
Simple application that was designed in the full cycle golang aceleration week. The objectives of this program are learn and study simples concepts aboout golang, goroutines and pub-sub architecture

Primary LanguageGo

FullCycle Program Acceleration Go

Simple application that was designed in the fullCycle golang acceleration week. The objective of this program are learn and study concepts about golang, goroutines and pub-sub architecture.


  • golang 1.19
  • mongo
  • rabbitmq
  • docker
  • kubernates
  • prometheus
  • grafana
  • github actions

How to run

If you would like to run, test and debug the producer, consumer or api you can use docker-compose file inside infra/docker with the command docker-compose up -d and attach in goapp service. However if you would like to run the entire project with prometheus and grafana you should apply the kubernates manifest files inside infra/k8s. ps: it is important to apply first the namespace manifest to create the namescape for the project.


Untitled Diagram drawio