
A PHP 7Digital api client

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Latest Stable Version SensioLabsInsight Scrutinizer Quality Score


  1. Add the following to your composer.json:
    "require": {
        "gquemener/7digital-client": "~1.0"
  1. Update your deps using `composer.phar update --prefer-dist``
  2. Start playing!



require './vendor/autoload.php';

use SevenDigital\ApiClient;

$client = new ApiClient(/** consumer_key */);

$track = $client->getTrackService(); //Services artist, release and tag are also accessible the same way

$results = $track->search('Queen'); // Use the method name as described in the 7digital api documentation
                                    // (ex: http://api.7digital.com/1.2/static/documentation/7digitalpublicapi.html#track/search)
                                    // Required argument can be passed directly
$results = $track->search(array( // Other arguments must be passed as a hash
 'q'        => 'Queen',          // Method result will be an instance of \SimpleXMLElement (http://fr2.php.net/simplexmlelement)
 'pageSize' => 1,

If a method is missing, feel free to [contact me](mailto:gildas.quemener at gmail dot com) or send a PR.