
This is my local copy of pybliographer. I have two working in progress branches: gtk2 and gtk3. gtk2 is only for bugfixes and gtk3 is the ongoing port to GTK3. Beware that I would rebase/rewrite the commits on these branches.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

-*- text -*-

Pybliographer provides a framework for working with bibliographic

For more information, please consult the documentation at:



* Requirements

Before installing pybliographer, please install:

  - GNU Recode (v. 3.5)
  - python-bibtex (also available from http://pybliographer.org/)
  - Gnome 2.x and gnome-python 2.x

* Installation 

Basically, it should be a matter of:

	./configure && make
	make install

You can then run several programs :

  - pybliographic : the graphical interface
  - pybliographer : the text-based interface and scripting language
  - pybcheck, pybconvert, pybformat, ... : several useful tools

For more configuration options, have a look at the output of ./configure --help

* Troubleshooting

If the configure script reports the following errors:

 ** "error in python modules dependencies:  No module named ..."
   This means that a required module is not installed. Unfortunately,
   depending on your distribution, the actual package to install can
   be named differently. Check on the help pages of your distribution.

 ** "broken recode version"

   Your recode package does not behave properly.  Consult
   http://pybliographer.org/RecodeHelp for more information.