
SAR Places API Sample

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Places API SAR Project

This project holds a lambda function that gets information about near hotels from HERE api.

It can be deployed using cloudformation command or from AWS SAR Repository.

Test site is located in here

Coverage information is located in here

The API can be tested in https://wbn8k2tvi2.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/Prod/places?latlong=52.51577,13.38022


Build and test project

npm install # to install deps
npm test # run unit test
npm run test:cov #generates coverage doc
npm build # generates coverage and swagger ui testing site
npm run package <bucket> # packages sam application
npm run deploy HereAppId=??? HereAppCode=??? HereBaseURL=https://places.demo.api.here.com/places/v1 # deploy application to aws

Build , test and execute locally the lambda function

Check readme here

Package and Deploy

The application has been created and set up a SAM application hosted in AWS SAR repository, it can be deployed in 3 ways:

From AWS SAR repository (easier)

Using npm (wrapping aws cli and sam cli)

npm run package <bucket> # packages sam application
npm run deploy  HereAppId=??? HereAppCode=??? HereBaseURL=https://places.demo.api.here.com/places/v1 # deploy application to aws

Using aws cli

sam package --template-file src/template.yaml --output-template-file packaged.yaml --s3-bucket  <your-bucket>

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file packaged.yaml --stack-name places --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM  --parameter-overrides "HereAppId=???" "HereAppCode=???" "HereBaseURL=https://places.demo.api.here.com/places/v1"

The project uses

  • Lambda (API Function) to process the requests
  • API Gateway (HTTP proxy to Lambda) to handle the HTTP part
  • Cloudformation (SAM) for deployment
  • Jest for unit testing and coverage (it uses embedded istambul in order to calculate the coverage and generate the html output)
  • Swagger UI for testing
  • Webpack to build the swagger site