
Some tools for use with the Canvas LMS.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tools for use with Instructure.com's Canvas LMS. These tools are intended to be examples of how one can use the Canvas Restful API and to provide some useful functionality (mainly for teachers).

Programs can be called with the option "-v" or "--verbose" you get lots of output - showing in detail the operations of the program.

Additionally, programs can be called with an alternative configuration file using the syntax: --config FILE

for example: --config config-test.json

See the default-config.json file for an example of the structure of this file. Replace the string xxx by your access token and replace the string yyy.instructure.com with the name of the server where your Canvas LMS is running.




To list the courses of the user runinng the program


No input



Outputs JSON for user's courses

Example (edited to show only some of the output):

[   {   'account_id': 42,
        'apply_assignment_group_weights': False,
        'blueprint': False,
        'calendar': {   'ics': 'https://kth.instructure.com/feeds/calendars/course_tvlR3Myd7jh5GZ71BV44uXb1WkYfpzq0lHCBJ7hR.ics'},
        'course_code': 'Chip',
        'created_at': '2016-06-10T07:58:47Z',
        'default_view': 'wiki',
        'end_at': None,
        'enrollment_term_id': 1,
        'enrollments': [   {   'enrollment_state': 'active',
                               'role': 'TeacherEnrollment',
                               'role_id': 4,
                               'type': 'teacher',
                               'user_id': 29}],
        'grading_standard_id': 40,
        'hide_final_grades': False,
        'id': 11,
        'integration_id': None,
        'is_public': True,
        'is_public_to_auth_users': False,
        'locale': 'en',
        'name': "Chip's sandbox",
        'original_name': 'Chip sandbox',
        'public_syllabus': True,
        'public_syllabus_to_auth': False,
        'restrict_enrollments_to_course_dates': False,
        'root_account_id': 1,
        'sis_course_id': None,
        'start_at': '2016-08-13T11:15:00Z',
        'storage_quota_mb': 5000,
        'time_zone': 'Europe/Stockholm',
        'uuid': 'tvlR3Myd7jh5GZ71BV44uXb1WkYfpzq0lHCBJ7hR',
        'workflow_state': 'available'},
        'workflow_state': 'unpublished'}]



To list the courses of the user runinng the program





Outputs a file (courses-self.xlsx) containing a spreadsheet of the user's courses




To get a list of the users in a course together with their sections and avatars


users-in-course.py course_id


XLSX spreadsheet with textual section names and URL to user's avatar

Note that getting the avatars takes some time, hence this is optional


users-in-course.py --config config-test.json 6434

users-in-course.py --config config-test.json --avatar 6434

users-in-course.py --config config-test.json --avatar -p 11

To make images 90x90 pixels in size:
  users-in-course.py --config config-test.json --avatar -p -s 90 11



To list the modules in a course in a spreadsheet


Takes course_id as an argument

modules-in-course.py course_id


Outputs a spreadsheet named 'modules-'+course_id+'.xlsx'


modules-in-course.py 11

modules-in-course.py --config config-test.json 11



To list the module items in a course in a spreadsheet


Takes course_id as an argument

module-items-in-course.py course_id


Outputs a spreadsheet named 'module-items-'+course_id+'.xlsx'


module-items-in-course.py 11

module-items-in-course.py --config config-test.json 11



To list the assignments in a course in a spreadsheet It also gets the course syllabus and saves it as an HTML file.


Takes course_id as an argument

assignments-in-course.py course_id


Outputs a spreadsheet named 'assignments-'+course_id+'.xlsx'


assignments-in-course.py 11

assignments-in-course.py --config config-test.json 11


The reason for getting the syllabus is that some courses may use it to refer to the content covered in the course.



To list the quizzes in a course in a spreadsheet


Takes course_id as an argument

quizzes-in-course.py course_id


Outputs a spreadsheet named 'quizzes-'+course_id+'.xlsx'


quizzes-in-course.py 11

quizzes-in-course.py --config config-test.json 11



To list the custom columns in a spreadsheet


custom-columns-in-course.py course_id


custom-columns-in-course.py 1585



To delete a custom column or all custom columns from a course


To delete a specific custom column:
  delete-custom-columns-in-course.py course_id column_id

To delete aall custom column:
  delete-custom-columns-in-course.py -a course_id


Delete one column:
  delete-custom-columns-in-course.py 12683 1118

Delete all columns:
  delete-custom-columns-in-course.py -v --config config-test.json -a 12683



To create sections in a course


create-sections-in-course.py course_id [section_name]  [section_name]  [section_name] ...




create-sections-in-course.py --config config-test.json 12683  'Test section'  'Test section2'



To delete indicated section(s) of a course


delete-sections-in-course.py course_id section_id


deleting section id=NNNN with name=SSSSSS


delete-sections-in-course.py -v --config config-test.json 12683 16164

To delete all sections:
./delete-sections-in-course.py -a --config config-test.json 12683



To output a XLSX spreadsheet of the files for the user running the program







    ./my-files.py --config config-test.json 11

for testing - skips some files:
   ./my-files.py -t 

    ./my-files.py -t --config config-test.json



To create a set of fake users in a Canvas instance and enroll them in a course


./create-fake-users-in-course.py account_id course_id




./create-fake-users-in-course.py 1 4

./create-fake-users-in-course.py --config config-test.json 1 4



To insert an A-F and Fx grading scheme, as well as a P/F and Fx grading scheme in either a course or an account.


insert_AFPFFx_grading_standards.py -a account_id
insert_AFPFFx_grading_standards.py    course_id


outputs a little information as it works


insert_AFPFFx_grading_standards.py -v 11
insert_AFPFFx_grading_standards.py -v --config config-test.json 11



To display custom data that is stored with a user in Canvas.


./custom-data-for-users-in-course.py course_id

the name space is 'se.kth.canvas-app.program_of_study'
the scope is 'program_of_study'


the custom data associated with the name space and scope for each user in the selected course


 ./custom-data-for-users-in-course.py 4

 ./custom-data-for-users-in-course.py --config config-test.json 4

Can be used With the option '-C'or '--containers' use HTTP rather than HTTPS for access to Canvas in containers in a VM.

./custom-data-for-users-in-course.py -v 4
ARGV      : ['-v', '4']
VERBOSE   : True
Configuration file : None
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/courses/4/enrollments
result of getting enrollments: [{"id":4,"user_id":3,"course_id":4,"type":"StudentEnrollment","created_at":"2019-01-30T14:13:42Z","updated_at":"2019-02-02T14:07:49Z","associated_user_id":null,"start_at":null,"end_at":null,"course_section_id":2,"root_account_id":1,"limit_privileges_to_course_section":false,"enrollment_state":"active","role":"StudentEnrollment","role_id":3,"last_activity_at":null,"last_attended_at":null,"total_activity_time":0,"sis_import_id":null,"grades":{"html_url":"http://canvas.docker/courses/4/grades/3","current_score":null,"current_grade":null,"final_score":null,"final_grade":null,"unposted_current_score":null,"unposted_current_grade":null,"unposted_final_score":null,"unposted_final_grade":null},"sis_account_id":null,"sis_course_id":null,"course_integration_id":null,"sis_section_id":null,"section_integration_id":null,"sis_user_id":"z1","html_url":"http://canvas.docker/courses/4/users/3","user":{"id":3,"name":"Ann 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'integration_id': None, 'sis_import_id': None, 'login_id': 's5'}}, {'id': 9, 'user_id': 8, 'course_id': 4, 'type': 'StudentEnrollment', 'created_at': '2019-01-30T14:15:58Z', 'updated_at': '2019-02-02T14:07:49Z', 'associated_user_id': None, 'start_at': None, 'end_at': None, 'course_section_id': 2, 'root_account_id': 1, 'limit_privileges_to_course_section': False, 'enrollment_state': 'active', 'role': 'StudentEnrollment', 'role_id': 3, 'last_activity_at': None, 'last_attended_at': None, 'total_activity_time': 0, 'sis_import_id': None, 'grades': {'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/grades/8', 'current_score': None, 'current_grade': None, 'final_score': None, 'final_grade': None, 'unposted_current_score': None, 'unposted_current_grade': None, 'unposted_final_score': None, 'unposted_final_grade': None}, 'sis_account_id': None, 'sis_course_id': None, 'course_integration_id': None, 'sis_section_id': None, 'section_integration_id': None, 'sis_user_id': 'z6', 'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/users/8', 'user': {'id': 8, 'name': 'Fran FakeStudent', 'created_at': '2019-01-30T15:13:35+01:00', 'sortable_name': 'FakeStudent, Fran', 'short_name': 'Fran', 'sis_user_id': 'z6', 'integration_id': None, 'sis_import_id': None, 'login_id': 's6'}}, {'id': 10, 'user_id': 9, 'course_id': 4, 'type': 'StudentEnrollment', 'created_at': '2019-01-30T14:15:59Z', 'updated_at': '2019-02-02T14:07:49Z', 'associated_user_id': None, 'start_at': None, 'end_at': None, 'course_section_id': 2, 'root_account_id': 1, 'limit_privileges_to_course_section': False, 'enrollment_state': 'active', 'role': 'StudentEnrollment', 'role_id': 3, 'last_activity_at': None, 'last_attended_at': None, 'total_activity_time': 0, 'sis_import_id': None, 'grades': {'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/grades/9', 'current_score': None, 'current_grade': None, 'final_score': None, 'final_grade': None, 'unposted_current_score': None, 'unposted_current_grade': None, 'unposted_final_score': None, 'unposted_final_grade': None}, 'sis_account_id': None, 'sis_course_id': None, 'course_integration_id': None, 'sis_section_id': None, 'section_integration_id': None, 'sis_user_id': 'z7', 'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/users/9', 'user': {'id': 9, 'name': 'Gordon FakeStudent', 'created_at': '2019-01-30T15:13:36+01:00', 'sortable_name': 'FakeStudent, Gordon', 'short_name': 'Gordon', 'sis_user_id': 'z7', 'integration_id': None, 'sis_import_id': None, 'login_id': 's7'}}, {'id': 11, 'user_id': 10, 'course_id': 4, 'type': 'StudentEnrollment', 'created_at': '2019-01-30T14:15:59Z', 'updated_at': '2019-02-02T14:07:49Z', 'associated_user_id': None, 'start_at': None, 'end_at': None, 'course_section_id': 2, 'root_account_id': 1, 'limit_privileges_to_course_section': False, 'enrollment_state': 'active', 'role': 'StudentEnrollment', 'role_id': 3, 'last_activity_at': None, 'last_attended_at': None, 'total_activity_time': 0, 'sis_import_id': None, 'grades': {'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/grades/10', 'current_score': None, 'current_grade': None, 'final_score': None, 'final_grade': None, 'unposted_current_score': None, 'unposted_current_grade': None, 'unposted_final_score': None, 'unposted_final_grade': None}, 'sis_account_id': None, 'sis_course_id': None, 'course_integration_id': None, 'sis_section_id': None, 'section_integration_id': None, 'sis_user_id': 'z8', 'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/users/10', 'user': {'id': 10, 'name': 'Håkan FakeStudent', 'created_at': '2019-01-30T15:13:37+01:00', 'sortable_name': 'FakeStudent, Håkan', 'short_name': 'Håkan', 'sis_user_id': 'z8', 'integration_id': None, 'sis_import_id': None, 'login_id': 's8'}}, {'id': 12, 'user_id': 11, 'course_id': 4, 'type': 'StudentEnrollment', 'created_at': '2019-01-30T14:16:00Z', 'updated_at': '2019-02-02T14:07:49Z', 'associated_user_id': None, 'start_at': None, 'end_at': None, 'course_section_id': 2, 'root_account_id': 1, 'limit_privileges_to_course_section': False, 'enrollment_state': 'active', 'role': 'StudentEnrollment', 'role_id': 3, 'last_activity_at': None, 'last_attended_at': None, 'total_activity_time': 0, 'sis_import_id': None, 'grades': {'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/grades/11', 'current_score': None, 'current_grade': None, 'final_score': None, 'final_grade': None, 'unposted_current_score': None, 'unposted_current_grade': None, 'unposted_final_score': None, 'unposted_final_grade': None}, 'sis_account_id': None, 'sis_course_id': None, 'course_integration_id': None, 'sis_section_id': None, 'section_integration_id': None, 'sis_user_id': 'z9', 'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/users/11', 'user': {'id': 11, 'name': 'Ibǘy FakeStudent', 'created_at': '2019-01-30T15:13:39+01:00', 'sortable_name': 'FakeStudent, Ibǘy', 'short_name': 'Ibǘy', 'sis_user_id': 'z9', 'integration_id': None, 'sis_import_id': None, 'login_id': 's9'}}, {'id': 13, 'user_id': 12, 'course_id': 4, 'type': 'StudentEnrollment', 'created_at': '2019-01-30T14:16:00Z', 'updated_at': '2019-02-02T14:07:49Z', 'associated_user_id': None, 'start_at': None, 'end_at': None, 'course_section_id': 2, 'root_account_id': 1, 'limit_privileges_to_course_section': False, 'enrollment_state': 'active', 'role': 'StudentEnrollment', 'role_id': 3, 'last_activity_at': '2019-02-06T14:00:42Z', 'last_attended_at': None, 'total_activity_time': 173942, 'sis_import_id': None, 'grades': {'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/grades/12', 'current_score': None, 'current_grade': None, 'final_score': None, 'final_grade': None, 'unposted_current_score': None, 'unposted_current_grade': None, 'unposted_final_score': None, 'unposted_final_grade': None}, 'sis_account_id': None, 'sis_course_id': None, 'course_integration_id': None, 'sis_section_id': None, 'section_integration_id': None, 'sis_user_id': 'z10', 'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/users/12', 'user': {'id': 12, 'name': 'James FakeStudent', 'created_at': '2019-01-30T15:13:40+01:00', 'sortable_name': 'FakeStudent, James', 'short_name': 'James', 'sis_user_id': 'z10', 'integration_id': None, 'sis_import_id': None, 'login_id': 's10'}}, {'id': 15, 'user_id': 14, 'course_id': 4, 'type': 'StudentEnrollment', 'created_at': '2019-02-06T09:18:21Z', 'updated_at': '2019-02-06T09:19:20Z', 'associated_user_id': None, 'start_at': None, 'end_at': None, 'course_section_id': 2, 'root_account_id': 1, 'limit_privileges_to_course_section': False, 'enrollment_state': 'active', 'role': 'StudentEnrollment', 'role_id': 3, 'last_activity_at': '2019-02-06T14:22:28Z', 'last_attended_at': None, 'total_activity_time': 8471, 'sis_import_id': None, 'grades': {'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/grades/14', 'current_score': None, 'current_grade': None, 'final_score': None, 'final_grade': None, 'unposted_current_score': None, 'unposted_current_grade': None, 'unposted_final_score': None, 'unposted_final_grade': None}, 'sis_account_id': None, 'sis_course_id': None, 'course_integration_id': None, 'sis_section_id': None, 'section_integration_id': None, 'sis_user_id': 'z13', 'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/users/14', 'user': {'id': 14, 'name': 'Quentin FakeStudent', 'created_at': '2019-02-06T10:12:16+01:00', 'sortable_name': 'FakeStudent, Quentin', 'short_name': 'Quentin FakeStudent', 'sis_user_id': 'z13', 'integration_id': None, 'sis_import_id': None, 'login_id': 's13'}}, {'id': 14, 'user_id': 13, 'course_id': 4, 'type': 'StudentViewEnrollment', 'created_at': '2019-02-02T11:36:20Z', 'updated_at': '2019-02-02T14:07:49Z', 'associated_user_id': None, 'start_at': None, 'end_at': None, 'course_section_id': 2, 'root_account_id': 1, 'limit_privileges_to_course_section': False, 'enrollment_state': 'active', 'role': 'StudentEnrollment', 'role_id': 3, 'last_activity_at': '2019-02-03T09:47:40Z', 'last_attended_at': None, 'total_activity_time': 13288, 'sis_import_id': None, 'grades': {'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/grades/13', 'current_score': None, 'current_grade': None, 'final_score': None, 'final_grade': None, 'unposted_current_score': None, 'unposted_current_grade': None, 'unposted_final_score': None, 'unposted_final_grade': None}, 'sis_account_id': None, 'sis_course_id': None, 'course_integration_id': None, 'sis_section_id': None, 'section_integration_id': None, 'sis_user_id': None, 'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/users/13', 'user': {'id': 13, 'name': 'Test Student', 'created_at': '2019-02-02T12:36:19+01:00', 'sortable_name': 'Student, Test', 'short_name': 'Test Student', 'sis_user_id': None, 'integration_id': None, 'sis_import_id': None, 'login_id': '8054dc7dea06ac29b246be030ededb30a6197af0'}}, {'id': 3, 'user_id': 1, 'course_id': 4, 'type': 'TeacherEnrollment', 'created_at': '2018-12-23T17:45:34Z', 'updated_at': '2019-02-02T14:07:49Z', 'associated_user_id': None, 'start_at': None, 'end_at': None, 'course_section_id': 2, 'root_account_id': 1, 'limit_privileges_to_course_section': False, 'enrollment_state': 'active', 'role': 'TeacherEnrollment', 'role_id': 4, 'last_activity_at': '2019-02-06T19:25:13Z', 'last_attended_at': None, 'total_activity_time': 445591, 'sis_import_id': None, 'sis_account_id': None, 'sis_course_id': None, 'course_integration_id': None, 'sis_section_id': None, 'section_integration_id': None, 'sis_user_id': 'z0', 'html_url': 'http://canvas.docker/courses/4/users/1', 'user': {'id': 1, 'name': 'chip.maguire@gmail.com', 'created_at': '2018-12-12T12:08:59+01:00', 'sortable_name': 'chip.maguire@gmail.com', 'short_name': 'chip.maguire@gmail.com', 'sis_user_id': 'z0', 'integration_id': None, 'sis_import_id': None, 'login_id': 'chip.maguire@gmail.com'}}]
user name=Ann FakeStudent with id=4 and sis_id=z1
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/sis_user_id:z1/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"data":{"programs":[{"code":"FakeFake","name":"Fake program","start":1600}]}}
result of getting custom data for user Ann FakeStudent is {'data': {'programs': [{'code': 'FakeFake', 'name': 'Fake program', 'start': 1600}]}}
user name=Bertil FakeStudent with id=5 and sis_id=z2
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/sis_user_id:z2/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"data":{"programs":[{"code":"CDATE","name":"Degree Programme in Computer Science and Engineering","start":2016}]}}
result of getting custom data for user Bertil FakeStudent is {'data': {'programs': [{'code': 'CDATE', 'name': 'Degree Programme in Computer Science and Engineering', 'start': 2016}]}}
user name=Cenric FakeStudent with id=6 and sis_id=z3
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/sis_user_id:z3/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"data":{"programs":[{"code":"CINTE","name":"Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology","start":2016}]}}
result of getting custom data for user Cenric FakeStudent is {'data': {'programs': [{'code': 'CINTE', 'name': 'Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology', 'start': 2016}]}}
user name=David FakeStudent with id=7 and sis_id=z4
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/sis_user_id:z4/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"data":{"programs":[{"code":"CINTE","name":"Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology","start":2016}]}}
result of getting custom data for user David FakeStudent is {'data': {'programs': [{'code': 'CINTE', 'name': 'Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology', 'start': 2016}]}}
user name=Ellen FakeStudent with id=8 and sis_id=z5
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/sis_user_id:z5/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"data":{"programs":[{"code":"CDATE","name":"Degree Programme in Computer Science and Engineering","start":2016}]}}
result of getting custom data for user Ellen FakeStudent is {'data': {'programs': [{'code': 'CDATE', 'name': 'Degree Programme in Computer Science and Engineering', 'start': 2016}]}}
user name=Fran FakeStudent with id=9 and sis_id=z6
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/sis_user_id:z6/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"data":{"programs":[{"code":"TEBSM","name":"Master's Programme, Embedded Systems, 120 credits","start":2016}]}}
result of getting custom data for user Fran FakeStudent is {'data': {'programs': [{'code': 'TEBSM', 'name': "Master's Programme, Embedded Systems, 120 credits", 'start': 2016}]}}
user name=Gordon FakeStudent with id=10 and sis_id=z7
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/sis_user_id:z7/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"data":{"programs":[{"code":"CDATE","name":"Degree Programme in Computer Science and Engineering","start":2016}]}}
result of getting custom data for user Gordon FakeStudent is {'data': {'programs': [{'code': 'CDATE', 'name': 'Degree Programme in Computer Science and Engineering', 'start': 2016}]}}
user name=Håkan FakeStudent with id=11 and sis_id=z8
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/sis_user_id:z8/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"data":{"programs":[{"code":"TCOMM","name":"Master's Programme, Communication Systems, 120 credits","start":2016}]}}
result of getting custom data for user Håkan FakeStudent is {'data': {'programs': [{'code': 'TCOMM', 'name': "Master's Programme, Communication Systems, 120 credits", 'start': 2016}]}}
user name=Ibǘy FakeStudent with id=12 and sis_id=z9
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/sis_user_id:z9/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"data":{"programs":[{"code":"CELTE","name":"Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering","start":2016}]}}
result of getting custom data for user Ibǘy FakeStudent is {'data': {'programs': [{'code': 'CELTE', 'name': 'Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering', 'start': 2016}]}}
user name=James FakeStudent with id=13 and sis_id=z10
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/sis_user_id:z10/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"data":{"programs":[{"code":"TIVNM","name":"Master's Programme, ICT Innovation, 120 credits","start":2016}]}}
result of getting custom data for user James FakeStudent is {'data': {'programs': [{'code': 'TIVNM', 'name': "Master's Programme, ICT Innovation, 120 credits", 'start': 2016}]}}
user name=Quentin FakeStudent with id=15 and sis_id=z13
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/sis_user_id:z13/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"message":"no data for scope"}
result of getting custom data for user Quentin FakeStudent is []
user name=Test Student with id=14 and sis_id=None
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/14/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"message":"no data for scope"}
result of getting custom data for user Test Student is []
user name=chip.maguire@gmail.com with id=3 and sis_id=z0
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/sis_user_id:z0/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"errors":[{"message":"The specified resource does not exist."}],"error_report_id":642}
result of getting custom data for user chip.maguire@gmail.com is []
url: http://canvas.docker/api/v1/users/self/custom_data/program_of_study
result of getting custom data: {"data":{"programs":[{"code":"FakeFake","name":"Fake program","start":1600}]}}
result of getting custom data for user self is {'data': {'programs': [{'code': 'FakeFake', 'name': 'Fake program', 'start': 1600}]}}



To external tools for a Canvas course


list-external-tool-for-course.py  course_id tool_id 'navigation_text'


a list of external tools for the given course_id


With the option '-C'or '--containers' use HTTP rather than HTTPS for access to Canvas With the option "-v" or "--verbose" you get lots of output - showing in detail the operations of the program

list-external-tools-for-course.py -C 5

Can also be called with an alternative configuration file:
list-external-tools-for-course.py --config config-test.json 4

list-external-tools-for-course.py 4



To add an external to to a Canvas course


add-external-tool-for-course.py  course_id tool_id 'navigation_text'


a list of external tools for the given course_id


With the option '-C'or '--containers' use HTTP rather than HTTPS for access to Canvas With the option "-v" or "--verbose" you get lots of output - showing in detail the operations of the program

add-external-tool-for-course.py 4 2 'TestTool'

Can also be called with an alternative configuration file:
add-external-tool-for-course.py --config config-test.json 4 2 'TestTool'

add-external-tool-for-course.py -C 5 2 'TestTool'



To output calendar events into an XLSX file


./list_calendar_events.py user_id


outputs a file with a name of the form: calendar-user_id.xlsx



To be able to experiment with creating calendar events.


./create_calendar_event.py user_id date title description




Can be modified to use a course or a user content.



Create a spreadsheet of a user's calendar events


./list_calendar_events.py user_id


XLSX spreadsheet of the user's calendar events. The format of the file name is: calendar-user_id.xlsx



To output all of the customn columns in a course as a spreadsheet


./custom-columns-in-course.py course_id


A XLSX spreadsheet with all of the information from the custom columns in a given course.



To enter data into the names customn columns in a course from a spreadsheet


insert-custom-columns-from-spreadsheet.py  course_id column_name_1 column_name_2 ...


Updates the gradebook



To create custom columns in the gradebook to make it easier for each teacher to take notes during the final presentation (avoiding the user of a spreadsheet).


add-columns-for-II2202-final-presentation.py  course_id start_date end_date


Adds the columns to the course's gradebook and populates the "Opponents" columns with the name of the student's peer reviwer and populates the "Oral presentation date/time" columns with the date and time of the oral presentation as scheduled in the calendar.


The columns are custom columns that can have up to ~256 characters entered into them. This is a limitation of the custom columns due to their underlying representation in the database used by Canvas.


For II2202 P1 the assignment to use to learn who the opponents are is set as follows
        opposition_assignment_name="Opposition before final seminar"
then the program is run as:
./add-columns-for-II2202-final-presentation.py 6434 2019-01-01 2019-02-01



Inserts a custom column with the indicated name using the data from from the named groupset (it will create the column as necessary). Note that one can optionally strip a fixed prefix from the group names. For example, if each group name begins with "Project group" followed by space and a number then ./insert-group_column_in_gradebook.py 6433 New_groups "Project Groups" "Project group" will simply insert the number with the leading space stripped.


./insert-group_column_in_gradebook.py  course_id column_name groupset_name [prefix_to_remove]


No ouput unless run in verbose mode.


 ./insert-group_column_in_gradebook.py 6433 New_groups "Project Groups"

 ./insert-group_column_in_gradebook.py 6433 New_groups "Project Groups" "Project group"



Inserts grades for an assignment into the gradebook for a course. The column headings of the gradebook are assumed to have the form (where dddd is a user_id): Student,ID,assignment_name,assignment_namecomment xxxx,dddd,A,"I wish I had written this report" xxxx,dddd,E,"Terrible report"


./insert_grades_and_comments.py course_id assignment_id file.csv


No ouput unless run in verbose mode.


./insert_grades_and_comments_indirect.py 6433 25425 inser_grades_and_comments_test.csv



Inserts grades for an assignment into the gradebook for a course. The column headings of the gradebook are assumed to have the form (where dddd is a pseudo user_id): Student,ID,assignment_name,assignment_namecomment xxxx,dddd,A,"I wish I had written this report" xxxx,dddd,E,"Terrible report"


./insert_grades_and_comments_indirect.py course_id assignment_id file.csv indirect_column_name


No ouput unless run in verbose mode.


./insert_grades_and_comments_indirect.py 6433 25425 inser_grades_and_comments_test.csv "New_groups"



To create a spreadsheet of all students in my own courses to be able to look up which courses a student has been in.




spreadsheet with a page per course in a file named "users_in_my_courses.xlsx"


It skips courses involving the whole of KTH (as of 2019-08-15)



To create a spreadsheet of all students in my own courses to be able to look up which courses a student has been in.




spreadsheet with a page per course in a file named "users_in_my_courses.xlsx"


It skips courses involving the whole of KTH (as of 2019-08-15). Note also that it computes a sheet called "concat" that contains the concatinated data from the separate spreadsheets.



To create a spreadsheet of all students in my own courses to be able to look up which courses a student has been in.




spreadsheet with a page per course in a file named "users_in_my_courses.xlsx"


It skips courses involving the whole of KTH (as of 2019-08-15). Note also that it computes a sheet called "Summary" that contains a summary of all of the information about the students and which courses they were in. This page has all of the students, the individual courses (by course_id), and a list of all courses (by course_id) the student was in.

Further note that it does not acutal use a join operation, but actually computes two dictionaries: one with information about the student (user_id, login ID, SIS_user_id, and various forms of the user's name) and the other with the list of course that a give user has been a student in. These data structures are then turned into a Python Pandas DataFrame and then output as the summary sheet. [However, logically the operation is a join on the data based on the user information.]



To copy peer reviewing assignments from one assignment to another


./copy-peer-reviewer-assignments.py course_id old_assignment_id new_assignment_id


outputs information about the assigned peer review of the form: result of post assigning peer reviwer: {"id":xxx,"user_id":yyy,"asset_id":zzz,"asset_type":"Submission","workflow_state":"assigned","assessor_id":qqqq}


./copy-peer-reviewer-assignments.py 12162 86839 86851

In the above case the old_assignment was 86839 and the new assignment was 86851.



To have a summary of who is the peer reviewer for whom


./list-peer_reviewing_assignments.py course_id assignment_id


outputs a summary of peer reviewing assignments as an xlsx file of the form: peer_reviewing_assignments-189.xlsx


./list-peer_reviewing_assignments.py 12162 86851



To change the name/title of a custom column


./update-custom-column.py  course_id column_id column_name


./update-custom-column.py -v 12162 1205 "Grade for oral opposition"



To list the features for a course


./list-features-for-course.py  course_id


outputs the features as a vector


./list-features-for-course.py  19885
[{'applies_to': 'Course',
  'description': 'Learning Mastery Gradebook provides a way for teachers to '
                 'quickly view student and course\n'
                 'progress on course learning outcomes. Outcomes are presented '
                 'in a Gradebook-like\n'
                 'format and student progress is displayed both as a numerical '
                 'score and as mastered/near\n'
  'display_name': 'Learning Mastery Gradebook',
  'feature': 'outcome_gradebook',
  'feature_flag': {'context_id': 19885,
                   'context_type': 'Course',
                   'feature': 'outcome_gradebook',
                   'locked': False,
                   'locking_account_id': None,
                   'state': 'on',
                   'transitions': {'off': {'locked': False}}},
  'root_opt_in': False},
 {'applies_to': 'Course',
  'description': 'Create assessments with New Quizzes and migrate existing '
                 'Canvas Quizzes.',
  'display_name': 'New Quizzes',
  'feature': 'quizzes_next',
  'feature_flag': {'context_id': 1,
                   'context_type': 'Account',
                   'feature': 'quizzes_next',
                   'locked': True,
                   'locking_account_id': None,
                   'state': 'on',
                   'transitions': {'off': {'locked': False}}}},
 {'applies_to': 'Course',
  'description': 'Prevents students from leaving annotations in assignments. '
                 'Does not apply to peer-reviewed assignments.',
  'display_name': 'Restrict Students from Annotating',
  'feature': 'restrict_students_from_annotating',
  'feature_flag': {'feature': 'restrict_students_from_annotating',
                   'locked': False,
                   'state': 'allowed',
                   'transitions': {'off': {'locked': False},
                                   'on': {'locked': False}}}},
 {'applies_to': 'Course',
  'description': 'Allow switching to the enhanced RCE',
  'display_name': 'RCE Enhancements',
  'feature': 'rce_enhancements',
  'feature_flag': {'context_id': 170000000000002,
                   'context_type': 'Account',
                   'feature': 'rce_enhancements',
                   'locked': True,
                   'locking_account_id': None,
                   'state': 'off',
                   'transitions': {'on': {'locked': False}}},
  'root_opt_in': True},
 {'applies_to': 'Course',
  'description': 'Show new analytics for course and user data',
  'display_name': 'New Course and User Analytics',
  'feature': 'analytics_2',
  'feature_flag': {'context_id': 19885,
                   'context_type': 'Course',
                   'feature': 'analytics_2',
                   'locked': False,
                   'locking_account_id': None,
                   'state': 'on',
                   'transitions': {'off': {'locked': False}}}},
 {'applies_to': 'Course',
  'description': 'Enable the tracking of events for a quiz submission, and the '
                 '      to view a log of those events once a submission is '
  'display_name': 'Quiz Log Auditing',
  'feature': 'quiz_log_auditing',
  'feature_flag': {'feature': 'quiz_log_auditing',
                   'locked': False,
                   'state': 'allowed',
                   'transitions': {'off': {'locked': False},
                                   'on': {'locked': False}}}},
 {'applies_to': 'Course',
  'description': 'Enable anonymous grading of assignments.',
  'display_name': 'Anonymous Grading',
  'feature': 'anonymous_marking',
  'feature_flag': {'context_id': 1,
                   'context_type': 'Account',
                   'feature': 'anonymous_marking',
                   'locked': False,
                   'locking_account_id': None,
                   'state': 'allowed',
                   'transitions': {'off': {'locked': False},
                                   'on': {'locked': False}}},
  'root_opt_in': True},
 {'applies_to': 'Course',
  'description': 'Enable moderated grading.',
  'display_name': 'Moderated Grading',
  'feature': 'moderated_grading',
  'feature_flag': {'context_id': 1,
                   'context_type': 'Account',
                   'feature': 'moderated_grading',
                   'locked': False,
                   'locking_account_id': None,
                   'state': 'allowed',
                   'transitions': {'off': {'locked': False},
                                   'on': {'locked': False}}},
  'root_opt_in': True},
 {'applies_to': 'Course',
  'description': 'Student Learning Mastery Gradebook provides a way for '
                 'students to quickly view progress\n'
                 'on course learning outcomes. Outcomes are presented in a '
                 'format and progress is displayed both as a numerical score '
                 'and as mastered/near\n'
  'display_name': 'Student Learning Mastery Gradebook',
  'feature': 'student_outcome_gradebook',
  'feature_flag': {'context_id': 19885,
                   'context_type': 'Course',
                   'feature': 'student_outcome_gradebook',
                   'locked': False,
                   'locking_account_id': None,
                   'state': 'on',
                   'transitions': {'off': {'locked': False}}},
  'root_opt_in': False},
 {'applies_to': 'Course',
  'description': 'Anonymize all instructor comments and annotations within '
  'display_name': 'Anonymous Instructor Annotations',
  'feature': 'anonymous_instructor_annotations',
  'feature_flag': {'feature': 'anonymous_instructor_annotations',
                   'locked': False,
                   'state': 'allowed',
                   'transitions': {'off': {'locked': False},
                                   'on': {'locked': False}}},
  'root_opt_in': False},
 {'applies_to': 'Course',
  'description': 'New Gradebook enables an early release of new Gradebook '
  'display_name': 'New Gradebook',
  'feature': 'new_gradebook',
  'feature_flag': {'context_id': 19885,
                   'context_type': 'Course',
                   'feature': 'new_gradebook',
                   'locked': False,
                   'locking_account_id': None,
                   'state': 'on',
                   'transitions': {'off': {'locked': False}}},
  'root_opt_in': True},
 {'applies_to': 'Course',
  'description': 'Allows the duplication of Calendar Events',
  'display_name': 'Duplicating Calendar Events',
  'feature': 'recurring_calendar_events',
  'feature_flag': {'context_id': 170000000000002,
                   'context_type': 'Account',
                   'feature': 'recurring_calendar_events',
                   'locked': True,
                   'locking_account_id': None,
                   'state': 'on',
                   'transitions': {'off': {'locked': False}}},
  'root_opt_in': True},
 {'applies_to': 'Course',
  'description': 'List students by their sortable names in the Gradebook. '
                 "Sortable name defaults to 'Last Name, First Name' and can be "
                 'changed in settings.',
  'display_name': 'Gradebook - List Students by Sortable Name',
  'feature': 'gradebook_list_students_by_sortable_name',
  'feature_flag': {'feature': 'gradebook_list_students_by_sortable_name',
                   'locked': False,
                   'state': 'allowed',
                   'transitions': {'off': {'locked': False},
                                   'on': {'locked': False}}}}]



To set a specific features for a course to a given state


./set-features-for-course.py  course_id feature state


outputs the resulting feature


./set-features-for-course.py -v 19885 outcome_gradebook off
{'context_id': 19885,
 'context_type': 'Course',
 'feature': 'outcome_gradebook',
 'locked': False,
 'locking_account_id': None,
 'state': 'off',
 'transitions': {'on': {'locked': False}}}

Another example:

./set-features-for-course.py -v 19885 outcome_gradebook on
{'context_id': 19885,
 'context_type': 'Course',
 'feature': 'outcome_gradebook',
 'locked': False,
 'locking_account_id': None,
 'state': 'on',
 'transitions': {'off': {'locked': False}}}



To output a spreadsheet of the sections in a course and the students in these sections


./list_sections_in_course.py course_if


outputs a file with a name of the form: sections-in-{course_id}.xlsx


./list_sections_in_course.py 19885


If there are no sections, this page is not included in the spreadsheet. If there are no students, this page is not included in the spreadsheet.



Create a JSON file with information about courses where user enrolled as a 'TeacherEnrollment', 'Examiner', or 'TaEnrollment'

The JSON file contains a course_info dict courses_to_ignore=course_info['courses_to_ignore'] - courses that the user wants to ignore courses_without_specific_sections=course_info['courses_without_specific_sections'] - courses where the user is responsible for all the students courses_with_sections=course_info['courses_with_sections'] - courses where the user has a specific section the specific section's name may be the user's name or some other unique string (such as "Chip's section") Because the name of the relevant section can be arbitrary, this file is necessary to know which section belongs to a given user


./create_JSON_file_of_sections_in_your_courses.py [-v] [--config config.json] [-s course_info.json] [-U] [-X]

With the option "-v" or "--verbose" you get lots of output - showing in detail the operations of the program

Can also be called with an alternative configuration file: ./create_JSON_file_of_sections_in_your_courses --config config-test.json


   create file for only exjobb courses:
      ./create_JSON_file_of_sections_in_your_courses.py -s fee.json -X

   update an existing file (possibly adding new courses)
      ./create_JSON_file_of_sections_in_your_courses.py -s foo.json -U



output a list of ungraded assignments for a user to grade


./list_ungraded_submissions_in_your_courses_JSON.py [-v] [--config config.json] [-s course_info.json] [-t] [-X]

With the option "-v" or "--verbose" you get lots of output - showing in detail the operations of the program

With the option "-t" or "--testing" only does a specific set of courses ids (built into the program)

With the option "-X" of "--exjobs" only processes degree project courses

The JSON file contains a course_info dict courses_to_ignore=course_info['courses_to_ignore'] - courses that the user wants to ignore courses_without_specific_sections=course_info['courses_without_specific_sections'] - courses where the user is responsible for all the students courses_with_sections=course_info['courses_with_sections'] - courses where the user has a specific section the specific section's name may be the user's name or some other unique string (such as "Chip's section") Because the name of the relevant section can be arbitrary, this file is necessary to know which section belongs to a given user

Can also be called with an alternative configuration file: ./create_JSON_file_of_sections_in_your_courses --config config-test.json


./list_ungraded_submissions_in_your_courses_JSON.py -t



To extract the modules and page information for a course in JSON


./modules-items-in-course-json.py course_id


outputs a JSON file with a name of the form: "modules-in-course-course_id.json"


./modules-items-in-course.py 11

./modules-items-in-course.py --config config-test.json 11



To computer some readability statistics for each page in a course


./compute_stats_for_pages_in_course.py  course_id


outputs an XLSX formatted file with a name of the form: 'statistics-for-course-'+str(course_id)+'.xlsx The statistics are computed using Textatistic (see http://www.erinhengel.com/software/textatistic/)


./compute_stats_for_pages_in_course.py 11

./compute_stats_for_pages_in_course.py --config config-test.json 11



To get all of the pages from a Canvas course as local files


./cgetall.py  canvas_course_page_url|course_id [destination_directory]


outputs each page as a file with the extenssion ".html" the basename is taken from the title of the page


cgetall.py https://kth.instructure.com/courses/11/pages/test-3

cgetall.py 11



To collect information about all of the modules in a course


./modules-items-in-course-json.py course_id


outputs a JSON file with the information about each of the modules in the course and each of the module items in a given module The file name isof the form: modules-in-course-xxxx.json where xxxx is the course_id


./modules-items-in-course.py 11

./modules-items-in-course.py 17234



To extract from a directory of files of the pages from a course words or phrases


./find_keyords_phrase_in_files.py direcory


outputs a file with a name of the form keywords_and_phrases_xx.json from the *-html files in the directory


The files are placed in the directory by using cgetall.py course_id


./find_keyords_phrase_in_files.py /tmp/testdik1552



To create the contents for a page with information about each language with the words used and URLs to their usage


./create_page_from_json.py course_id input.json


outputs a file with a name of the form stats_for_course-xxxx.html where xxxx is the course_id


./create_page_from_json.py 17234 keywords_and_phrases_testdik1552.json

Making an index


To create an index for a Canvas course


# Create a directory to put all the pages for the course
mkdir  /tmp/testdik1552

# Get all the pages for the course_id 17234
./cgetall.py 17234 /tmp/testdik1552

# Get information about the modules in this course
./modules-items-in-course-json.py 17234
# the above creates the file: modules-in-course-17234.json

# Fine the keywords and phases in the files in the indicated directory
./find_keyords_phrase_in_files.py -r /tmp/testdik1552
# the above create the file: keywords_and_phrases_testdik1552.json
# The "-r" option causes the program to ignore everything after a horizontal rules <hr> or </ hr>

# create an empty file words-for-course-COURSE_ID.json containing:
#{"words_to_ignore": [
#   "______last_word_marker______"
# ],
# "words_to_merge": {
#   "______last_merge_marker______": []
#   }
# later add to this file appropriate entries
# for example in words_to_ignore    "3rd method use alternative algorithms",
# for example in words_to_merge    "(George) Guilder’s Law": ["George) Guilder’s Law", "Guilder’s Law"],
# Create an index
./create_page_from_json.py 17234 keywords_and_phrases_testdik1552.json
 the above creates the file: stats_for_course-17234.html

# Copy (or rename) the file, so that it has a name suitable for an Canvas page
cp stats_for_course-17234.html test-page-3.html

# Upload the created page and give it a title, in this case "Test page 3"
./ccreate.py https://xxxx.instructure.com/courses/17234/pages/test-page-3 "Test page 3"

# Put the page into a module in the course by going to a module, clicking the plus symbol
# then select the type of module to add as "Page" and then select the item in the scrolling list "Test page 3"
# Note that you need to refresh the "Modules" page to be able to see the new choice of page.

# Note that if your use the ccreate.py script multiple times, the page will have names of the form: "Test page 3-i", such as "Test page 3-6". 

# You can eliminate the uploaded page by using the page: https://xxxx.instructure.com/courses/17234/pages
# Click on the three vertical dots on the right and select "Delete"

# You can eliminate the page from the module using the three dots on the right and select "Remove"


Outputs a web page with various indexes.

You can iterate creating the index and uploading to optimize what is indexed and how it is indexed. When you edit the HTML files in /tmp/testdik1552 - remember to update the actual web page in the Canvas course. A convenient way to do this is to edit the course page and select the HTML view and paste in the contents of the edited HTML file.

Once you have completed the editing, start the procedure above with the step: find_keyords_phrase_in_files.py Otherwise your changes will not be correctly processed.

Some of the changes that I have made to the HTML is to tag words that I want to be kep together (such as a person's name or a logical concept):

	<span>Adam Smith</span>
	<span>Autonomous system number</span>	

Similarly, you can mark text that you do not want to be indexed:

	<span class="dont-index">20% error rate</span>

Similarly, you can mark text that you do not want to be indexed because it is a reference to the literature (I find that this is commonly necessary because I have put a references into a figcaption of caption OR because I have added a reference in-line in the page, rather than following the horizontal rule):

	<span class="inline-ref">(see Smith, Figure 10, on page 99.)</span>

Note that the rules for what text to index and what text to ignore are rather ad hoc and hard coded into the program (find_keyords_phrase_in_files.py and create_page_from_json.py). However, one can change the source code to tune it as you want. For example, one of the things that I chose to not index is all superscripts and subscripts (i.e., <sup>xxxx</sup> and <sub>xxxx</sub>). I also exclude alt text for images that begins with 'LaTeX:' - in order to eliminate the LaTeX for equations.

The logical separation between find_keyords_phrase_in_files.py and create_page_from_json.py is that the first computes a list of "strings" for each tag of each HTML pages, producing a dictionary with the HTML file name as key and entries of the form:

	{"list_item_text": ["As with UDP & TCP, SCTP provides de/multiplexing via the 16-bit source and destination ports.", "Associations between endpoints are defined by a unique ", "SCTP applies a CRC-32 end-to-end checksum to its general header and all the chunks", "Control information is contained in Control Chunks (these always ", "Multiple data chunks can be present - each containing data for different streams"],
          "paragraph_text": ["16-bit source port", "16-bit source port", "12 bytes", "32-bit verification tag", "32-bit Checksum", "Control chunk(s) {If any}", "Data chunk(s) {If any}", "SCTP packet (see ", "IP protocol x84 = SCTP", "A separate verification tag is used in each direction", "(Previously it used Adler-32 checksum [RFC 3309])"],
	 "strong_text": ["General Header", "verification tag", "Chunks", "precede "]

Note that text inside <pre>xxxx</pre> is extracted (in the first phase), but then ignored in when constructing the main index. Additionally, integers and floating point numbers are aslo not indexed (unless they are inside a span, such as <span>3.14159265</span>.

While the later program constructs the index page. I found that I had to tune the strings in list starting_characters_to_remove and in the list ending_characters_to_remove to get the results that I wanted. One of the artifacts of cutting and pasting from PowerPoint slides to create the Canvas pages was that some of the characters that appear are Unicode characters for different dashes and some symbols that I have used (such as u'→', u'⇒', u'⇨', u'∴', u'≡', u'✔', u'❌') and generally I do not want to have these indexed (but rather treat them like stop words).

Overall, the process of generating an index was useful - as I found mis-spellings, inconsistent use of various terms and capitalization, random characters that seemed to have been typos or poor alternative img descriptions, ...). However, it remains a work in progress.



XLSX spreadsheet of the course for the user running the program.





outputs a file (all-my-cards.xlsx) containing a spreadsheet of the user's dahsboard cards



To get a spreadsheet of all the files and folders in a Canvas course.


./list-files.py course_id


outputs a file named files-COURSE_ID.xlsx


That there can be many instances of a file with a given filename. There can even be multiple instances of the same filename in one folder!


./list-files.py 20979

get_user_profile.py user_id


To output the JSON of the user's profile.


./get_user_profile.py user_id


outputs the JSON


# note the output is edited
./get_user_profile.py 29

user's profile is:
{   'avatar_url': 'https://xxxx',
    'bio': 'since 1994  - Professor of xxxx\r\n'
           'For further information see https://www.kth.se/profile/maguire/',
    'calendar': {   'ics': 'https://canvas.kth.se/feeds/calendars/xxxx.ics'},
    'effective_locale': 'en',
    'id': 29,
    'integration_id': None,
    'locale': 'en',
    'login_id': 'xxxxx@kth.se',
    'lti_user_id': 'xxxxxxxx',
    'name': 'xxxx',
    'primary_email': 'xxxxx@kth.se',
    'short_name': 'xxxx',
    'sortable_name': 'yyyyy, xxxx',
    'time_zone': 'Europe/Stockholm',
    'title': None}



To list a user's communication channels and the configuration of notifications for each channel.


./get_user_channels_and_notifications.py user_id



channel id 29 is email
user's communication channels is:

{   'notification_preferences': [   {   'category': 'announcement',
                                        'frequency': 'immediately',
                                        'notification': 'new_announcement'},
                                    {   'category': 'due_date',
                                        'frequency': 'weekly',
                                        'notification': 'assignment_due_date_changed'},
                                    {   'category': 'due_date',
                                        'frequency': 'weekly',
                                        'notification': 'upcoming_assignment_alert'}]}
channel id 93562 is push
user's communication channels is:

{   'notification_preferences': [   {   'category': 'announcement',
                                        'frequency': 'never',
                                        'notification': 'new_announcement'},
                                    {   'category': 'due_date',
                                        'frequency': 'never',
                                        'notification': 'upcoming_assignment_alert'}]}


./get_user_channels_and_notifications.py 29


./get_user_channels_and_notifications.py  self



Copy course content from source to destination course_id


./copy_course_content.py source_course_id destination_course_id


status updates


./copy_course_content.py 23939 751
response is {'id': 14655, 'user_id': 29, 'workflow_state': 'running', 'started_at': '2020-09-08T15:38:11Z', 'finished_at': None, 'migration_type': 'course_copy_importer', 'created_at': '2020-09-08T15:38:11Z', 'migration_issues_url': 'https://canvas.kth.se/api/v1/courses/751/content_migrations/14655/migration_issues', 'migration_issues_count': 0, 'settings': {'source_course_id': 23939, 'source_course_name': 'II2210 HT20-2 Ethics and Sustainable Development for Engineers', 'source_course_html_url': 'https://canvas.kth.se/courses/23939'}, 'progress_url': 'https://canvas.kth.se/api/v1/progress/186456', 'migration_type_title': 'Course Copy'}
Migration URL is: https://canvas.kth.se/api/v1/progress/186456
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 0.0
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 20.0
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 46.0
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 46.0
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 46.0
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 46.0
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 46.0
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 46.0
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 46.0
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 46.0
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 46.0
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 35.5
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 50.0
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 80.5
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 80.5
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 97.5
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 97.5
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 97.5
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 97.5
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 97.5
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 97.5
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 97.5
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 97.5
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 97.5
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 99.5
Migration Status is: running  | progress: 100.0
Migration completed.



To list page views for students in a course


 ./list_user_page_views_for_a_course.py course_id start_date end_date


outputs a spreadsheet with a page per user_id and a Summary page


./list_user_page_views_for_a_course.py 11 2020-12-01 2020-12-14


./list_user_page_views_for_a_course.py 20981  2020-12-10 2020-12-12

list_my_page_views.py start_date end_date


To list page views for yourself


./list_my_page_views.py start_date end_date


outputs a spreadsheet with a page of page_visit data


 ./list_my_page_views.py 2020-12-01  2020-12-14


./list_my_page_views.py 2020-12-01 



To list page views for a specified user


./list_user_page_views.py user_id start_date end_date


outputs a spreadsheet with a page of page_visit data


./list_user_page_views.py self 2020-12-04

./list_user_page_views.py 29 2020-12-01 2020-12-14

./list_user_page_views.py 29



To output a spreadsheet of teachers in a course


./teachers-in-course.py course_id


outputs spreadsheet (teachers-course_id.xlsx) and lists the names of the teachers in sortable order


./teachers-in-course.py  --config config-test.json 22156



To create a section in the course for each teacher in the course


./create_sections_for_teachers-in-course.py course_id


outputs lists the names of the teachers in sortable order


./create_sections_for_teachers-in-course.py 11

./create_sections_for_teachers-in-course.py -v  --config config-test.json 22156



To create a section in the course for each teacher in the course


./insert_teachers_grading_standard.py course_id


outputs grading scale that was created (if the verbose flag is set)


If you have assigned grades previously using another grading scale - adding a new one can render all previoous grades incorrect - as the process of assigning scores to teacher is not stable if there is a change in the number or list of teachers.


./insert_teachers_grading_standard.py --force --config config-test.json 22156

./insert_teachers_grading_standard.py --force --config config-test.json 22156 IA150x_Teachers

./add_students_to_examiners_section_in_course.py course_id [admin_assignment_name]


Adds students to sections based upon their Examiner (or other exercise based on admin_assignment_name


./add_students_to_examiners_section_in_course.py course_id [admin_assignment_name]


using assignment 'Examiner' as the administrative data to do the assignment into sections Added XXXX to section for Maguire Jr, Gerald Quentin

Can also be called with an alternative configuration file: ./add_students_to_examiners_section_in_course.py --config config-test.json 22156


 ./add_students_to_examiners_section_in_course.py 22156


./add_students_to_examiners_section_in_course.py 22156 "Supervisor"



Generate a "grading standard" scale with the course codes as the "grades".


If the grading scale is already present, it does nothing unless the "-f" (force) flag is set. In the latter case it adds the grading scale.

Can also be called with an alternative configuration file:


./insert_course_code_grading_standard.py course_id


depends on flags and whether there is an existing grading scale

The -v or --verbose flag generates a lot of output.


./insert_course_code_grading_standard.py 25434
{   'DA231X',
course_codes_sorted=['DA231X', 'DA232X', 'DA233X', 'DA234X', 'DA235X', 'DA236X', 'DA239X', 'DA240X', 'DA246X', 'DA248X', 'DA256X', 'DA258X', 'EA236X', 'EA238X', 'EA246X', 'EA248X', 'EA256X', 'EA258X', 'EA260X', 'EA270X', 'EA275X', 'IA249X']
inserted grading standard

Second example with alternative configuration file:

./insert_course_code_grading_standard.py --config config-test.json 25434



using assignment 'Course code' as the administrative data to do assign course codes as grades

Added the course code (using the Course Code grading scale) based in the SIS section that each student is in


./add_course_codes_for_students_in_course.py course_id [admin_assignment_name]

admin_assignment_name = 'Course code' by default


outputs student's sortable name and their course code

If there is an existing course code and it is different from the course code it should be now, it is changed.

with the option "-v" or "--verbose" you get lots of output - showing in detail the operations of the program

Can also be called with an alternative configuration file

With the "-t" or "--testing" it only process a smaller number of students.


./add_course_codes_for_students_in_course.py 25434


./add_course_codes_for_students_in_course.py  --config config-test.json 25434



Inserts a custom column with the student's program information using the data from several columns of a spreadsheet. It combines the data from the columns: program_code, program_code_1, and program_code_2

It will create the column as necessary

The spreadsheet is expected to be generate from canvas_ladok3_spreadsheet.py


./insert-programs-from-spreadsheet.py  course_id


outputs information about the student and their program


./insert-programs-from-spreadsheet.py 25434


./insert-programs-from-spreadsheet.py  --config config-test.json 25434



To take a spreadsheet with project titles and examiners and add these examiners to the administraitve assignment Examiner in the gradebook


insert-examiners-from-spreadsheet.py  course_id spreadsheetFile [column_name]


informaiton about the titles, student name, and examiner as it inserts them


./insert-examiners-from-spreadsheet.py -v 25434   "Master's thesis proposals P3 2021-20210220.xlsx"



Create an assignment with a textual submission


./create-assignment-with-textual-submission.py course_id [name_of_assignment]

with the option "-v" or "--verbose" you get lots of output - showing in detail the operations of the program with the option '-C'or '--containers' use HTTP rather than HTTPS for access to Canvas

Can also be called with an alternative configuration file: --config config-test.json


./create-assignment-with-textual-submission.py 7 "Second assignment"



create a DOCX file for each textual submission


./get_textbox_submissions_as_docx.py course_id assignment_id

with the option "-v" or "--verbose" you get lots of output - showing in detail the operations of the program with the option '-C'or '--containers' use HTTP rather than HTTPS for access to Canvas

Can also be called with an alternative configuration file: --config config-test.json

Example - to generate docx file locally

 ./get_textbox_submissions_as_docx.py -C 7 44^

Example - to generate docx file locally and upload it as a submission

 ./get_textbox_submissions_as_docx.py --submit  -C 7 44

to get the DOCX library do: pip3 install python-docx



To take a Zoom chat file and make a Canvas course wikipage.


Zoom-chat-to-canvas-page-py -c course_id --transcript zoom_chat_file


outputs a number of files: the anonomized transcript and a JSON file of the assigned pseudonyms However, the major effect is the creation of a wiki page and the insertion of this page into a module in a course.


There are a lot of options - including the usual -v --verbose option for lots of output as the program runs With the option "-N" it does not use pseudonyms, but rather the real user's names With the option "-M" "--module_name" - you can specifiy the name of the module to put the page in With the option "-T" "--page_title" - you can specify the title of the page With the option "-R" "--remove_existing_page" - you can delete an existing page of the same title (if it exists) otherwise "-new" is appended to the page title


./Zoom-chat-to-canvas-page-py    -c 11 --transcript /z3/maguire/meeting_saved_chat-20210304.txt

./Zoom-chat-to-canvas-page-py -c 11 --config config-test.json --transcript /z3/maguire/meeting_saved_chat-2020-12-10.txt

./Zoom-chat-to-canvas-page-py -c 11 --transcript /z3/maguire/meeting_saved_chat-20210304.txt --nymfile /z3/maguire/meeting_saved_chat-20210304-teacher.nyms



To show hot ro programmatically access assignment, the gradebook, and the custome columns to be able to do calculations on grades, dates of submission, due dates, etc.


./II2210-grades_to_report.py -c course_id


outputs gradebook and other information


This is a work in progress and is design to (a) do something useful for and (b) to be a set of examples that others can use.

The program can walk a gradebook and do computations on the grades. Currently, it is for a course with 4 assigned that each have a certain maximum number of points.

You have to manually add a short name for each assignment_id number.

The "Notes" column has to be set to visible in the gradebook before the program will add the date inofmration to the notes column.



To show hot ro programmatically access assignment, the gradebook, and the custome columns to be able to do calculations on grades, dates of submission, due dates, etc.


./II2210-grades_to_reportv2.py -c course_id


outputs gradebook and other information


This is a work in progress and is design to (a) do something useful for and (b) to be a set of examples that others can use.

The program can walk a gradebook and do computations on the grades. Currently, it is for a course with 4 assigned that each have a certain maximum number of points.

You have to manually add a short name for each assignment_id number.

The "Notes" column is set to visible in the gradebook by the program. This avoids create a second "Notes" column.



To set a user's custom data field to reflext the user's perception of their stat of progress (for example, in a degree project course).


./set_status_in_course.py course_id status_percent


The status_percent is simply treated as a string

with the option '-C'or '--containers' use HTTP rather than HTTPS for access to Canvas with the option -t' or '--testing' testing mode in this mode it reads another argument that indicates the user whose status is to be set ./set_status_in_course.py -v -t -C 7 10.5 4 or ./set_status_in_course.py -v -t -C 7 11.5% 10

with the option "-v" or "--verbose" you get lots of output - showing in detail the operations of the program

Can also be called with an alternative configuration file: ./custom-data-for-users-in-course.py --config config-test.json

Examples: ./set_status_in_course.py 11 22 or ./set_status_in_course.py -C 5 11 23.7

Example with output:

 ./set_status_in_course.py --config config-test.json 11 23.5
Existing custom data for user for course 11 is {'data': '21.5'}
Result of setting custom data for user for course 11 is {'data': '23.5'}



Help track progress in degree project courses

Creates an administrative assignment in the course (if it does not yet exist). This assignment does not accept any submission, but is just used to display a "grade" indicating a code for the student's status.

In order to enable students to suggest their status early in the degree project, get the student's status information from their custom data and update data in Status assignment in gradebook - but ONLY up to a threshold.

The program also looks at assignments that have been completed and administrative actions that have been taken to up0ate the Status assignment's "grade".

Background and underlying idea: I have done a program: set_status_in_course.py It is run using: set_status_in_course.py course_id status_percent where the course_id is the Canvas course_id and status_percent is simply a string, which can look like 23.5 It stores the information in the user's customer date in the name space se.kth.canvas-app.status_course_id

My current idea is that the student can use this program to set their status, while they can view their status in the gradebook via a "Status" assignment (that has no submissions) but shows scores where the scores are the "status_percent" values. A teacher in the course will run a program get_status-for-users-in-course.py that will:

  1. Get the status information for all the students enrolled in the course. Call this students_status.
  2. If students_status is lower than a threshold and higher that the student's Status score in the gradebook then update the Status score in the gradebook. The idea is that some of the scores (after some point) should not be set by the the student.
  3. If the Status score in the course is higher than than the students_status - then update the student's status value. [This operation could be optional.]
  4. For a set of the assignments, if the assignment is marked Completed - update the Status score in the gradebook. 5.Optionally the program could even check the DIVA status and LADOK grade status and update the score based in these.


./get_status-for-users-in-course.py course_id


various diagnotic output with the option '-C'or '--containers' use HTTP rather than HTTPS for access to Canvas with the option -t' or '--testing' testing mode

with the option "-v" or "--verbose" you get lots of output - showing in detail the operations of the program

Can also be called with an alternative configuration file: ./custom-data-for-users-in-course.py --config config-test.json


./get_status-for-users-in-course.py -C  7 



To collect some statistics about a Canvas instance in terms of the number of users per account and to computer the total number of these who are unique users.




outputs a spreadsheet (canvas_stats.xlsx) with statistics and some text, such as:

No subaccounts len unique_users=21972

In this case len unique_users says how many unique users there were.


The numbers are limited to the accounts the person running the program can access.


./some_canvas_stats.py   --config config-test.json



Checks that the submission has been graded and has the grade 'complete' and then gets the PDF file submitted for a specified assignment


 ./get_PDF_submission.py -c course_id -a assignment_id -u user_id [-e]


a file with a name of the form: user's name-filename.pdf

with the option "-v" or "--verbose" you get lots of output - showing in detail the operations of the program with the option '-C'or '--containers' use HTTP rather than HTTPS for access to Canvas

Can also be called with an alternative configuration file: --config config-test.json

Example 1:

./get_PDF_submission.py -c 25434 -a 150953 -u 746

Example 2: get file and then if the -e option is specified call the program to extract the puseudo JSON from it

 ./get_PDF_submission.py -c 25434 -a 150953 -u 746 -e



This program assigns each user in a course (course_id) with a randomly assigned peer reviewer from within their section for a given assignment (new_assignment).


This program ignores all sections that do not have a single quote or the word "section" in them.


./assign-random-peer-reviewer-by-section.py course_id new_assignment_id [old_assignment_id ]


outputs the assigne peer reviews and makes these peer reviewing assignments in the assignment new_assignment_id


Note also that there are some permutations that cannot meet the above two conditions and the additional condition of not having a person assigned to review two different persons. In this case the program tries with a new starting permutation. It will try up to 99 times before giving up doing peer reviewing assignments for this section. I know this is an arbitrary number, but hope that it works in practice.

The program does not currently support processing of the old_assignment_id, but the idea is that in the future it might avoid assigning a peer review if this same peer review arrangement was used in the old assignment (to give greater variety).


./assign-random-peer-reviewer-by-section.py --testing 28715 159758
./assign-random-peer-reviewer-by-section.py 28850 160120



To get the peer reviewing information both comments and PDF file attachments


./get_peer_reviews_and_comments.py -c course_id -a assignment_id


Outputs a directory (assignment_folder) with a name of the form: Assignment_ddddd, where ddddd is the assignment_id. In this directory will be a directory (teacher_folder) using the teacher's name, for each of the teachers who has commented on a submission. In this directoty there will be a directory (peer_review_folder) with names based on the peer review id. Within this directory there can be one or more files. One file has a name of the form: basic_info_{1}-{2}.json where {1} is the student's name who made the submission and {2} is the assessor's name. Any text comments that were made will be in files of the form: {1}-{2}.txt where {1} is the comment_author_name and {2} is the comment_date. Any PDF file attachments will have a name of the form: {1}-{2}-{3} where {1} is comment_author_name, {2} is the attachment_date, and {3} is the file_name of the attachment.

The program outputs a JSON file with a name of the form: peer_reviewrs_{0}-{1}.json where {0} is the course_id and {1} is the assignment_id - this contains the information returned for all the peer reviews for the assignment in this course.

The program also outputs another JSON file of the form: {2}peer_reviwers{0}-{1}.json where {0} is the course_id, {1} is the assignment_id, and {0} is the teacher's name.

As the program is running it outputs the number of teachers in the course and their user_id and name. It also says how many (top level) peer reviews there were and how many there are for each teacher.


The program does not do anything with section or group information. These might be interesting for future enhancements.


./get_peer_reviews_and_comments.py -c 28715 -a 159760



To go throught a specific module or all modules in a course and perform some operations on the content of each page, for example replacing '

' with '

' to do language tagging.


./edit_modules_items_in_a_module_in_a_course.py course_id [module_name]


proggress information such as:

processing module: II2202 modules
process_item 1
processing item: Course syllabus (kurs-PM)
process_item 2
processing item: Course Introduction
process_item 3
processing item: TimeEdit


You have to edit the program to add the operations that you want to perform on the page contents.


./edit_modules_items_in_a_module_in_a_course.py 11 'Presenting data (as a Wiki)'

You can process all of the modules in the course with:

./edit_modules_items_in_a_module_in_a_course.py 11

./delete_a_module_and_its_items.py course_id


To delete a module. It additionally, deletes any wikipages unless they are used in another module. This should make it possible to re-import a new version of this module into a course.


 ./delete_a_module_and_its_items.py course_id 'module_name'


outputs some progress information.


When an existing page is used in a module, it gets a new module item instance in the module ; however, the url points to the original wikipage.


./delete_a_module_and_its_items.py --config config-test.json 11 'Test module for deletion' 
process_item 1
processing item: Test page 1 for deletion
process_item 2
processing item: Introduction to Chip's sandbox			<<< This is used in another module
process_item 3
processing item: Test page 2 for deletion
process_item 4
processing item: A dummy header for deletion
process_item 5
processing item: Test page 3 for deletion



Textatistic is used to compute some statistics about module items that are Pages. HTML elements that contain non-English sentences are filtered or cause an exception for Textatistic. By default, only published pages are processed (use option -u or --unpublished to include them).

  The pages (either on 'All pages' or 'All published pages') are sorted by the module's position and the postion of the page within this module. This is to make it easy to look at the statistics for pages within a module and across modules.


./compute_stats_for_course.py course_id


XLSX spreadsheet with modules in course


The filtering is a work in progress - the filters should be expanded.


./compute_stats_for_course.py 11



take the output of compute_stats_for_course.py and agument it with a plot of the SMOG scores of the pages.


./augments-course-stats-with-plots.py -c course_id


outputs an updated spreadsheet 'course-modules-item-stats-'+course_id+'-augmented.xlsx' - not current include only the sheet with the readability scores and a plot of the SMOG scores for all of the pages in the course - organized by module.


It tries to enlarge the size of the bar charart vertically based upon multiples of 50 module item pages. It also scales the SMOG chart based on the highest score rounded up to a multiple of 5.


./augments-course-stats-with-plots.py -c 28715



Program inserts the name of the examiner as a "grade" based on matching the "e-mail" and the student's in the course gradebook. It also adds the students to the appropriate section for the examiner and supervisors. The names of multiple supervisors are assumed to be separated by either a comma or " and ". Additionally, it takes the vaulke of the string in the "Proposal" column of the spreadsheet and adds it as the "Tentative_title" in the gradebook. A list of the supervisors in the same format they are in the spreadsheet is stored in the gradebook in a custom column 'Supervisors'.

Note that one has to add the e-mail address column to the spreadsheet "Closed" and then manually add the student's e-mail address for each student.


./insert-examiners-and-supervisors-from-spreadsheet.py course_id spreadsheetFile


Outputs additions to an examiner's section

Adding Last, First to section for examiner Maguire Jr, Gerald Quentin

Outputs additions to an examiner's section

Adding Last, First to section for supervisor Maguire Jr, Gerald Quentin

Outputs a list of missing students, i.e., students' who are not in the Canvas course

missing_students={'aaaa@kth.se', 'bbbb@kth.se'}

Outputs a list of missing examiners or superviosrs (in normal name order)

Outputs a list of missing sections (in sortable name order)

Outputs a list of teacher missing from the course (in normal name order)


Supervisors will be marked as missing if they are not built into the table in the program that takes a supervior name (in normal order) as shown in the Supervisor column of the spreadsheet and maps it to the name in the Canvas course in sortable name order.


./insert-examiners-and-supervisors-from-spreadsheet.py  33514   "Masters_thesis_proposals-CS-P3-2022.xlsx"

 ./insert-examiners-and-supervisors-from-spreadsheet.py --config config-test.json  33514   "Masters_thesis_proposals-CS-P3-2022.xlsx"



Toolkit for signing in to KTH's Canvas LMS (through SAML) directly in Python. This allows you to make scripts that access login-protected pages. This extends the range of possibilities beyond what the Canvas LMS API offers, allowing the user to automate even more tasks involving Canvas.

Example usage

>>> from kth_canvas_saml import kth_canvas_login
>>> s = kth_canvas_login('<user>@ug.kth.se', '<password>')
>>> r = s.get('https://canvas.kth.se/courses/<course_id>/quizzes/<quiz_id>/history?quiz_submission_id=<subm_id>&version=1')
>>> print(r.text)


Running this script alone will prompt you for credentials and test the sign in with verbose printouts:

$ ./kth_canvas_saml.py
Testing KTH Canvas login.
KTH username: test
Password for user test@ug.kth.se:
Got response from https://canvas.kth.se/login : code 302
Got response from https://canvas.kth.se/login/saml : code 302
... [rest of output hidden]

Remember to handle your password with care! If you do not wish to have your password stored in plain text, you may use kth_canvas_login_prompt, or make something yourself.

The two dependencies can be installed with: pip install requests beautifulsoup4


Johan Berg, 2022-04-09



This code is directly derived from Maguire's functions in Canvas-tools. The functions have been refactored and simplified into this API handler.



Ouput XLSX spreadsheet with all the quizzes in a course and the quiz submissions.


./quizzes-and-answers-in-course.py course_id


Outputs a file with a name of the form: quizzes-<course_id>.xlsx


This is a work in progress. As of 2022-02-26 it does not yet support getting the answers that students have given (there is a 'result_url' filed in the submissions that gives you access to an HTML page of the student's submission), as I've not solved the SAML requirements to fetch the URLs of the completed quizzes. However, one can manually click on the links and get them from the spreadsheet in Excel.

It uses kth_canvas_saml.py to access the latest submission from 'result_url' and access all prior sumissions. If the 'workflow_state' is 'untaken', then it accesses 'html_url' and builds a URL to access all of the attempts except for the last one which had not been submitted (hence was in the untaken state).

A paper about this toolkit is at SAML_Johan_Berg_v3-20220428.pdf in this repository.



To take the spreadsheet output by quizzes-and-answers-in-course.py and augment it with additional information as well as print incorrect answers to questions with blanks. If the names of the blanks (i.e., the blank_id) are in the range 'a0' to 'a9' the output decodes them, otherwise it uses the hash of the blank_id.


./augment_quizzes-and-answers-in-course.py course_id


outputs augmented XLSX spreadsheet with quizzes in course, with name of the form quizzes-<course_id>-augmented.xlsx

The assumption is that each attempt a the quiz has been downloaded locally. The progream rocesses all of the quiz attempts and collects some data for each student's possibly multiple attempts. The spreadsheet is augments with information about which questions the student was ask in a given attempt (in this case typically 5 questions were chosen randomly from a set of questions) - as a dict questions_asked; the type of each of these questoins in a dict questions_types; and the correctness of the answers (one of 'correct', 'incorrect', 'partial_credit') in a dict answer_correctness.

After processing all of the quiz submission, the program writes out the sheets (Quizzes and the quiz information with names of the form: <quiz_id>) from the input file and the augmented sheets (with names of the form: "s_<quiz_id>").

The program outputs information about the incorrect answers give for each question and then the incorrect answers for questions that had multiple blanks.


This is a work in progress and the output is rather verbose at present. Additionally, only questions with an input of type "text" are processed.

It also requires the user to manually download all of the result_html files (and each of the earlier versions of the quiz attempt) into local directories. Hopefully, this can be automated in a future version of quizzes-and-answers-in-course.py

Two of the behaviors that were observed in students who took the quiz many times were: (a) the student getting very high scores, but continuing to test themselves with more questions and (b) the student not answering any questions but just collecting questions and their answers, then doing a submission with all the correct answers.

For some of the questions the second behavior is very hard. For example, one question had 5 random questions selected out of 70 questions - so there are very large number of possible combination of quiz questions!

This program was refactored by Johan Berg to use canvas_api.py.


./augment_quizzes-and-answers-in-course.py 28715
quiz_info={28325: 'Avoiding Plagiarism (with quiz)', 28330: 'Sustainable Development/Hållbar Utveckling (with quiz)', 28323: 'Writing an abstract with keywords (with quiz)', 28326: 'Writing and Oral Presentations (with quiz)', 28337: 'Writing the Methods, Results, and Discussion sections (with quiz)', 28331: 'Written and oral opposition (with quiz)', 28332: 'Ethical Research: Human Subjects and Computer Issues (with quiz)', 28327: 'Ethical Research (with quiz)', 28336: 'Power tools and how to use them (with quiz)', 28328: 'Presenting your Data (with quiz)', 28334: 'Privacy, Discoverability, Openness, and Publicity (with quiz)', 28333: 'Professionalism and Ethics for ICT students (with quiz)', 28324: 'Project planning (with quiz)', 28335: 'Quality Assurance (with quiz)', 28329: 'Quantitative Methods and Tools (with quiz)'}

Processing file: ./Quiz_Submissions/<course_id>/<quiz_id>/<submission_id>/xxxx_v11.html
input_id=None, input_type=text,input_name=question_274205,input_value=green energy,input_describedby=user_answer_NaN_arrow, question_type=short_answer
second case: input_value=green energy, incorrect_answers[274205]={'green energy'}

questions_asked={'11': [274189, 274205, 274206, 274255, 274252], '15': [274191, 274200, 274214, 274221, 274236], '1': [274193, 274201, 274208, 274234, 274253], '4': [274193, 274201, 274208, 274234, 274253], '2': [274193, 274201, 274208, 274234, 274253], '6': [274191, 274202, 274217, 274254, 274224], '9': [274190, 274197, 274217, 274251, 274229], '7': [274192, 274200, 274217, 274248, 274251], '12': [274189, 274204, 274213, 274240, 274238], '13': [274194, 274200, 274216, 274239, 274237], '16': [274194, 274199, 274216, 274221, 274223], '8': [274189, 274205, 274212, 274245, 274221], '14': [274193, 274198, 274208, 274256, 274257], '3': [274193, 274201, 274208, 274234, 274253], '10': [274189, 274197, 274208, 274227, 274241], '5': [274193, 274201, 274208, 274234, 274253]}
questions_types={'11': ['multiple_choice_question', 'short_answer', 'multiple_answers_question', 'true_false_question', 'true_false_question'], '15': ['multiple_answers_question', 'multiple_answers_question', 'multiple_answers_question', 'short_answer', 'true_false_question'], '1': ['multiple_choice_question', 'multiple_choice_question', 'short_answer', 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question', 'true_false_question'], '4': ['multiple_choice_question', 'multiple_choice_question', 'short_answer', 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question', 'true_false_question'], '2': ['multiple_choice_question', 'multiple_choice_question', 'short_answer', 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question', 'true_false_question'], '6': ['multiple_answers_question', 'multiple_choice_question', 'true_false_question', 'true_false_question', 'true_false_question'], '9': ['multiple_answers_question', 'multiple_choice_question', 'true_false_question', 'true_false_question', 'true_false_question'], '7': ['short_answer', 'multiple_answers_question', 'true_false_question', 'short_answer', 'true_false_question'], '12': ['multiple_choice_question', 'multiple_answers_question', 'short_answer', 'short_answer', 'short_answer'], '13': ['multiple_choice_question', 'multiple_answers_question', 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question', 'short_answer', 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question'], '16': ['multiple_choice_question', 'multiple_choice_question', 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question', 'short_answer', 'true_false_question'], '8': ['multiple_choice_question', 'short_answer', 'multiple_answers_question', 'true_false_question', 'short_answer'], '14': ['multiple_choice_question', 'short_answer', 'short_answer', 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question', 'true_false_question'], '3': ['multiple_choice_question', 'multiple_choice_question', 'short_answer', 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question', 'true_false_question'], '10': ['multiple_choice_question', 'multiple_choice_question', 'short_answer', 'matching_question', 'short_answer'], '5': ['multiple_choice_question', 'multiple_choice_question', 'short_answer', 'fill_in_multiple_blanks_question', 'true_false_question']}
answer_correctness={'11': ['correct', 'incorrect', 'partial_credit', 'correct', 'correct'], '15': ['correct', 'correct', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'correct'], '1': ['incorrect', 'incorrect', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incorrect'], '4': ['incorrect', 'incorrect', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incorrect'], '2': ['incorrect', 'incorrect', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incorrect'], '6': ['correct', 'incorrect', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'correct'], '9': ['incorrect', 'correct', 'correct', 'correct', 'correct'], '7': ['correct', 'correct', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'correct'], '12': ['correct', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incorrect', 'incorrect'], '13': ['correct', 'correct', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incorrect'], '16': ['correct', 'correct', 'correct', 'correct', 'correct'], '8': ['correct', 'incorrect', 'correct', 'correct', 'incorrect'], '14': ['correct', 'correct', 'correct', 'partial_credit', 'correct'], '3': ['incorrect', 'incorrect', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incorrect'], '10': ['correct', 'correct', 'correct', 'correct', 'correct'], '5': ['incorrect', 'incorrect', 'correct', 'incorrect', 'incorrect']}

copying quiz=28325
saving quiz submissions=s_28325
copying quiz=28330
question_id=274204 already has a quiz_id 28330 associated with it
question_id=274221 already has a quiz_id 28330 associated with it
saving quiz submissions=s_28330
copying quiz=28323
copying quiz=28324
saving quiz submissions=s_28324
copying quiz=28335
question_id=274354 already has a quiz_id 28335 associated with it
saving quiz submissions=s_28335
copying quiz=28329
question_id=274122 already has a quiz_id 28329 associated with it
question_id=274154 already has a quiz_id 28329 associated with it
saving quiz submissions=s_28329
Incorrect answers for 274205 on quiz 28330: {'energy-saving', 'green energy'}
Incorrect answers for 274221 on quiz 28330: {'environment'}
Incorrect answers for 274248 on quiz 28330: {'correct', 'Brundtland', 'true'}
Incorrect answers for 274213 on quiz 28330: {'sleeping modes', 'sleeping  modes'}
Incorrect answers for 274240 on quiz 28330: {'ecological', 'anthropocentric', 'scientific'}
Incorrect answers for 274238 on quiz 28330: {'indirectly', 'similar'}
Incorrect answers for 274239 on quiz 28330: {'effective', 'indirectly', 'eco-centric'}
Incorrect answers for 274198 on quiz 28330: {'hardware deisgn', 'Design hardware'}
Incorrect answers for 274208 on quiz 28330: {'IEEE'}
Incorrect answers for 274192 on quiz 28330: {'Sustainable', 'economy'}
Incorrect answers for 274195 on quiz 28330: {'development', 'good', 'true'}
Incorrect answers for 274196 on quiz 28330: {'sustainability', 'advancement'}
Incorrect answers for 274207 on quiz 28330: {'coal'}
Incorrect answers for 274220 on quiz 28330: {'necessary', 'good'}
Incorrect answers for 274211 on quiz 28330: {'hardware ', 'yes'}
Incorrect answers for 274247 on quiz 28330: {'anthropocentric'}
Incorrect answers for 274241 on quiz 28330: {'practical'}
Incorrect answers for 274222 on quiz 28330: {'Basic Idea'}
Incorrect answers for 274234 on quiz 28330: {'a0': {'society'}, 'a1': {'environment'}, 'a2': {'economy'}}
Incorrect answers for 274237 on quiz 28330: {'a0': {'environmental', 'self'}, 'a1': {'social', 'eco'}}
Incorrect answers for 274203 on quiz 28330: {'a0': {'performance'}, 'a1': {'power consumption'}}
Invalid question id 274226 (not in the list of questions - but has incorrect answers={'a0': {'2010'}, 'a1': {'2020'}}



To help report student's active participation in a Canvas course room for a degree project

The program reports a grade of 'complete' and includes information about the student who presented.


 ./record_active_listener.py course_id inputfile student_presenting_email


... last name, first name assignment.name=Active listening 1

assignment.name=Active listening 2 ...

If a student has a graded submission, the program will output: ... {subm.entered_grade} on {subm.graded_at} by {grader.short_name} body={subm.body} ...

If a student has an ungraded submission, the program will output: ... submitted {submitted_at} body={subm.body} ... where the body is what the student submitted. Note that in this case you have to manyally check of the body matches that of the current student, if so - you may need to manually set the grade for this assignment. [An enhanced version of the program should let you say yes or no to handle this]


If a student is not a Canvas user, the program will output: ... user with {email_address} not found ...

If a student is not in the canvase course room but is a Canvas user, the program will output: ... user last_name, first_name is not enrolled in the course xxxxxx ...


./xxx.py u1d13i2c



Outputs an xlsx file containing all of the custom columns, the file name is of the form: gradebook-course_id.xlsx


export-gradebook-with-score.py course_id


Outputs an xlsx file of the form containing all of the custom columns: gradebook-course_id.xlsx The first column of the output will be user_id. The second sheet "Gradebook_history" will contain all of the gradebook entries made for the course



Output spreadsheet of groups in a course


./list_groups_in_course.py course_id


outputs a spreadsheet


./list_groups_in_course.py 34871



Put the group names into a custom column (based on the group set name) in the gradebook. This makes it easier for the examiner to sort the students by group (simply selected the column and type "s").


./add_groups_to_gradebook_course.py course_id


updates the gradebook


When the program is run with the "--short" option, the program uses a file with a name of the form: short_group_names-in-ddddd.json where ddddd is the course_id that contains a struct of the form:

 {"Chip Maguire's section": {"base_for_group_names": "Chip", "number_of_groups_to_make": 1, "shorted_group_name": "CM"},
  "Dropped the course": {"base_for_group_names": null, "number_of_groups_to_make": 0, "shorted_group_name": null},

This information is used to provide the ability to name section names to base names for groups and shorted group names. The shortened group names are entered into a custom column in the gradebook. The name of this column is based on the group category, i.e., the name of the group set.


./list_groups_in_course.py 34871



To create an XLSX spreadsheet with degree course_id for courses in the accounts I can manage




outputs a file names "accounts_I_can_manage.xlsx"



To get the set of comments made on submission for a specific section in a course.


./get_submissions_with_comments_for_section.py  course_id section_id assignment_id


The ouput in verbose mode is a pprint output of the results returned by the API call.


./get_submissions_with_comments_for_section.py 50124 200752 34870



To get the set of comments made on submissions for an assignment in a course..


.get_submissions_with_comments.py course_:d assignment_id


The ouput in verbose mode is a pprint output of the results returned by the API call.


./get_submissions_with_comments.py 34870 200752 



The program assumes that the courses codes are part of the name of a section. It uses this information to retrieve the submissions for a given assignment_id for all students in the relevant section or sections.


./get_PDF_submissions_with_comments_by_course_codes.py  course_id assignment_id course_code+


Outputs a file with a name of the form: 'submission_comments-{course_id}-{section_id}-{assignment_id}.xlsx'


With the option "-v" or "--verbose" you get lots of output - showing in detail the operations of the program

With option "-m" or "--missing" lists the names of students who have made submissions but are not students in the relevant sections (generally this is due to test students)

With option "-" or "--testing" does not fetch the summited files

With option "-d" or "--dir" you can specify the directory to create otherwise it use a constructed anem of the form: './Submission-{course_id}-{section_id}-{assignment_id}'

It fetches the files at a rate of about one per second in the test environment (actually 53 in 60 seconds).


Can be called with an alternative configuration file:

./get_PDF_submissions_with_comments_by_course_codes.py --config config-test.json  section_id course_code+
./get_PDF_submissions_with_comments_by_course_codes.py --config config-test.json  33514 179168 DA231X "DA232X VT22"

Example outputs

./get_PDF_submissions_with_comments_by_course_codes.py --config config-test.json  33514 179168 DA231X "DA232X VT22"
Configuration file : config-test.json
Course codes to be processed: ['DA231X', 'DA232X VT22']
processing section DA231X HT22 (TCSCM-p1)
processing section DA231X HT22 (TCSCM-p2)
processing section DA231X VT22 (60129)
processing section DA231X VT22 (60132)
processing section DA232X VT22 (60555)
Creating directory: ./Submission-33514-38550-179168
Writing file ./Submission-33514-38550-179168/YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS-lastanem__firstname-xxxx.pdf



To output the informaiton abotu a student's submission - specifically the file name(s), date, and size(s)


./get_students_submissions_with_comments.py course_:d assignment_id user_id



filename: xxxx.pdf, type=pdf, date=xxxx, size=xxxxx
filename: xxxx.mp4, type=video, date=xxxx, size=xxxxx

Another example:

./get_students_submissions_with_comments.py 11 50 122918
filename: Simple_test_document.docx, type=doc, date=2023-04-07T12:06:55Z, size=12944
filename: Simple_test_document.pdf, type=pdf, date=2023-04-07T12:07:15Z, size=194952
comment: author=Gerald Quentin Maguire Jr), date=2023-04-07T12:03:10Z, comment=A simple comment and the simple test document.
comment: author=Gerald Quentin Maguire Jr), date=2023-04-07T12:08:54Z, comment=A new comment on the combined submission. ♼

with the "-p" option it outputs the full response from the API call

Note: If the user_id is not provided it defaults to "self", i.e., the user makiing the request.



Take a spreadsheet, such as produced by list_sections_in_course.py that has had the section_name changed to be a specific teacher's section and add the student to that section.


./place_students_in_sections_in_course.py course_id spreadshseet_name name_of_column_with_section_assignments


The program outputs lines noting which section a student is being placed in or if the student is already in the indicated section.


If the section name indicated does not exist, the section will be created. Section names that end with a ")" and have an earleir "(" are ignored when processing the entires in the section_names.


./list_sections_in_course.py 41492
# edit the spreadsheet
./place_students_in_sections_in_course.py 41492 sections-in-41492.xlsx



To compute the number and list of unique words in a course.


./compute_unique_words_for_pages_in_course.py  course_id


Outputs a file with the unique words each on a line


Some of the tests are incomplete, but remove a lot of the "words" that are not really useful (such as numbers, ISBNs, DOIs, ...).

This program was inspired when I read the paper:

Hans Malmström, Diane Pecorari, and Marcus Warnby, ‘Teachers’ receptive and productive vocabulary sizes in English-medium instruction’, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, pp. 1–19, Sep. 2023 [Online]. DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2023.2260781


./compute_unique_words_for_pages_in_course.py 11544
13854 unique words
10938 unique words output to unique_words-for-course-11544.txt

./prune_unique_words.py course_id


The program takes the dictionary stored as JSON as output of compute_unique_words_for_pages_in_course.py, specifically the unique_words-for-course-frequency-<course_id>.txt file and prunes out words based on different filtering.


./prune_unique_words.py  --dir ./Course_31168/ 31168


It outputs a reduce file with the filtered dictionary. For example it outpus the following types of files.


It also outputs a spreadsheet of values, such as:


The program itself also outputs some information, such as shown below:

Loading some directories
   2999 entries in American3000
   2003 entries in American5000
  15281 entries in EFLLex_NLP4J
  15686 entries in SVALex_Korp
  17871 entries in FLELex_CRF Tagger
   7610 words in common_English words
    385 words in common Swedish words
      5 words in common French words
     10 words in common Latin words

Pruning the input
   5338 unique words - initially 
   5308 words left,      30 place names removed
   5275 words left,      33 misc_words_to_ignore removed
   5223 words left,      52 company_and_product_names removed
   5208 words left,      15 abbreviations_ending_in_period removed
   5204 words left,       4 common_programming_languages removed
   5166 words left,      38  domainnames removed
   5071 words left,      95  improbable words removed
	806 likely acronyms
   4196 unique words after filtering acronyms and single letters
   4196 unique words after filtering if there is a title case and lower case version of the word  turn to lower case
   4101 words left,      95 top_100_English_words removed
   3606 words left,     495 thousand_most_common_words_in_English removed
   2836 words left,     770 Oxford American 3000 words removed
   2550 words left,     286 Oxford American 5000 words removed
   2166 words left,     384 EFLLex_NLP4J words removed
   2092 words left,      74 SVALex_Korp words removed
   2028 words left,      64 FLELex_CRF Tagger words removed
    827 words left,    1201 common English words removed
    759 words left,      68 common Swedish words removed
    757 words left,       2 common French words removed
    755 words left,       2 common Latin words removed
    761 words left,       6 words added after processing words that appear in title case
    526 starting with a capital letter (69.12%)
    231 starting with a lower case letter (30.35%)
      4 starting with another type of letter (0.53%)

Some statistics about the CEFR levels of the words as determined by the five main data sources
The totals are the total numbers of the input words that appear in this source.
The percentage shown following the totals indicates what portion of the words from this source were used in the course pages.
The American 3000 and 5000 sources have an explicit column of plurals; the rest are considered "singular".
EFLLex_NLP4J, SVALex_Korp, and FLELex_CRF Tagger do {bold_text("not")} have any C2 words. The level used for a word based on these sources is based on the most frequent level for this word. In contrast for the other sources, the level used is the lowest level for that word or the highest level when the word is hyphenated.
The level xx indicates that the word does not have a known CEFR level.

American 3000: total: 1040 (34.68%), singular: 1040, plural: 281
singular: {'A1': 400, 'A2': 286, 'B1': 182, 'B2': 156}
  plural: {'A1': 380, 'A2': 287, 'B1': 182, 'B2': 155}
American 5000: total: 248 (12.38%), singular: 248, plural: 52
singular:                                 {'B2': 98, 'C1': 149}
  plural:                                 {'B2': 19, 'C1': 31}
EFLLex_NLP4J (English): total: 1728 (12.46%)
	{'A1': 138, 'A2': 163, 'B1': 374, 'B2': 466, 'C1': 587}
SVALex_Korp (Swedish): total: 309 (2.02%)
	{'A1': 34, 'A2': 54, 'B1': 59, 'B2': 91, 'C1': 71}
FLELex_CRF Tagger (French): total: 505 (3.05%)
	{'A1': 60, 'A2': 58, 'B1': 111, 'B2': 65, 'C1': 211}
common English words: total: 1601 (21.04%)
	{'A1': 213, 'A2': 170, 'B1': 332, 'B2': 418, 'C1': 243, 'C2': 224}
top 100 English  words: total: 97  (97.00%)
	{'A1': 87, 'A2': 10}
top 100 words in English that were not used: {'him', 'come', 'me'}
thousand most common words in_English: total: 618  (68.97%)
	{'A1': 270, 'A2': 171, 'B1': 121, 'B2': 54, 'C1': 2}
common Swedish words: total: 122  (31.69%)
common French words: total: 5  (100.00%)
common Latin words: total: 6  (60.00%)


This is still a work in progress.



To reduce the list of likely acronyms based upon the acronyms that are already in the course (based on the output of the prune_unique_words.py program) or perhaps some other filtering. Currently, only the difference between the likely set and the existing set are considered.


reduce_possible_acronyms.py  course_id [url to acronym page]


Outputs a file, such as unique_words-for-course-missing-acronyms-31168.txt with the still missing acronyms


The idea is to help the user reduce the set of likely acronyms so that they decide which of them to include them in a course web page.


./reduce_possible_acronyms.py  --dir Course_31168 31168

One can create an HTML file with a table of acronyms and even include a column for Swedish descriptions

./reduce_possible_acronyms.py --create -s --dir Course_11544 11544

One can create an HTML file with a descriptions list of acronyms:

./reduce_possible_acronyms.py --create -dl --dir Course_11544 11544

This produces output of the form:

processing existing acronyms from ['acronyms-and-abbreviations']
581 likely acronyms
399 existing acronyms in the Canvas course room
240 missing acronyms
missing acronyms = ['AWK', 'All-IP', 'BIND', 'BLOG', 'BYE', 'CANARIE', 'CANCEL', 'CC', 'CDMA2000', 'CE', 'CEO', 'CERTA', 'CHUNKS', 'CIAC', 'CMT', 'CNAME', 'CNCERT/CC', 'CODE', 'COMPLETE', 'COOKIE', 'COOKIE_ACK', 'COOKIE_ECHO', 'CORBA-IDL', 'CORBA/SNMP', 'COS/CCS', 'CRITIC/ECP', 'CRUDE', 'CS-2000-06', 'CSD-94-858', 'CSIRT', 'CSLIP', 'CSRC', 'CU-SeeME', 'DATA', 'DATA_FILE', 'DCE', 'DECnet', 'DF', 'DNSViz', 'DNSsec', 'DOI', 'DR-Web', 'DS', 'DSAP', 'DSCP', 'DySPAN', 'ECHO', 'ECT', 'END', 'ENV', 'ERROR', 'FH', 'FIN', 'FLAGS', 'FMIPv6', 'FOKUS', 'FSL-04-03', 'GET', 'GETALL', 'GETATTR', 'GETLIST', 'GLOP', 'GS2', 'GSS', 'GSS-TSIG', 'HAVC', 'HAWAII', 'HBH', 'HDMI', 'HEAD', 'HEARTBEAT', 'HEARTBEAT_ACK', 'HIPPI', 'HMAC-ALGO', 'HP', 'HTTP-NG', 'HTTP/1.0', 'HTTP/1.1', 'ICEBERG', 'ICMPv6', 'ID', 'IDUP-GSS-API', 'IEEE/ACM', 'IFS', 'II', 'IK1203', 'IK1552', 'IMEI', 'IN', 'INC', 'INIT', 'INTERNET', 'INVITE', 'IO', 'ION', 'IOS', 'IP-in-IP', 'IPSec', 'IPX/SPX', 'IPv6/IPsec', 'IPv6/IPv4', 'ISC', 'IT', 'IVERSEN', 'IX', 'J-SAC', 'KUO', 'KX', 'LACNIC', 'LBO', 'LI', 'LOC', 'LTTP', 'MA', 'MAE-East', 'MAE-West', 'MASCOTS', 'MBONED', 'MEDIA', 'MF', 'MG', 'MGEN', 'MINFO', 'MKDIR', 'MOSPF', 'MR', 'MSR-α', 'ND', 'NETCONF', 'NETNOD', 'NICNAME', 'NJ', 'NLA', 'NTTP', 'NetBIOS', 'NetID', 'OBS', 'OID', 'ONC', 'ONC/RPC', 'OPTIONS', 'OpenDNS', 'OpenID', 'OpenVPN', 'PATH', 'PETS', 'PGP/MIME', 'PING', 'PMAPPROC_DUMP', 'PMAPPROC_SET', 'PMAPPROC_UNSET', 'PODC', 'POST', 'PPID', 'PPP/SLIP/serial', 'PSH', 'PSML', 'PTYPE', 'PURSUIT', 'QUIC', 'RADb', 'RANDOM', 'READIR', 'REGISTER', 'REMOVE', 'RESV', 'RF', 'RFC1213', 'RFC1533', 'RFC2409', 'RFC3554', 'RFC826', 'RFID', 'RIID', 'RIPv1', 'RIPv2', 'RMDIR', 'RMON1', 'RMON2', 'RRSID', 'RS', 'RSSId', 'RST', 'SANS', 'SASL', 'SAVI', 'SEND', 'SHUTDOWN', 'SID', 'SIGCOMM', 'SIGTRAN', 'SKI', 'SLO', 'SMIv2', 'SNMPv2', 'SNMPv2p', 'SNMPv2u', 'SNMPv3', 'SOCK', 'SOCKS', 'SOCKS-based', 'SOL-IX', 'SO_BROADCAST', 'SSH', 'STANDARD', 'STHIX', 'SYN', 'SYN_ACK', 'SYN_RCVD', 'SoCC', 'T1', 'TCCN', 'TCP/IP', 'TCP_NODELAY', 'TELNET', 'TI', 'TIME_WAIT', 'TYPE', 'UK', 'ULA', 'UPDATE', 'URG', 'US', 'USA', 'USENIX', 'UTC', 'V4', 'V6', 'VOIP', 'VT2022Time', 'VoIP', 'VoLTE', 'WEB', 'X.400/RFC822', 'XIN', 'XORd', 'Y-MP', 'YANG', 'iOS', 'non-SACK']



To get all of the files of a Canvas for a given course_id


getall-files.py  course_id destination_directory

the -a or --all option sayes to include even the hiddern folders and files the -i or --info option creates an xlsx file with a seheet of information about the folders and another about the files the -s or --skip option has the program skipp getting the files the -t or --testing option can be used to have functions just used when testing


Creates the necessary subdirectories under the destination_directory and outputs each of the files.

Also when the --info option is use it outputs a file with a name of the form: folders_for_{course_id}.xlsx in he destination_directory. This spreadsheet has sheets, Folders, Files, and Merged.


Does not do anything to handle files with different file IDs that have the same name, the last one to be copied will overwrite an earlier copy.


getall-files.py 11  Course_11



The program walks the path to collect the XLSX files into a single speadsheet.

The individual XLSX files are assumed to have been output by prune_unique_words.py


./combine_XLSX_files.py path course_id


The resulting combined file is output as: combined_sheets-{course_id}.xlsx


./combine_XLSX_files.py --dir "./Course_41668/course files/"

Outputs the combined_sheets.xlsx file in the directory ./Course_41668/



To recursively compute the unique words and prune them


when in the directory Course_41668/course file

 ../../compute_and_prune.bash .


You can see the name of the file being processed and the output of the two programs.



The content is taken from the wikipages in the specified course have been saved in a file and the pages are separated with lines, such as: ⌘⏩routing-table-search-classless⏪ where the page URL is between the markers. This makes it easy to look at the source material, for example when tryign to locate misspellings.

The idea is to read in this material and extract information about all of the anchor elements.


./extract_anchros_elements_from_rawHTML_files.py  --dir Course_course_id course_id


Outputs a JSON file with information about each of the anchors using the information from a file such as unique_words-for-course-raw_HTML-{course-id}.txt


Some of the information is shorted, for example by reducing the class information and removing some of the attributes (that to be seemed uninteresting).


./extract_anchros_elements_from_rawHTML_files.py  --dir Course_41668 41668

Applying the CEFR tools to a course

The following shows all of the tools being applied for a course, in this case the course_id = 41668


mkdir Course_41668
./compute_unique_words_for_pages_in_course.py --dir Course_41668 41668
./prune_unique_words.py --bar --slash --dir Course_41668 41668
./extract_anchor_elements_from_rawHTML_files.py  --dir Course_41668 41668
./getall-files.py -i --all 41668  Course_41668
cd Course_41668/course files
../../compute_and_prune.bash .
./combine_XLSX_files.py --dir "./Course_41668/course files/" 41668


After completing all of the above the target directory (in this case Course_41668) wil contain the following files:

  • anchors-41668.json
  • combined_sheets-41668.xlsx
  • folders_for_41668.xlsx
  • unique_words-for-course-41668.txt
  • unique_words-for-course-frequency-41668.txt
  • unique_words-for-course-frequency-updated-41668.txt
  • unique_words-for-course-likely-acronyms-41668.txt
  • unique_words-for-course-likely-stats-41668.xlsx
  • unique_words-for-course-raw_HTML-41668.txt
  • unique_words-for-course-raw_text-41668.txt
  • unique_words-for-course-skipped-41668.txt
  • unique_words-for-course-skipped-in-update-41668.txt

and a directory:

  • course files

Under the "course files" you wil find individual files (such as F08.pdf) and the corresponding procesed files, such as:

  • unique_words-for-course-likely-stats-41668_Uppladdade media_F08.pdf.xlsx
  • unique_words-for-course-frequency-updated-41668_Uppladdade media_F08.pdf.txt
  • unique_words-for-course-likely-acronyms-41668_Uppladdade media_F08.pdf.txt
  • unique_words-for-course-skipped-in-update-41668_Uppladdade media_F08.pdf.txt
  • unique_words-for-course-41668_Uppladdade media_F08.pdf.txt
  • unique_words-for-course-frequency-41668_Uppladdade media_F08.pdf.txt
  • unique_words-for-course-raw_text-41668_Uppladdade media_F08.pdf.txt
  • unique_words-for-course-skipped-41668_Uppladdade media_F08.pdf.txt


While most of the above is rather quick, it takes almost 40 minutes to run compute_and_prune.bash on the whole tree of course files.

Files of the form: unique_words-for-course-raw_text-* and unique_words-for-course-raw_HTML-* contain the extracted text and the extracted HTML. Note that there is only extracted HTML for the wikipages and the syllabus.

Files of the form: unique_words-for-course-skipped-in-update* contain "words" that were skipped when doing the update (in the prune operation).

Files of the form: unique_words-for-course-frequency-* and unique_words-for-course-frequency-updated-* contain the word frequency data before and after the prune opeation.

Files of the form: unique_words-for-course-likely-acronyms-* contain words that are likely to be acronyms (as determined during the prune operation).

Files of the form: unique_words-for-course-likely-stats-* contain a summary of the statistics while the file combined_sheets*.xlsx contains all of the statistics of all the individual sources.

Files of the form: folders_for_* contain information about the folders and files (as determined when running getall-files).

Files of the form: anchors-* contain information about the anchors in the toplevel rawHTML (as detrmined when running extract_anchros_elements_from_rawHTML_files).

The general process is to look at

  • unique_words-for-course-frequency-* to tune the compute_unique_words_for_pages_in_course.py program
  • unique_words-for-course-frequency-updated-* to tune the prune_unique_words.py

In the above tuning includes adding new prefix and suffix strings or new filtering functions in compute_unique_words_for_pages_in_course.py program, while tuning of prune_unique_words.py primarily involves adding new words and possibly CEFR level information. Ideally, there should be few words left in unique_words-for-course-frequency-updated-* .. meaning that the pruning has identified the words.

Warning adding new words seems an unending task due to the different words used in different courses.