Course Code Prerequisites Course Name
6.0001 None Intro to Computer Science Programming using Python
6.0002 6.001 Introduction to computational thinking and Data Science
6.004 6.001 Computation Structures
6.005 ? Elements of Software Construction
6.006 6.042[J] and 6.0001 Introduction to Algorithms
6.009 6.0001 Fundamentals of Programming
6.031 6.009 Elements of Software Construction
6.033 6.004 and 6.009 Computer Systems Engineering
6.035 6.004 and 6.031 Computer Language Engineering
6.037 None Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
6.041 Calculus II (GIR) Introduction to probability
6.042[J] Calculus I (GIR) Mathematics for Computer Science
6.045[J] 6.042[J] Computability and Complexity Theory
6.046[J] 6.006 Design and Analysis of Algorithms