

This is a test demo of bank system in a localhost injected web3 ,private blockchain, ethereum based smartcontract web application.


Metamask Extension

  • Install Metamask Extension
  • Login/Register
  • Switch to Test Network
  • Ask for free Test ethers using deposit section (create a post with your twitter and copy url to get test ethers)
  • metamask

Remix Ethereum

  • open Remix ethereum website(
  • delete all and create a new file named Bank.sol ( copy my code :D )
  • now click deploy using Injcted web3 option in run section
  • You can test your code is working or not using compile and run section in remix
  • You can check your contract addr in deployed contracts option
  • metamask

Website localhost

  • open using vs code
  • Run below two lines in terminal(NODEJS NPM:))
  • npm install -g http-server
  • http-server
  • Now replace your contract addr in addr variable
  • metamask
  • metamask