
2D Stencil improved with GPUDirect Async

Primary LanguageC

2D Stencil improved with GPUDirect Async


Simulates computation on a distributed 2D stencil distributed across a 2D grid of processes. The computation is a simple average where the value of an element in the current iteration depends on the values of its neighboring elements (1-cell stencil) from the previous iteration. The near-neighbor exchange involves transferring the outermost most layer of the data grid between neighboring processes. There are two data grids, u and v, where one is computed from the other, alternatingly, in each iteration. This is modeled after the presence of multiple components in real science problems that affect each other over time, for example velocity and stress in seismic modeling codes. The organization of the main loop is as follows which we undestaood is a typical way things are done in stencil applications.

Loop { Interior Compute

 Boundary Pack 


 Boundary Unpack 

 Boundary Compute 


Interior compute is launched on one CUDA stream while all other activity happens on another CUDA stream. This allows for overlap of the computation with the data exchange. There are three versions of the test:

2dstencil_p2p_sr: Exchange is implemented using MPI (CUDA-aware). The synchronization between MPI and CUDA is managed by the CPU (for example: makes sure boundary pack is complete before exchange happens and makes sure exchange is complete before boundary unpack is called).

2dstencil_p2p_ib: Exchange is implemented using standard IB verbs. The synchronization between IB and CUDA is managed by the CPU (for example: makes sure boundary pack is complete before exchange happens and makes sure exchange is complete before boundary unpack is called).

2dstencil_p2p_peersync: Exchange is implemented using extended IB verbs with support for PeerSync. The synchronization between IB and CUDA is offloaded onto GPU streams using PeerSync API.


The variables to be set in the environment when running the benchmark are:

PX, PY - the dimensions of the process grid

PX*PY must match the number of processes in the job


mpirun_rsh -np 4 -hostfile hfile PX=2 PY=2 MV2_USE_CUDA=1 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 2dstencil_p2p_sr