
Register a GitHub App using the manifest flow

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC


Register a GitHub App using the manifest flow




import registerGitHubApp from "register-github-app";
const appCredentials = await registerGitHubApp();

Write credentials into a .env file.

import fs from "node:fs/promises";
import crypto from "node:crypto";

import registerGitHubApp from "register-github-app";

// register app and retrieve credentials
const appCredentials = await registerGitHubApp({
  // name of your app
  name: "my-github-app",
  // Homepage of your app, e.g. your app's repository or your org/user account
  url: "https://github.com/monatheoctocat/monas-github-app",
  // object of permissions for new installations
  default_permissions: {
    issues: "write",
  // List of events for new installations
  evedefault_events: ["issues"],

// convert private key to pkcs8 format (recommended for better cross plattform support)
const privateKeyPKCS8 = String(
    type: "pkcs8",
    format: "pem",
const singleLinePrivateKey = privateKeyPKCS8.trim().replace(/\n/g, "\\n");

// write credentials into `.env` file
await fs.writeFile(

Register an app on an organization

import registerGitHubApp from "register-github-app";

// register app and retrieve credentials
const appCredentials = await registerGitHubApp({
  org: "my-organization-login",
  // name of your app
  name: "my-github-app",
  // object of permissions for new installations
  default_permissions: {
    issues: "write",
  // List of events for new installations
  evedefault_events: ["issues"],

See also

How it works

Registering a GitHub App using the manifest flow is an alternative to manually register a GitHub App on a user account or an organization. Here is what the register-github-app does

  1. Starts a server on a random available port.
  2. When opened in browser, it generates an HTML form with an input named manifest which value is set to a JSON string with the app manifest settings, and submits the form to github.com
  3. On github.com, the user will be prompted to sign in or enter sudo mode.
  4. Once authenticated, the user has to confirm the GitHub App name. It must be globally unique.
  5. Once confirmed, the browser redirects to server started in the first step with a one-time code
  6. The app credentials are retrieved using the one-time code, the server is stopped, and the credentials are returned

