We did looked for good and configurable bruteforce script for DNS records. All of our founds based on wordlists, some of the tools had true-bruteforce capabilities but they were not configurable in detail.
Tool focues for finding A type records (CNAME's are also be founded).
DNS Subdomain Bruteforcer.
dns-bruter.py <domain> [options]
-h --help Show this screen.
--thread <thread> Thread count. [default: 100]
--characters <characters> Characters to use permutation [default: qwertyuopasdfghjklizxcvbnm0123456789-_]
--length <length> Maximum subdomain length [default: 7]
--min-length <min-length> Minimum subdomain length [default: 1]
--dns-servers <servers> DNS servers for requesting iterativly, comma for multiple [default:]
--output-path <file> Save outputs to file
--statistics Show request statistics