
Clack Javascript Canvas Charting Library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Clack might be a charting library. It's really just a side project that may or may not turn in to anything.


  • Canvas based
  • Scales: Linear, time, log and some others I don't really understand (power, quartile, quantile and threshold)
  • Markers (arbitrary x and y charts with optional ranges)
  • Can be updated dynamically (adding data on the fly, requires sorting for now)


Leverage D3 or whatever makes sense.

Renderers can use whatever they want, so long as they stay within their dom element. This might be D3 or Canvas or WebGL! Currently has a hodgepodge of Canvas an D3, usually using Canvas for drawing and D3 for axes, since the latter don't need to be super fast and don't use thousands of elements. Plus D3 is super good at that shit.


Clack will stay out of your way. Most changes will require working directly with the Canvas API.

Dynamic updates

Data should be able to be added to a chart on the fly and rerendered.


Needs to be able to deal with thousands of series each with tens of thousands of points.

Don't Give A Shit About File Size

Not at all.


  • D3 for scales and other bits.

The demo and tests require jQuery but it is not required for your own use.