See how well you age with AI
Introduction · Features · One-click Deploy · Author
Extrapolate is an app for you to see how well you age by transforming your face with Artificial Intelligence. 100% free and privacy friendly.
- 3s GIF of your face as it ages through time 🧓
- Email notification when the GIF is ready (via Replicate webhook callback)
- Store & retrieve photos from Cloudflare R2 using Workers
- Photos auto-delete after 24 hours (via Upstash qStash)
You can deploy this template to Vercel with the button below:
Note that you'll need to set up a ReplicateHQ account and Upstash account to get the required environment variables.
You'll also need to create a Cloudflare R2 instance and set up a Cloudflare Worker to handle uploads & reads (will add more instructions on this soon).
- Steven Tey (@steventey)