
to compile

cd fft_onchip
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES=86 -Dmathdx_ROOT=/home/path/to/mathdx/nvidia/mathdx/22.11 -GNinja

currently inside one can find 4 kernels:

  1. using cuFFTDx include/reference.cuh
  2. custom using tensor cores include/tensor_fft.cuh for 64point fft with karatsuba algorithm based mma
  3. custom using radix-8 DIF kernel include/legacy8_fft.cuh
  4. custom using radix-16 DIF kernel include/legacy16_fft.cuh

the output should look similar to this:

Tensor FFT took: 124.511 microseconds
Reference took: 147.854 microseconds
MSE: 2.33208e-14

to see a side by side comparison of results in addition to the MSE, change the config.hpp::print_results to true.