
Discord bot to post big swaps to a channel

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Airswap Big Swaps discord bot

This is a basic nodejs discord bot that listents to Swap events from the AirSwap RFQ light contract on the ethereum blockchain. When a swap occurs, we fetch the current USD price of the two tokens involved from CoinGecko, and send a description of the swap to Discord if the value exceeds a threshold.

Note that a swap has two USD values that may be different, so we use the average of the two.


Clone the repo and run npm i. You'll need node & npm installed.

Environment set up

The bot needs a few environment variables to run:

Create a .env file in the root directory with the following variables (fill them in!) or use whatever mechanism your server uses to populate them.

  • INFURA_PROJECT_ID if you want to use your own API key for Infura. (I'm not sure if ethers will sometimes use other providers)
  • DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN bot token for discord
  • COMMAND_PREFIX prefix for bot commands (see below)
  • LOG_ALL_SWAPS - set to true if you want all swaps to be logged to your terminal/console (this doesn't send everything to discord)

Adding the bot to your server

You need to generate an oAuth url with the bot scope and Send Messages text permission. You can then follow the link to add the bot to your server.

Running the bot server

The server is written in typescript, the easiest way to run it at the moment is to execute npx ts-node index.ts.


This bot has several commands, in the format [prefix] [command]. Prefix is set by the environment variable COMMAND_PREFIX and should be something that wouldn't get typed in a normal conversation.

Currently commands can only be executed by people with ADMINISTRATOR server permissions.

The bot will respond to some commands with text, but in all cases will respond with one of the following reactions:

  • 👌 - command succeeded
  • ⚠️ - command failed
  • 🤷‍♀️ - unknown command

NOTE: Commands change the config for the channel in which the command was issued only.

Available commands

  • test - checks if bot is listening to commands
  • all - report all swaps
  • >x - report all swaps with a value higher than x (x should be a number)
  • <x - report all swaps with a value less than x
  • x - y - report all swaps with a value between x and y
  • stop / disable / off - stop reporting swaps