
Docker based RELK stack (Rabbitmq, Elastic, Logstash, Kibana)

Primary LanguageShell

Docker RELK stack

RELK stack (Rabbitmq, Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) powered by docker compose. RabbitMQ is configured with an exchange and queue together with a binding. Logstash subscribes to this queue and sends messages onto elastic. Then you can see messages appear in kibana.

This project has taken influence from these two great github repos which deserve credit: docker-elk docker-rabbitmq-example

See the subfolders for specific configuration of each component



Check that docker has more than 2GB of available memory to run the stack by checking the Total Memory variable:

docker info

If you need to change your docker configuration to increase it:

  • Docker for Windows
  • Docker Toolbox
    • Open VirtualBox Manager
    • Select the default docker VM
    • Select Settings -> System -> Motherboard
    • Increase the available Base Memory

Run the stack in the foreground or backgroung

docker-compose up    # foreground
docker-compose up -d # backgroung

Get the docker host IP address:

docker-machine ip

Send messages to the AMQP URI:


Use admin consoles

Get the docker host IP address:

docker-machine ip

For Kibana Admin in your browser go to the address: http://[docker-ip]:5601 e.g.:

For RabbitMQ admin in your browser go to the address: http://[docker-ip]:5601 e.g.: Use the following user and password: guest:guest

For RabbitMQ api documentation in your browser go to the address: http://[docker-ip]:15672/api/ e.g.:

To check that Elastic is running: http://[docker-ip]:9200 e.g.: and check that elastis is working

For Elastic admin in your browser go to the address: http://[docker-ip]:5601/app/kibana#/dev_tools e.g.:

Kibana initial setup

The first time you run this up you will be prompted to configure the kibana index pattern. You can only proceed here once you have sent some data into the index (logstash-*).

Once at least one message is in there the index will have been created in elastic and you will be able to click the 'create' button. If this hasnt happened yet then you will see something like 'Unable to extract mapping...' and the button will be disabled!

Changing configuration files

If you are changing the configuration files for logstash/kibana/rabbitmq you will need to re-build:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up