Aggregate Design


In a uber-like domain, shipment consists of multiple stops.

An example is a shipment which first stops is to collect the product, and the second one is to deliver it.

Business rules

  • When a product is ready to be delivered, a shipment is scheduled with all the necessary stops
  • Once the carrier arrives at the first stop, its status switches to "arrived"
  • Once the carrier leaves a stop, its status switches to "departed"
  • Once all the stops have been departed, the shipment is considered as delivered
  • A carrier can not skip a stop


Successfully perform all the necessary stops

Time Restaurant A Customer 10:00 In transit In transit 10:08 Arrived In transit 10:12 Departed In transit 10:30 Departed Arrived 10:31 Departed Departed

Fail to skip a stop

Time Restaurant A Restaurant B Customer 22:04 In transit In transit In transit 22:09 Arrived In transit In transit 22:29 Departed In transit In transit 22:43 Departed In transit Arrived XXX Error: carrier has missed a stop to Restaurant B !!