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GitHub OAuth Login example

This is an example web app which uses your OAuth app for authentication.

Here is a description about the OAuth Web application flow.


  1. Serve the index.html over http(s)
  2. Create a new OAuth app
  3. Deploy an OAuth server
  4. Adapt index.html

Step 1: Serve the index.html over http(s)

Clone the repository (or alternatively download the ZIP file)

git clone https://github.com/gr2m/github-oauth-login.git
cd github-oauth-login

Start a server in the current folder. For example, if you have python installed, you can just run

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

This will start a server at http://localhost:8000.

Step 2: Create a new OAuth app

You can create an OAuth app with your account or with a GitHub organization. Give the app a name and a homepage (neither matter). Set the Authorization callback URL to the URL from step 1, e.g. http://localhost:8000.

Step 3: Deploy an OAuth server

You need to deploy a small server which keeps the OAuth app’s secret safe, as it cannot be shared in the browser.

The simplest way to do that is @HenrikJoreteg’s github-secret-keeper. You can deploy it easily to https://glitch.com/. Press on "New Project" on the top right, then press the "Clone from Git Repo" button and paste in https://github.com/HenrikJoreteg/github-secret-keeper.git

After the project is imported, edit the package.json file and add

  "scripts": {
    "start": "node server.js"

Then create a new file called .env and enter the following

<client id>=<client secret>

Replace <client id> with your OAuth app’s clientid, and the same with <client secret>. At the end it will look something like this


4. Adapt index.html

Finally, edit the index.html.

Replace const CLIENT_ID = "af3540296c43be2ada1c"; with your app’s client ID. Replace https://henrikjoreteg-github-secret-keeper.glitch.me/:client_id/:code with your Glitch app’s URL.
