
A Pelican plugin to add Flickr images using reStructuredText.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Flickrst is a plugin for Pelican static site generator. This plugins add a reStructuredText directive (flickr) to display images available in Flickr.


To install the plugin, clone the this repository in a place where the Pelican plugins live:

$ git clone https://github.com/gpoo/flickrst.git

and add it in the plugin_ section of your blog configuration (likely, pelicanconf.py.

    # ...
    # ...


In your articles, just add lines to your posts that look like:

.. flickr:: 31456067436
    :alt: A notebook with notes
    :title: Together, little bull and notes.
    :class: div-class
    :figclass: fig-class
    :size: Large

    Caption notes as written in a notebook.

The plugin will retrieve the Flickr image with id 31456067436 in the text (page or article). The resulting HTML might look like:

<div class="div-class">
  <figure class="div-class">
    <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/gpoo/31456067436/">
    <img alt="A notebook with notes"
         title="Together, little bull and notes."/></a>
    <figcaption>Caption notes as written in a notebook.</figcaption>

The only mandatory data is the photo id. If you want to set the title from the Flickr image as alt or title, then you can leave empty such property. For example:

.. flickr:: 31456067436

The result will be:

<div class="figure-container">
  <figure class="figure-container">
    <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/gpoo/31456067436/">
    <img alt="Together"


FLICKR_REST_CACHE_LOCATION - The cache location which stores the looked up photo information. This dramatically speeds up building of the site and permits you to do it offline as well. Defaults to /tmp/org.calcifer.flickrst-images.cache (Optional)

FLICKR_TAG_IMAGE_SIZE - The size alias used to retrieve the url for photo. Default is 'Medium 640'. See the Flickr getSizes documentation for the valid values. (Optional)

Flickr Settings

The following two settings are required. In order to set them up, you will need to set up a Flickr API key. You can do this by creating an app on Flickr. If the blog is a personal blog, then apply for a non-commercial key. Once you've got your key and secret, add them to your Pelican configuration.

FLICKR_API_KEY - The API key for your app to access the Flickr API. (Required)

FLICKR_API_SECRET - The API secret for your app to access the Flickr API. (Required)

Flickr Tokens

A Flickr API token is only required if you want to access photos that are private to your account and cannot be gotten through the public API. I'll assume you know what you're doing and how to get a Flickr API token for this setting.

FLICKR_API_TOKEN - The API token to access the Flickr API. (Optional)


This plugin was inspired by the Pelican Flickr Tag plugin, and it uses similar settings (The settings' section is a copy its manual). I have contributed to that plugin, and finally ended writing a new pluging. I think a ReST directive makes the text cleaner, and it enables some tinkering.

As Pelican Flickr Tag, this code also uses portions of code from flickrpy.


Uses the MIT license.