$PWD:/app docker.io/composer install

or with Docker on Windows with cmd,

docker run -it --rm -v %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\.composer:/tmp -v %CD%:/app docker.io/composer install

5) Create a basic LocalSettings.php

A .docker/LocalSettings.php file exists within the containers running Mediawiki. Your LocalSettings.php file must load it.

Make a LocalSettings.php in the root of the MediaWiki repo containing the following:

require_once __DIR__ . '/.docker/LocalSettings.php';

When you come to change any MediaWiki settings this is the file you will want to be altering.

For example after install you will probably find you want to load the default skin:

wfLoadSkin( 'Vector' );

6) Configure the environment

Note: If you cloned mediawiki into a directory other than /srv/dev/git/gerrit/mediawiki you will need to do this step, otherwise the defaults can likely be used.

Copy the content of default.env from the mediawiki-docker-dev dir into a new file called local.env.

Alter any settings that you want to change, for example the install location of MediaWiki, a directory to a local composer cache, or webserver or php version.

Under section # Location of the MediaWiki repo on your machine set the full path to the mediawiki you cloned from gerrit. Under section # PHP Runtime version set the php version that your mediawiki needs to work with. Setting RUNTIMEVERSION to 'latest' doesn't always work. You might want to specify the php version exactly, e.g. RUNTIMEVERSION=7.3.

7) Create the environment

Create and start the Docker containers:


Note: The script waits up to 120 secs (4 x 30 seconds) for the database containers to initialize and respond. In case the deployment takes longer than that on your system, please increase the default timeout value (line 139 in scripts/wait-for-it.sh).


8) Configure name resolution

For host name resolution of the containers inside the docker network, this setup includes DPS, a DNS Proxy server. All wikis at *.web.mw.localhost will automatically resolve to the nginx-proxy container's IP address. The web container's name is mediawiki.mw.localhost and all other containers can be reached from each other via their corresponding host names, defined in docker-compose.yml:

  • dps.mw.localhost
  • db-master.mw.localhost
  • db-slave.mw.localhost
  • phpmyadmin.mw.localhost
  • graphite.mw.localhost
  • proxy.mw.localhost
  • redis.mw.localhost

In order to access the containers by name from your docker host system, there are two different ways:

Option a) Via /etc/hosts

Add the following to your /etc/hosts file: default.web.mw.localhost # mediawiki-docker-dev proxy.mw.localhost # mediawiki-docker-dev phpmyadmin.mw.localhost # mediawiki-docker-dev graphite.mw.localhost # mediawiki-docker-dev

You can use the ./hosts-sync script to try and update it automatically if possible. You may need to use sudo ./hosts-sync instead, if the file is not writable by the shell user.

Option b) Via DPS

Alternatively, you can use DPS to resolve the container names from your host system. By default, this feature is disabled. To enable it, add a dps section to your docker-compose.override.yml file or create it as follows:

version: '2.2'

      - /etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf

This will allow DPS to modify your /etc/resolv.conf and set itself as your system's primary DNS server. No changes to the /etc/hosts file are needed in that case.


The below commands are shell scripts in the mediawiki-docker-dev directory.

For example, the Up command can be invoked as ./create, and the Bash command as ./bash, etc.

To easily invoke these while working in another directory (e.g. mediawiki/core, or an extension) you can add a small bash alias to your bashrc file. For example:

alias mw-docker-dev='_(){ (cd /$GITPATH/github/addshore/mediawiki-docker-dev; ./$@) ;}; _'

The below documentation assumes this alias in examples, but each of these also works directly. Instead of mw-docker-dev start you would run ./start from your Terminal tab for mw-docker-dev.


Create and start containers.

This includes installing a default wiki at http://default.web.mw.localhost:8080 with an "Admin" user that has password "dockerpass".

The spec of the system that this command will create is based on environment variables. The default spec resides in default.env. You can customize these variable from a file called local.env, which you may create in this directory.

mw-docker-dev create


Shut down the containers. Databases and other volumes persist. See also: Resume, Destroy.

mw-docker-dev suspend


Start (or restart) the containers. See also: Suspend.

mw-docker-dev resume


Shut down the containers, and destroy them. Also deletes databases and volumes.

mw-docker-dev destroy


Run commands on the webserver.

If the containers are running you can use ./bash to open an interactive shell on the webserver.

This can be used to run PHPUnit tests, maintenance scripts, etc.

mw-docker-dev bash

Add site

You can add a new site by subdomain name using the ./addsite command

mw-docker-dev addsite enwiki

Hosts file sync

Check whether the hosts file contains all needed entries, and if not, shows which entries need to be added, and also tries to add them automatically if possible.

mw-docker-dev hosts-sync

Update a wiki

Run git pull in your the relevant Git repositories for MediaWiki core and extensions.

If you need to apply schema changes after updating MediaWiki, or after installing additional extensions, you can follow the regular MediaWiki instructions. Just make sure you're on the web server when doing so.

For example:

$ mw-docker-dev bash

root@web:/var/www/mediawiki# php maintenance/update.php


Be sure to set default (the wiki db), this is a multi-wiki environment.

For example:

mw-docker-dev phpunit-file default extensions/FileImporter/tests/phpunit

See also https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:PHP_unit_testing


To run the QUnit tests from the browser, use Special:JavaScriptTest.

See also https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:JavaScript_unit_testing.

To run QUnit from the command-line, make sure you have Node.js v4 or later installed on the host, and set the following environment variables:

export MW_SERVER='http://default.web.mw.localhost:8080'
export MW_SCRIPT_PATH='/mediawiki'
cd ~/src/mediawiki
npm install
npm run qunit

Composer commands (linting and tests etc.)

The example below runs linting on the WikibaseLexeme extension using a composer command.

Run from the mediawiki-docker-dev directory:

docker-compose exec "web" bash -c "cd /var/www/mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseLexeme; composer --ansi test"



While using PHP you can use remote xdebug debugging.

To do so you need to set IDELOCALHOST in you local.env file to the IP of your local machine (where you run your IDE) as it appears to docker containers.

To determine the IP of your local machine as it appears to the docker container you can try the following:

  • See the default route of the container: ** ./bash and run route and use the "Gateway" for the "default" "Destination" ** Use the ip assigned to your developer machine by your router (e.g. type ip addr)

xdebug connections will then be sent to this IP address on port 9000.

Verify in php.ini that xdebug_remote_host is set to the value of IDELOCALHOST and xdebug_remote_port is 9000. (You may need to destroy and create your containers)

VS Code Configuration If using Visual Studio Code editor, add the following to your launch.json.

"pathMappings": {
    "/var/www/mediawiki": "${workspaceFolder}"


For debugging CLI commands from the container try running the following before you run your script:

export XDEBUG_CONFIG="remote_host=${XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST}"

Overriding / Extending

You can add additional services, or modify current services, by creating a docker-compose.override.yml file (docs). For example, to add a Redis service, add these contents to docker-compose.override.yml:

version: '2'
    image: redis

To modify a current service, for example to try a different volume caching for macOS like :delegated instead of :cached (file reference):

version: '2'
      - "${DOCKER_MW_PATH}:/var/www/mediawiki:delegated"

Note that the other volumes for the web service will be merged, so you don't need to specify every volume mapping from the main docker-compose.yml file in your docker-compose.override.yml file.

Adding Wikidata Query Service

Mediawiki-docker-dev can be extended with the wikidata-query service by following these steps.

  • Add the following example yaml markup to your docker-compose.override.yml file
  • Add a .htaccess file in the root of this repository
  • Create a symlink from /var/www/mediawiki to /var/www/w in your web container so that wdqs-updater can reach your local wikibase through /w/api.php. Example: docker exec -it mediawiki-docker-dev_web_1 ln -sn /var/www/mediawiki /var/www/w
  • Make sure the following exists in your LocalSettings.php. $wgScriptPath = "/w"; and $wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1";

Example docker-compose.override.yml

version: '2.2'

    image: wikibase/wdqs:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: /runUpdate.sh
    - wdqs
    - web
     - dps
     - WIKIBASE_HOST=default.web.mw.localhost:8080
     - WDQS_HOST=wdqs
     - WDQS_PORT=9999
    image: wikibase/wdqs:latest
      - query-service-data:/wdqs/data
     - WIKIBASE_HOST=default.web.mw.localhost:8080
     - WDQS_HOST=wdqs.mw.localhost
     - WDQS_PORT=9999
      - dps
    restart: unless-stopped
    command: /runBlazegraph.sh
    hostname: wdqs.mw.localhost
        - 9999
    image: wikibase/wdqs-proxy
    restart: unless-stopped
      - PROXY_PASS_HOST=wdqs:9999
     - "8989:80"
    - wdqs
      - dps
     - .htaccess:/var/www/.htaccess


The .htaccess file is needed to do rewrites of the requests issued by wdqs-updater. Place the file in the mediawiki-docker-dev source folder and it will be mounted into the web container.

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^/?wiki(/.*)?$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/mediawiki/index.php [L]

# rewrite /entity/ URLs like wikidata per
# https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata/Notes/URI_scheme
RewriteRule ^/?entity/(.*)$ /wiki/Special:EntityData/$1 [R=303,QSA]



Error: 145 Table './default/searchindex' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (db-master)

For example when running unit tests you might see:

Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError from line 1626 of /var/www/mediawiki/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php: A database query error has occurred. Did you forget to run your application's database schema updater after upgrading?
Query: CREATE TEMPORARY  TABLE `unittest_searchindex` (LIKE `searchindex`)
Function: Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqlBase::duplicateTableStructure
Error: 145 Table './default/searchindex' is marked as crashed and should be repaired (db-master)

Running the following maintenance script will fix the issue:

php ./maintenance/rebuildtextindex.php --wiki default


This no longer seemed to work since a custom internal DNS service is used.

In order to easily find out the IP of your host machine try:

 docker run --rm -it busybox nslookup host.docker.internal


/usr/bin/env: ‘bash\r’: No such file or directory



  • Statsv endpoint
  • Setup awesome hosts file additions & removals