
Beautiful black theme for Ghost

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Rimay free theme for Ghost

Ghost version Donate Buy Me A Coffee

Hello 😄 , I created this theme for ghost especially for you. It is available for free so you can use on your site. If you have any suggestions to improve the theme send me a Tweet @GodoFredoNinja

🐵 I will leave my PayPal donation link here and slowly move away to work on beautiful themes for Ghost


Rimay free theme for ghost


You can see Rimay in action on my Page Demo

If for some reason I'm using a theme other than Rimay. then you can see the screenshots in behance


  • Supports English and Spanish language
  • AMP Template
  • Very fast search
  • Related Articles (6 articles)
  • Social Media
  • Page for Tags
  • Support Disqus comments
  • Buttons to share Post
  • YouTube, Vimeo, kickstarter, dailymotion => Responsive
  • Lazy load Image for better performance
  • Code syntax Prismjs Supported all syntax.

Table of Contents

Web Browser Support for Rimay

Rimay supports the following web browsers.

Ghost Settings

Enable the following checkbox on the Labs page in the Ghost admin panel.

ghost labs

Rimay Settings

You don't have to add all the Rimay configurations. only the ones you need

1. Social Media

Facebook and Twitter is not necessary because I use them from the ghost settings

Add the Social Links only for the services you want to appear in the header section of your website. Pay attention as enabling too many services will cause menu problems.

➡️ Dashboard -> Code injection -> Site Footer

var followSocialMedia = {
  'youtube': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'instagram': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'github': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'pinterest': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'linkedin': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'rss': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],

  'snapchat': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'dribbble': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'spotify': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'codepen': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'behance': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'flickr': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'telegram': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'vimeo': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'twitch': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'vk': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'slack': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'tumblr': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],
  'discord': ['YOUR_URL','YOUR_TITLE'],

👉 For those who are commented it is necessary to add those icons through SVG

It is not necessary to add all the icons. Only the icons you need.

➡️ Dashboard -> Code injection -> Site Footer

<svg aria-hidden="true" style="position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; overflow: hidden;" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
        <!-- discord -->
        <symbol id="icon-discord" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
        <path d="M20.222 0c1.406 0 2.54 1.137 2.607 2.475v21.525l-2.677-2.273-1.47-1.338-1.604-1.398 0.67 2.205h-14.038c-1.402 0-2.54-1.065-2.54-2.476v-16.24c0-1.338 1.14-2.477 2.545-2.477l16.507-0.003zM14.104 5.683h-0.030l-0.202 0.2c2.073 0.6 3.076 1.537 3.076 1.537-1.336-0.668-2.54-1.002-3.744-1.137-0.87-0.135-1.74-0.064-2.475 0h-0.2c-0.47 0-1.47 0.2-2.81 0.735-0.467 0.203-0.735 0.336-0.735 0.336s1.002-1.002 3.21-1.537l-0.135-0.135s-1.672-0.064-3.477 1.27c0 0-1.805 3.144-1.805 7.020 0 0 1 1.74 3.743 1.806 0 0 0.4-0.533 0.805-1.002-1.54-0.468-2.14-1.404-2.14-1.404s0.134 0.066 0.335 0.2h0.060c0.030 0 0.044 0.015 0.060 0.030v0.006c0.016 0.016 0.030 0.030 0.060 0.030 0.33 0.136 0.66 0.27 0.93 0.4 0.466 0.202 1.065 0.403 1.8 0.536 0.93 0.135 1.996 0.2 3.21 0 0.6-0.135 1.2-0.267 1.8-0.535 0.39-0.2 0.87-0.4 1.397-0.737 0 0-0.6 0.936-2.205 1.404 0.33 0.466 0.795 1 0.795 1 2.744-0.060 3.81-1.8 3.87-1.726 0-3.87-1.815-7.020-1.815-7.020-1.635-1.214-3.165-1.26-3.435-1.26l0.056-0.020zM14.272 10.096c0.703 0 1.27 0.6 1.27 1.335 0 0.74-0.57 1.34-1.27 1.34s-1.27-0.6-1.27-1.334c0.002-0.74 0.573-1.338 1.27-1.338zM9.729 10.096c0.7 0 1.266 0.6 1.266 1.335 0 0.74-0.57 1.34-1.27 1.34s-1.27-0.6-1.27-1.334c0-0.74 0.57-1.338 1.27-1.338z"></path>
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        <!-- dribbble -->
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        <path d="M13.714 20.089c-0.134-0.777-0.643-3.455-1.875-6.67-0.013 0-0.040 0.013-0.054 0.013 0 0-5.21 1.821-6.897 5.491-0.080-0.067-0.201-0.147-0.201-0.147 1.527 1.246 3.469 2.009 5.598 2.009 1.219 0 2.371-0.254 3.429-0.696zM11.237 11.96c-0.214-0.496-0.455-0.991-0.71-1.487-4.527 1.353-8.866 1.246-9.013 1.246-0.013 0.094-0.013 0.188-0.013 0.281 0 2.25 0.857 4.313 2.25 5.866v0c2.397-4.272 7.138-5.799 7.138-5.799 0.121-0.040 0.241-0.067 0.348-0.107zM9.804 9.121c-1.527-2.705-3.147-4.902-3.268-5.063-2.451 1.152-4.272 3.415-4.848 6.134 0.228 0 3.897 0.040 8.116-1.071zM18.964 13.393c-0.188-0.054-2.638-0.83-5.478-0.388 1.152 3.174 1.621 5.759 1.714 6.281 1.969-1.326 3.362-3.442 3.763-5.893zM8.183 3.469c-0.013 0-0.013 0-0.027 0.013 0 0 0.013-0.013 0.027-0.013zM16.085 5.411c-1.54-1.366-3.576-2.196-5.799-2.196-0.71 0-1.406 0.094-2.076 0.254 0.134 0.174 1.795 2.357 3.295 5.116 3.308-1.232 4.554-3.134 4.58-3.174zM19.071 11.906c-0.027-2.076-0.763-3.991-1.996-5.491-0.027 0.027-1.433 2.063-4.902 3.482 0.201 0.415 0.402 0.844 0.589 1.272 0.067 0.147 0.121 0.308 0.188 0.455 3.027-0.388 6.013 0.268 6.121 0.281zM20.571 12c0 5.679-4.607 10.286-10.286 10.286s-10.286-4.607-10.286-10.286 4.607-10.286 10.286-10.286 10.286 4.607 10.286 10.286z"></path>
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        <!-- behance -->
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        <symbol id="icon-vimeo" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
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        <symbol id="icon-snapchat" viewBox="0 0 22 24">
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2. Footer Menu

You can add an additional menu bar at the footer of the page

➡️ Dashboard -> Design -> Secondary Navigation


Rimay supports Disqus comments as well as comment counting

— First, you will need to get your account disqusShortName

➡️ Dashboard -> Code injection -> Site Footer

var disqusShortName = 'YOUR_DISQUS_SHORTCUT_HERE';

4. Search

The default search engine will only search the titles of the post

Setup a Custom integration

  1. Go in your Ghost's dashboard -> Integrations -> Add custom integration
  2. Set a name: GodoFredo Themes Search
  3. Get the Content API Key and replace the demo key with this one
  4. Get the admin domain. This will be different in some cases

ghost api

➡️ Dashboard -> Code injection -> Site Footer

  var searchSettings = {
    key: 'ADD_YOUR_API_KEY',
    url: 'https://demo.ghost.io',

OR - Adding parameters to the search

var searchSettings = {
  key: 'ADD_YOUR_API_KEY',
  url: 'https://demo.ghost.io',
  /* This is optional */
  options: {
    keys: [
    limit: 10,
  /* This is optional to perform filtering of the ghost api */
  api: {
    resource: 'posts',
    parameters: {
      limit: 'all',
      fields: ['title', 'slug'],
      filter: '',
      include: '',
      order: '',
      formats: '',

The search engine that includes Rimay is very powerful, supports almost all languages and you can customize to your liking.

Read more about the search engine Read More

Post Format

Rimay has different templates for post formats. I will mention some of them.

  1. Default Post — Includes the featured image at the top.

  2. Post Image — This template will have a very large featured image and the header background will also be transparent.

Tags Page

A page will be displayed with all tags sorted from highest to lowest number of articles.

  • Create a new page
  • Choose your favorite url and title
  • Template dropdown -> Select Archive Tags
  • Publish the page
  • To add the page to the navigation


Rimay has a nice page for AMP

  • Navigation
  • links to followers in social media
  • Tags
  • Related Articles (6 articles)
  • Buttons to share the article (Facebook - Twitter - Whatsapp)

To customize the AMP page read here

Theme Translation

Rimay supports:

  • en — English default language
  • es — Spanish

Publication Language for ghost

if you want to have in another language you just have to copy locales>en.json and rename the file then translate to your favorite language:

Just enter the language/locale tag of the files to use (e.g.: fr.json for French, zh.json for Chinese, ja.json for Japanese)

PrismJS code syntax

Make your code stand out. WIth the PrismJS code highlighter. PrismJS allows you to select which languge you embeded and performs code highlighting according to the language. Neat!

Take a look at the Prismjs Supported Language List to find your coding language.


Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2020 GodoFredo - Released under the GPLv3 license