This is a Sublime Text 2 plugin.
Add "$" symbol before PHP variable name
AutoPHPDollar automatically insters "$" character before variables. Type the variable name without "$", and this plugin add it.
Go to your Packages
subdirectory under ST2's data directory:
- Windows:
%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 2
- OS X:
~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages
- Linux:
- Portable Installation:
Sublime Text 2/Data
Then clone this repository:
git clone git://
That's it!
Several options are available to customize the plugin behavior.
You can add custom rules, that improves variables detection. The rule contains regular expression to find a variable without dollar character, and the replacement of found text.
"rules": [
"search": "(?<![\\$\\w\\d\\>])(\\w[\\w\\d]*)(?=\\s*=)",
"replace": "$\\1"
You can add words, that should be ignored by plugin. It can be buildin function name, like array_walk, or PHP keyword. In PHP, you can use variable name like $private, but you dont want to add the $ sign to each "private" you typed. So, add this name to this list.
"ignore names": [
You can add words, that never has variable name after it. For example, this is the function keyword. You can not use constructions like function $myfuncname($args) in PHP, so you do not want to add $ sign to the function name. Or constant name.
"ignore after": [
- improve variables detection