Pinned issues
- 4
Random ServerException
#465 opened by Masadow - 2
How to make reconnect TransportWebSocketLink(TransportWsClientOptions())
#450 opened by DartFlutterWorld - 3
- 0
decorators (like @deprecated) seems lost when converting string to DocumentNode object
#474 opened by woprandi - 0
DioLink._executeDioRequest Timeout exception
#473 opened by amritnew - 2
How to use WebSocketMaker with cupertino_http
#467 opened by orestesgaolin - 1
- 0
how to set headers in first http1.1 request before connection upgrade for TransportWebSocketLink?
#463 opened by agufagit - 0
- 2
LinkException as a sealed class
#425 opened by RobertBrunhage - 2
- 5
[BUG] Printer fails with string blocks
#453 opened by sh1l0n - 3
- 1
FR: Dynamic header
#445 opened by Naitoreivun - 5
[Question] Dio interceptor with retry not triggered when timeout() is invoked
#442 opened by adummy832 - 1
dependencies issue
#443 opened by zaqwery - 1
[gql_websocket_link] uuid package version conflict
#439 opened by memishood - 0
gql_code_builder: allow adding custom builder factories for nested collections
#436 opened by knaeckeKami - 0
More maintainers wanted
#435 opened by knaeckeKami - 6
[gql_websocket_link] TransportWebSocketLink does not reconnect when graphql server disappears
#407 opened by bverhagen - 5
[WebSocketLink] inactivityTimeout causes a reconnect
#430 opened by anlumo - 3
[gql_websocket_link] Crash events on host lookup
#423 opened by bverhagen - 0
__typename on Subscription's
#320 opened by mario-jerkovic - 1
- 2
[Begging for support] Can the url be transformed?
#419 opened by danielRi - 1
OperationException(linkException: ResponseFormatException(originalException: type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'String' in type cast
#415 opened by Routee - 2
- 0
Add support for graphql-transport-ws protocol
#305 opened by sbatezat - 2
- 0
`Visitor` and all sub class could have a `const` constructor to always subclasses to be const
#394 opened by ValentinVignal - 0
- 2
[gql_code_builder] Update to analyzer 5.7+
#391 opened by chillbrodev - 1
- 2
Future of gql_dio_link
#384 opened by knaeckeKami - 5
- 3
New release?
#368 opened by tjarvstrand - 2
bug [codegen]: Nesting InlineFragmentNode on an extended-Type in a FragmentDefinition based on an Interface Type definition causes unbound recursion/Stack_Overflow
#372 opened by JELaVallee - 1
- 4
Getting XMLHttpRequest error for Web platform
#358 opened by warcayac - 2
- 2
Release gql_http_link stable version
#350 opened by ueman - 5
- 0
[codegen] separate reserved names for top identifiers and reserved names for built_value fields
#340 opened by knaeckeKami - 2
Cannot run `dart pub get` in `gql_build`
#341 opened by ValentinVignal - 0
- 4
On windows, build_runner fails
#306 opened by Adherentman - 17
Expression - A non-null value must be returned
#308 opened by ecoant - 2
when support analyzer ^4.0.0
#316 opened by takapiroid88 - 1
Log gql query before it is sent.
#321 opened by fmatuszewski - 6
#310 opened by redDwarf03