
an exercise in dealing with money in rust

Primary LanguageRust


This took me about 5 hours keyboard time.

on time

Sticking points on"keyboard time"

  1. It took me a bit to find the API for serde as this is my first time using the library.
    • I had to figure out the visitor api/annotations so I could read in Decimal values to let the Decimal library completely handle all concerns about precision. I knew such a thing should exist in a library like serde, but my first try at the api had me using the visitor pattern and I overrode methods like visit_f64 but then I realized based on my input I had to handle visit_i64 and visit_str which not only become intractable but wasn't what I wanted! why? because serde was reading in 100.00 as an f64 via visit_f64 as the literal 100f64 which was converted to a decimal with 0 precision instead of 2. I didn't discover this until I was testing some edge cases in sample.csv and so it took me more time to figure out that deserialize_with could be forced to read in strings only and the string values preserved the precision and worked properly with the Decimal::from_str api to preserve precision.
  2. I wrestled with the borrow checker a bit while dealing with the vector of records I was storing in a HashMap
    • The borrow checker is as the borrow checker does... sometimes it holds us up.
  3. Because I like to experiment with my code in a pseudo-TDD environment I spent time making a version I could test with that read things into memory, but adapted a version for use in main that streams records, this refactoring took some time, and with more foresight could have been avoided.

on assumptions

on account freezes

  • Referenced investopedia and decided that after a chargeback, a frozen account could accept transactions of type deposits and nothing else.
  • There is no way to unfreeze an account

on disputes for withdrawals

  • a disputed withdrawal will not decrement from available funds because a processed withdrawal has already done so. Disputed withdrawals will only increment held funds by amount and on Resolve will subtract amount from held funds and add to available_funds otherwise a dispute for a withdrawal has no effect on a client account.

on duplicate transactions types

  • the only allowable state transitions are (withdraw/deposit)->dispute->(chargeback/resolve) any transaction for the same transaction_id will be ignored.

on unique transaction ids

  • program implementation doesn't require them to be unique. in a persistent implementation backed by a key/value store this assumption would probably be relied upon so transaction id could be used as key's regardless of client_id (current implemtnation used in memory hash map)

on precision tests

  • I know that
                    assert_eq!(Decimal::new(10000, 2), Decimal::new(1000, 1));

doesn't panic which means my test cases do not properly confirm something I've confirmed with my eyeballs and the irks me.


  • Code is not persistent, but a "complete" implementation might be required to recognize if the same data was read in multiple times, be restartable/recoverable without redoing work or compromising client state. It's possible that:
  1. no data is ever submitted multiple times,
  2. all transactions can be re-streamed through the system if a crash/restart occurs. However those are not the kind of assumptions I've found one can make in the real world.
  • there is a hardcoded value, but it exists in one place.
  • cargo clippy and cargo fmt were run using Rust 1.59.0
  • always have a configurable logger