
Experimental new EventStore Implementation.

Primary LanguagePHP


Experimental new EventStore Implementation.

Might be merged into prooph one day.

Mono-Repository combining multiple prooph components into one (for easier development accross repos).


Base classes for usage with all event store implementations.


Compatible with Greg's EventStore as well as HTTP-API from pdo-event-store

PDO EventStore

requires the following php-extensions:

  • pdo_mysql or pdo_pgsql

InMemory EventStore

Not now...


  1. Download Greg's EventStore (only working implementation so far):

wget https://eventstore.org/downloads/EventStore-OSS-Ubuntu-14.04-v4.1.0.tar.gz

  1. Extract

tar -xf EventStore-OSS-Ubuntu-14.04-v4.1.0.tar.gz

  1. Change Dir

cd EventStore-OSS-Ubuntu-14.04-v4.1.0

  1. Start Server

./run-node.sh --db ./ESData --run-projections=all

  1. Start Test-Script

php test-script.php

  1. Check output

  2. Run again

php test-script.php

Now we have: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Prooph\EventStore\Exception\WrongExpectedVersion: Append failed due to WrongExpectedVersion. Stream: sasastream, Expected version: -1, Current version: 1

  1. There is also a second test-script regarding subscriptions, see test-script-2.php

  2. And there is a third test-script which starts an example subscription, see test-script-3.php

Using Docker

A simple docker setup is available, too. Instead of manual installation you can run:

docker-compose up -d

and test scripts with:

docker-compose run php php docker/test-script.php

docker-compose run php php docker/test-script-2.php

docker-compose run php php docker/test-script-3.php

Greg's EventStore provides a Web UI which you can access in your browser: http://localhost:2113 Default login credentials are admin with pwd changeit.



  • EventStoreConnection interface
  • EventStoreAsyncConnection interface
  • EventStoreSubscriptionConnection interface
  • EventStoreAsyncSubscriptionConnection interface
  • EventStoreTransactionConnection interface
  • EventStoreAsyncTransactionConnection interface
  • ProjectionManagement interface
  • AsyncProjectionManagement interface
  • EventStoreStats interface
  • AsyncEventStoreStats interface
  • UserManagement interface
  • AsyncUserManagement interface
  • Remove Write Result classes (if no use-case found)
  • Scavenging


  • HttpEventStoreConnection
  • HttpProjectionManagement
  • HttpEventStoreStats
  • HttpUserManagement
  • HTTP-LongPoll-Header
  • Scavenging


  • PdoEventStoreConnection
  • Transaction Handling
  • PdoProjectionManagement
  • PdoUserManagement
  • ACL Integration
  • Scavenging


  • Use connection interface
  • Event Publisher
  • Upcaster
  • Causation Metadata Enricher
  • Transaction Handling


  • TBD


  • find a place to live for this class (maybe event-sourcing and duplicate in micro)