This repository is used for the Cracking the Coding Interview - APIs. We'll be covering how to build an API during this session, with the chance for you to work in small teams to build solutions to a number of test cases.
We're going to be building an API for a Sports Hub. They want to track daily sport activities record, for example running or cycling times.
We need an API that can process the track records to our database. We'll need to build one!
Each track record should have the following fields:
- Date of activity
- Activity name (Running, Cycle)
- Time duration (e.g. 45 minutes)
- Distance (e.g. 10 kilometers)
There's a number of tests we need to pass. These include:
- Successfully respond with a 200
- Records should return list activities as array
- New command should return nerly added activities
- An API call to any of the command with incomplete value should return 400.
Some of these tests will need to be written by you to make sure your code is robust. You should write these before you start working on those features.
To work on this, you should fork this repository and make a Pull Request with your changes at the end of the session! On your fork, invite your team and just submit your single fork (we can see who's worked on what)