
Rapidly Generate Simple Pdf & Excel Report on Laravel

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Laravel Report Generators (PDF & Excel)

Rapidly Generate Simple Pdf Report on Laravel (Using barryvdh/laravel-dompdf or barryvdh/laravel-snappy) or Excel Report (using Maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel)

This package provides a simple pdf & excel report generators to speed up your workflow


Add package to your composer:

composer require jimmyjs/laravel-report-generator

Then, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php



This package is make use of chunk method (Eloquent / Query Builder) so it can handle big data without memory exhausted.

Also, You can use PdfReport or ExcelReport facade for shorter code that already registered as an alias.

Example Display PDF Code

// PdfReport Aliases
use PdfReport;

public function displayReport(Request $request) {
    // Retrieve any filters
    $fromDate = $request->input('from_date');
    $toDate = $request->input('to_date');
    $sortBy = $request->input('sort_by');

    // Report title
    $title = 'Registered User Report';

    // For displaying filters description on header
    $meta = [
        'Registered on' => $fromDate . ' To ' . $toDate,
        'Sort By' => $sortBy

    // Do some querying..
    $queryBuilder = User::select(['name', 'balance', 'registered_at'])
                        ->whereBetween('registered_at', [$fromDate, $toDate])

    // Set Column to be displayed
    $columns = [
        'Name' => 'name',
        'Registered At', // if no column_name specified, this will automatically seach for snake_case of column name (will be registered_at) column from query result
        'Total Balance' => 'balance',
        'Status' => function($result) { // You can do if statement or any action do you want inside this closure
            return ($result->balance > 100000) ? 'Rich Man' : 'Normal Guy';

        Generate Report with flexibility to manipulate column class even manipulate column value (using Carbon, etc).

        - of()         : Init the title, meta (filters description to show), query, column (to be shown)
        - editColumn() : To Change column class or manipulate its data for displaying to report
        - editColumns(): Mass edit column
        - showTotal()  : Used to sum all value on specified column on the last table (except using groupBy method). 'point' is a type for displaying total with a thousand separator
        - groupBy()    : Show total of value on specific group. Used with showTotal() enabled.
        - limit()      : Limit record to be showed
        - make()       : Will producing DomPDF / SnappyPdf instance so you could do any other DomPDF / snappyPdf method such as stream() or download()
    return PdfReport::of($title, $meta, $queryBuilder, $columns)
                    ->editColumn('Registered At', [
                        'displayAs' => function($result) {
                            return $result->registered_at->format('d M Y');
                    ->editColumn('Total Balance', [
                        'displayAs' => function($result) {
                            return thousandSeparator($result->balance);
                    ->editColumns(['Total Balance', 'Status'], [
                        'class' => 'right bold'
                        'Total Balance' => 'point'
                    ->stream(); // or download('filename here..') to download pdf

Note: For downloading to excel, just change PdfReport facade to ExcelReport facade no more modifications

Data Manipulation

$columns = [
    'Name' => 'name',
    'Registered At' => 'registered_at',
    'Total Balance' => 'balance',
    'Status' => function($result) { // You can do data manipulation, if statement or any action do you want inside this closure
        return ($result->balance > 100000) ? 'Rich Man' : 'Normal Guy';

Will produce a same result with:

$columns = [
    'Name' => function($result) {
        return $result->name;
    'Registered At' => function($result) {
        return $result->registered_at;
    'Total Balance' => function($result) {
        return $result->balance;
    'Status' => function($result) { // You can do if statement or any action do you want inside this closure
        return ($result->balance > 100000) ? 'Rich Man' : 'Normal Guy';

So you can do some eager loading relation like:

$post = Post::with('comment')->where('active', 1);

$columns = [
    'Post Title' => function($result) {
        return $result->title;
    'Slug' => 'slug',
    'Top Comment' => function($result) {
        return $result->comment->body;

Output Report

Output Report with Grand Total

Example Code With Group By

Or, you can total all records by group using groupBy method

    // Do some querying..
    $queryBuilder = User::select(['name', 'balance', 'registered_at'])
                        ->whereBetween('registered_at', [$fromDate, $toDate])
                        ->orderBy('registered_at', 'ASC'); // You should sort groupBy column to use groupBy() Method

    // Set Column to be displayed
    $columns = [
        'Registered At' => 'registered_at',
        'Name' => 'name',
        'Total Balance' => 'balance',
        'Status' => function($result) { // You can do if statement or any action do you want inside this closure
            return ($result->balance > 100000) ? 'Rich Man' : 'Normal Guy';
    return PdfReport::of($title, $meta, $queryBuilder, $columns)
                    ->editColumn('Registered At', [
                        'displayAs' => function($result) {
                            return $result->registered_at->format('d M Y');
                    ->editColumn('Total Balance', [
                        'class' => 'right bold', 
                        'displayAs' => function($result) {
                            return thousandSeparator($result->balance);
                    ->editColumn('Status', [
                        'class' => 'right bold',
                    ->groupBy('Registered At')
                        'Total Balance' => 'point'


Output Report With Group By Registered At

Output Report with Group By Grand Total

Other Method

1. setPaper($paper = 'a4')

Supported Media Type: PDF

Description: Set Paper Size


  • $paper (Default: 'a4')


PdfReport::of($title, $meta, $queryBuilder, $columns)

2. setCss(Array $styles)

Supported Media Type: PDF, Excel

Description: Set a new custom styles with given selector and style to apply


  • Array $styles (Key: $selector, Value: $style)


ExcelReport::of($title, $meta, $queryBuilder, $columns)
            ->editColumn('Registered At', [
                'class' => 'right bolder italic-red'
                '.bolder' => 'font-weight: 800;',
                '.italic-red' => 'color: red;font-style: italic;'

3. setOrientation($orientation = 'portrait')

Supported Media Type: PDF

Description: Set Orientation to Landscape or Portrait


  • $orientation (Default: 'portrait')


PdfReport::of($title, $meta, $queryBuilder, $columns)