
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mendocino Farmers

During the Endor Labs 2023, we were looking at alternative ways to secure your code

We picked an old but very impacting vulnerability in the Javascript ecosystem:

And we decided to adapt EndorCTL to patch your code automatically.

What is a PAC file?

A PAC file is a "Proxy Auto Configuration" file that you feed your browser with to access URLs, via the FindProxyForURL Javascript function:

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { 
  // If the requested website is hosted within the internal network, send direct. 
  if (isInNet(dnsResolve(host), "", ""))
    return "DIRECT"; 

  // DEFAULT RULE: All other traffic, use below proxies, in fail-over order. 
  return "PROXY; PROXY";


In this repository, we have a couple of PAC file:

  • a well-formatted one
  • a malicious one that defines and execute a extra function

These commands will use the well-formatted proxy.pac file to route the traffic via the right route (direct or proxy)

./index.js proxy.pac
./index.js proxy.pac https://www.google.com/

Now we use the malicious proxy-malicious.pac file to run the exploit. The extra function in it will "just" dump the current environment:

./index.js proxy-malicious.pac

Oopsie :)

How to patch?


After cloning this repo and running npm install, we use npm link to modify the vulnerable library locally

# We create our collection of patched modules that we can then commit to our repo
mkdir node_modules.patched
cp -a node_modules/degenerator node_modules.patched/

# We patch the local version and make it "linkable" via npm
cd node_modules.patched/degenerator/
patch -p1 < ../../degenerator.patch
npm link

# Then, from the root of our repo, we make npm use our local version
cd ../..
npm link degenerator

Now that we have patched the vulnerable library, using the malicious PAC file will just throw a Javascript error instead of executing the malicious code.

Via EndorCTL