Blackfire agent installation troubleshoot


As described in the doc, after installing the blackfire agent, one is suppose to register its credentials in order to link the agent with his blackfire account.

Unfortunately, while using a non-interactive process, like a docker image build, the registration through the command line does not work. Basically, I would expect to be able to configure the server-id and server-token through command line without using an interactive shell (which is required by -register).

Steps to reproduce

Build the docker image shipped in this repo:

$ docker build -t blackfire-php .

Run a container using this image:

$ docker run --rm -it -e BLACKFIRE_AGENT_SERVER_ID=b6a6558e-2301-4f2e-878f-3ab024b3b4d1 -e BLACKFIRE_AGENT_SERVER_TOKEN=c41597df5f0a29244f2f7e903f5f0fca2249b1a07b25a7d3aece07e768518828 blackfire-php php -v
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: Using CLI flags for 'log-file' configuration entry.
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: Using CLI flags for 'log-level' configuration entry.
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: Using CLI flags for 'server-id' configuration entry.
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: Using CLI flags for 'server-token' configuration entry.
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: Using default configuration file for 'ca-cert' configuration entry.
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: Using default configuration file for 'collector' configuration entry.
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: Using default configuration file for 'http-proxy' configuration entry.
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: Using default configuration file for 'https-proxy' configuration entry.
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: Using default configuration file for 'socket' configuration entry.
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: Using default configuration file for 'spec' configuration entry.
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: blackfire-agent 1.15.0 linux amd64 gc 2017-11-16T21:19:50+0000
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: Retrieving public keys from API
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: Fetching public keys from API
[2018-01-02T21:19:50Z] DEBUG: Sending request GET
[2018-01-02T21:19:52Z] DEBUG: API answered with status code: 200
[2018-01-02T21:19:52Z] DEBUG: Unmarshalled json result: &{[{RWT1ciFcmJUimhYCV1cY49BSsfqVDrt5aVARTzTCuxvJhJxpQJmg2bUd RWTscN69dTZ4ViY4vrLQ7f_upHWcAgpopQc_m112Mp9wFJbtFquOuG7u16TP6Gljf1iP70IQKkXButakdkzRU\X_ejhbXYFgQ8= 20180411}]}
[2018-01-02T21:19:52Z] DEBUG: Started verification of '1' public keys
[2018-01-02T21:19:52Z] DEBUG: Retrieving specs from the API
[2018-01-02T21:19:52Z] DEBUG: Fetching specs from API
[2018-01-02T21:19:52Z] DEBUG: Sending request GET
[2018-01-02T21:19:53Z] DEBUG: API answered with status code: 200
[2018-01-02T21:19:53Z] DEBUG: Merging spec from the API and local spec
[2018-01-02T21:19:53Z] DEBUG: New value of DefaultSpec.LastMaxAge:  24h0m0s
[2018-01-02T21:19:53Z] DEBUG: Listening for connections on 'unix:///var/run/blackfire/agent.sock'
[2018-01-02T21:19:53Z] ERROR: Error while trying to listen for connections on 'unix:///var/run/blackfire/agent.sock': listen unix /var/run/blackfire/agent.sock: bind: no such file or directory
[....] Restarting Blackfire Agent: blackfire-agentThe server ID parameter is not set. Please run 'blackfire-agent -register' to configure it.
usage /usr/bin/blackfire-agent [options]
--collector="": Sets the URL of Blackfire's data collector
--config="/etc/blackfire/agent": Sets the path to the configuration file
-d: Prints the current configuration
--http-proxy="": Sets the http proxy to use
--https-proxy="": Sets the https proxy to use
--log-file="stderr": Sets the path of the log file. Use stderr to log to stderr
--log-level="1": log verbosity level (4: debug, 3: info, 2: warning, 1: error)
--register: Helps you with registering the agent
--server-id="": Sets the server id used to authenticate with Blackfire API
--server-token="": Sets the server token used to authenticate with Blackfire API. It is unsafe to set this from the command line
--socket="unix:///var/run/blackfire/agent.sock": Sets the socket the agent should read traces from. Possible value can be a unix socket or a TCP address. ie: unix:///var/run/blackfire/agent.sock or tcp://
--test: Tests the configuration
--timeout="15s": Sets the Blackfire connection timeout
-v: Prints the version number
PHP 7.1.11 (cli) (built: Nov  4 2017 10:16:07) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.1.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies

Expected result

The result should be the same as the one produced by blackfire-agent -register:

Verifying credentials...
The following configuration has been updated successfully
Please now restart the blackfire-agent service to use the generated configuration

sudo /etc/init.d/blackfire-agent restart

Thank you for using Blackfire

One other solution could be to directly update the config file (without prompting values) when using the -register option combined with --server-id and/or --server-token.


So far, I've managed to configure the credentials by running the following commands in

$ sed -i "s/^server-id=.*/server-id=${BLACKFIRE_AGENT_SERVER_ID}/" /etc/blackfire/agent
$ sed -i "s/^server-token=.*/server-token=${BLACKFIRE_AGENT_SERVER_TOKEN}/" /etc/blackfire/agent
$ /etc/init.d/blackfire-agent restart